
Tests: Gishki FTK and Nimble OTK

Well, I tested alot those two, and I'm really happy, here are the results of the tests:

Gishki FTK: is really consistent, can resist for a turn or two or even win via beatdown when you don't succeed into doing the full combo on first turn. If you resist for more than 3 turns, you're probably going to win. Just hope your opponent doesn't set too much.

Nimble OTK: this post was mainly for this one, I tested it, something like 30 games, and I haven't lost even once. That's Awesome. I encountered lots of bad Match-Ups (deck that set too much and Inzektors, those two mainly), but ever win, even with bad hands. It comboes too much for the opponent to handle it with those backrows, pretty much the same of fableds. Opponent had a full field, Laggia+Dollka+2 set cards, I had nothing on the field and pretty much a bad hand I don't fully remember. Once I succeded into getting rid of dollka, everything was easy, just stalled and drew into Dark Hole, that stopped laggia, luckily the opponent didn't have starlight, then I made the opponent waste all of the XYZ materials of dollka, then comboed, I made him waste all of the set cards he had, and win. It was kinda a big table-flip. Just consider that the two set cards were solemn warning and solemn judgment. Was kinda hard.
I did pretty much the same against T.G. Antimeta and Machina Antimeta, kinda hard, but won however. Inzektor bugged me more than I expected, but got rid of them however, caius wins games.

If you want something to play IRL, play Gishki FTK, if you can, play Nimble OTK (I think that nimbles are released in OCG already, am I wrong?).
Those are two awesome decks, nimble is the best one, though, but gishki is cheap and TCG-ready.


  1. Did you try Genex Undine yet?
    I think there would be some awesome combos possible

    1. Already did, dropped it because of 5 slots, they kinda hard to find here, if you see the list at the previous post, you should notice how strict we're on the main. I'm trying actually -1 E-Con +1 Sea Lancer, -1 Dupe +1 Poison Draw, -1 something, still don't know +1 Poseidra.
      However, the main reason for undine's drop is their level. Level 3 is totally unuseful here, except if using it with genex controller, but that'll slow down all the deck. Undine is for other builds, this is the turbo one, but I'm currently building a more OTK but less fast one, with seahorsemen that searchs ice god, too.
