
Gishki FTK

Ehm, yeah, pretty much. Still working on the decklist, I'll put it once it's finished.
First of it, let's say that I played for a little time a strange build of gishkis back in time, with fishborg.
It abused of hand destruction and trade-in (the latter with ogre) and with mirror's recycling abilities it was possible to always have the discard fodder, then, with treeborn frog on the field, you could summon beast, SS another gishki lv4, SS Fishborg, go into libra, summon fish again, synchro into formula, draw 2, fish again, synchro into catastor, draw one, then all into Quasar. It was kinda good for those times, but the ban of fishborg totally shut it down. I tried the draw engine, since it was kinda consistent, with other things, but it didn't go well with exodia/Wall-Equalizer-Explosion, and I didn't see other ways to use it.
Now I "reborned" it. I was reading some cards on wikia trying to find some card that inspired me into building something, then I saw One Day of Peace. I believe it's total luck, I clicked on the random article button and saw first a gishki card that remembered me of all of the fun times I had with that deck, then clicking it again, I saw One Day. One Day of Peace is highly related to a tech card I used back in time with gishkis, mind augus. It was funny to recycle your opponent's bulb/spore (not used)/sangan and stuff, but it remembered me of something.
What if we have no more cards in the deck, then we use mind augus to send back in deck 2/3 One Day and 2/3 Upstart Goblin, then use one of our draw cards to draw at least one and continue drawing? We recycle what we need, go into another augus, rinse and repeat. Opponent'll draw everything and die.
This deck has a big enemy, though...Effect Veiler...yeah, I hate him/her (I prefer thinking of it as an "he"). He's the worst enemy of all of my decks, pretty much, since I'm for combo deck, as ya'll know.
I'm trying to find something that could stop veiler on first turn WHILE not clogging. In facts a resolution could be Prohibition, but it clogs too much not lettin' you play well enough to win.
The main point of the deck, though, is that it don't need to win on first turn, if you're unlucky enough to not win, but not enough to have no big summonable monsters in hand, you can win by simple beatdown.
I'll explain it better another time, since today's the first day I'm working with it, I don't feel like writing too much, I haven't even tested it, I just used some little proxied cards to have sample hands and try the combo, admitting opponent doesn't play veiler.
Stay Tuned.

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