
Nimble OTK

Monsters: [23]
2 Caius the "Awesome" Monarch
2 Dupe Frog
1 Light and Darkness Dragon
2 Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace
3 Nimble Goosefish
3 Nimble Manta
3 Nimble Sunfish
1 Obelisk "the Great 3-Tribute"
2 Ronintoadin
3 Swap Frog
1 Treeborn Frog

Spells: [16]
1 Book of Moon
2 Creature Swap
1 Dark Hole
3 Enemy Controller
1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Moray of Greed
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Salvage

Traps: [1]
1 Treacherous Trap Hole

I builded this with a friend of mine, he's called Itachi, I'm sayin this to give credits to him, and because I'll need you to start being familiar with this name, I believe I'll build a lot with him.
Said this:
The deck is Broken, while nimble before weren't even called an archetype, now they're a broken one. For those who didn't realize how the deck works, it's basically Nimble Goosefish Abuse, with gachi gachis everywhere helped with swap and ronin. After this, it usually OTK with Daigusto Phoenix (double phoenix with 2 gachi gachis on the field is 9200 damages, without attacking with the gachis that are 1300 Attackers) or using Moulin Glace. It goes into OTKs in the range of 3/4 turn maximum, in the while time it controls a little with Caius and Enemy Controller (ya all should know that I love E-con), while doing some beat with big monsters supported with Gachi Gachi, and sometimes it goes with Mouling to hand control the opponent and have a beatstick. I did something like 20 duels with this deck, and still, I haven't ever draw into: (I'm saying at least a copy, so if I drew only a caius in a duel, it would count as "drew")
Book of Moon;

I never lost in these 20 duels, so I didn't draw into those because of this deck winning the second or third turn, usually, or fourth in some hard match-ups, fifth with difficult hands.

Let's explain some of the cards:
Caius, controls well the field while having a good beatstick. We mainly put him in, along with LaDD and Obelisk because we put treeborn, and we put treeborn because of swap that was put in because of the good amount of lv2 and the effect that discards that can trigger goosefish.
Swap, ronin, dupe, treeborn, the Frog Engine. Basically, we needed more cards to do rank 2 xyzs, because it would be kinda slow without this. Thanks to this engine, we could implement some tribute monsters.
Obelisk and LaDD, good tribute monsters, I still haven't tried them, since I didn't draw into them yet, but they look okay.
Moray of Greed, draw card, but mainly because it could put back cards like nimble manta and nimble sunfish that could clog the hand while having no targets in the deck for Goosefish. We were thinking of magical mallet, but we prefer this over mallet because this one is a 0, and not a -1, and the fact that mallet can put back other cards doesn't really affect us, putting back those water monsters is more than okay.

No Gorz. Why? Forgot, we're thinking what to drop to put this one in. The prime candidate is Obelisk followed by LaDD, but since I haven't drew into them yet, I can't fully decide on this.

The deck awesomeness is mainly into two things:
Foolish Burial in the starting hand, it is a clear +1 with goosefish;
Nimble Sunfish, no matter the moment, since it triggers goosefish going into a +2 (destroy sunfish, -1, summon sunfish, 0, summon 2 nimble, +2).

There are, however, hands like:
Swap+Goosefish (if you have another frog in the hand it is still better, and consider that with this you haven't NSed yet);
Dupe+Goosfish (requires a turn, but if you have dark hole, it is kinda a pro move, lol).

And there are tons of comboes, they are all awesome like this, some are better, too, but it changes from situation to situation, remember that Salvage is a great card and that Moulin Glace is really easy to summon, the most hard part is drawing into him.

Awesome deck, try it, you won't be disappointed.
Well, Ja Ne (see ya, japanese this time).


  1. This deck looks AMAZING... I'll definitely give it a go. If I top a regionals when Abyss Rising is released, I'll be giving you all the credit :)

    1. Thanks.
      There's even an undine build, I'll post it this week or the next one.

  2. I think I am going to try fitting Tour Guides in the deck, seeing as Nimble Sunfish has 1000 atk and can bump heads with a creature swapped tour guide/sangan. I'll be sure to check out your build when its posted :)

    1. Actually sunfish usually suicides into another copy of himself (you'll summon the only one left, but you'll send 2 goose/ancou/angler)or into some random tour guides. I believe tour guide isn't needed because it eats 3 slots. Has potential, nothing serious, though.
