
Madolche Croiwanssant

When this card is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to the Graveyard: Shuffle this card into the Deck. Once per turn: You can target 1 other face-up "Madolche" card you control; return that target to the hand, and if you do, increase this card's Level by 1 and ATK by 300.

For some reason I totally didn't see this card when I was writing the other post on Madolches, kinda strange. Well, I'll review it now.
AMAZING! I believe this one is one of the only 2 monsters that will pretty much always be played in madolches in three copies, along with Magileine/Majoleine (I prefer Majo as name, but sadly they changed it into Magileine). Notice how the level and ATK boost is permanent.
Let's start saying I did a Madolche deck with Gadgets and DNA Surgery, only I'm still improving it, it has some weak points, some are having majo and offering, but not surgery to continue with gadgets and ending "only" with 2 tiaramisù, and, if you had another madolche card in the grave, a butlerusk, with Chateou on the field. However that needed luck to win on that same turn, since bulter+tiaramisù+tiaramisù (I won't count eventual monsters you had in hand, we're considering only a madolche card in grave, offering and majo) is 2000+2700+2700=7400, that wouldn't be an OTK.
With this awesome card, though, we'll totally be able to play offering in classic madolches. Why?
Before the only use of offering was majo->majo->majo->butler->chateau, without even tiaramisù, too. Now, with tiara and cruff, we'll be able with majo+offering, and a madolche card in the grave to: (I won't say when I'll activate offering, count every extra normal summon as offering summon) (we are assuming you play only 2 tiara)
NS Majo, search Croinwassant
NS Croin, bounce Majo
NS Majo, search Croinwassant#2
NS Croin#2, bounce Majo
NS Majo, search Croinwassant #3
NS Croin#3, bounce Majo
Croin#2+Croin#3=Tiara, eff, detach Croin#3, send it back and spin a card
NS Majo, search Croin#3
NS Croin#3, bounce Majo
Eff Tiara#2, detach Croin#3, send it back and spin one
NS Majo, search Croin#3
NS Croin#3, bounce Majo
NS Majo, search Majo/Butlerusk
Croin #3+Majo=XYZ Random

With "just" 5000 lps, you'll have Tiara+Tiara+XYZ Random R4, and you can add with other 1000 lps, majo+butler and thus chateau. In the first case it would be 2200+2200+(let's assume utopia) 2500, summoning butler or majo, it would be game, in the second case it would be 2700+2700+2500+2000+1900, so 11800.
If your opponent has a clean field in the first case, you could not xyz Croin and Majo, since they'll have 1800 and 1400, making 7800 damages+butler and thus chateou it would be 4500 more damages.

Yeah, I insist, Madolches have great possibilites of winning something, not as they are now, though, except if we go into a control/antimeta build, I believe. We need a broken TCG-Exclusive and we are done for, LOL.

That's all for today, See Ya.


  1. Replies
    1. Not really, don't remember if I said this, I made other posts in the past about madolche and don't rembember them well, though, Madolches are based on a kingdom (and puppies for croin, meh and mew) + the name of a desser.
      Queen Madolche Tiaramisù=Tiara+Tiramisù;
      Madolche Puddingcess=Princess+Pudding;
      Madolche Chouxvalier=Chevalier+Choux (chocolate in French);
      Madolche Messengelato=Messenger+Gelato (Ice-Cream in Italian);
      Madolche Butlerusk=Butler+Rusk;
      Madolce Marmamaid=Maid+Marmalade (not "marmellata", Italian for Jam, as I said before);
      Madolche Croinwanssant=Wan (Woof in Japanese)+Croissant;
      Madolche Mew-Feuille=Mew+Mille-Feuille;
      Madolche Mehple=Meh+Mouple.

      But, yeah, it does sound like fairy tale, lol.
