
Kuraz Geartown

Monsters: [20]
2 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
3 Effect Veiler
3 Genex Ally Birdman
3 Genex Blastfan
2 Kuraz the Light Monarch
2 Malefic Cyber End Dragon/Photon Thrasher
2 Sacred Crane
1 Sangan
2 Summoner Monk

Spells: [15]
3 Black Garden
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
3 Geartown
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Terraforming

Traps: [6]
2 Call fo the Haunted
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Vanity's Emptiness

Uhm, well, can't say if this deck is awesome or not, I'll tell why later. However, another creation of mine, let's see the deck:
Ya all know Black Garden, don't you? The one who halves the ATK of a monster that is summoned to generate a token on the summoned monster's opponent's field with 800 ATK. Sadly pretty much everyone tends to forget that this card has another effect, you can blow-up it and all of the plants monsters on the field to summon a monster from your grave with the same ATK of the sum of the monsters' ATKs.
Now that you know this, let's see the main monsters:
Summoner Monk, generates combo, casually he's 800 ATK, he's the one that let all of your combo work;
Sacred Crane, when SSed lets you draw a card, casually it's 1600 ATK, 800x2, and lv 4, summonable with monk;
Genex Blastfan, when SSed lets you draw a genex DARK tuner (more specifically Birdman), casually it's 1600 ATK, 800x2, and lv4, summonable with monk;
Kuraz, when summoned, including SSed, you got to destroy up to two cards on the field, and let the controllers of those cards drawing a card for every card you destroyed them, casually 2400, 800x3.
 I believe that all of those "casual" things could work together, couldn't they?
Even if Black Garden is the main card of the deck, I'd say, it isn't listed in the name, simply because I liked the name being Kuraz Geartown, and because the main win condition is gadjiltron.
2 Gadjiltron, not three because having 4 field spells which 3 of these are geartowns is a situation unlikely to happen, and since 3 aren't really needed, and they clog, 2 are good enough.
3 Effect Veiler are there to negate things en masse, stop meta decks like everyday's stuff and all of the decks that rely on monster's effects. Don't forget they're tuner, they won lots of games this way.
3 Birdman, searched with blastfan, provides a really easy arcanite, BRD, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Scrap Archfiend or whatever.
2 Malefic Cyber End Dragon, I know, if you have garden it will halve his ATK, and if you have a geartown you're hoping your opponent's going to destroy it, so it won't be good in most cases if you think of it like this. I think of it as a fast tribute for Kuraz, a token generator with garden and XYZ with gadjiltron (unlikely to happen, but still possible). Good Beater when needed, and punishes Skill Drain decks.
1 Sangan? What to say? Nothing at all, searcher for Monk, but that wasn't hard ot get, was it? At least you could search for Veiler.

2 Monk+2 Sacred Crane+3 Blastfan+2 Kuraz, monsters summonable with black garden, they all generates pluses. Monk, discard dead card, summon blastfan, search birdman, go into R4 XYZ/LV7 Synchro with Blastfan OR Monk into crane, draw 1, XYZ. Those two easy comboes if supported with Black Garden can lead to very good things. Let's suppose a first turn Monk+Black Garden+Pitchable Spell Card,
activate garden (yes, before monk)
NS monk, opponent gets a token
use monk's effect, SS Blastfan, Eff Blastfan, Opponent gets a token, Search Birdman
XYZ Blastfan and Monk into Lavalval Chain, opponent gets a token
Eff lavalval, send kuraz
Eff Garden, destroy the 3 tokens, 800x3=Kuraz (2400)
Kuraz's effect, destrsoy lavalval, draw 1
You could use Crane in place of Blastfan, since Birdman isn't involved in the combo.

What happened? Let's see it in terms of pluses and minuses, activate Garden, NS monk, eff (-1), SS Crane (let's say crane, could be blastfan) (0), eff, draw (+1), XYZ into Lavalval (0), eff, get kuraz into the grave, eff garden, self-blow-up (-1), SS Kuraz (0), eff Kuraz, destroy Lavalval (-1), draw 1 (0).

Nothing changed in terms of advantages and disadvantages, but what really happened was us search for a birdman/draw a fresh card, getting a 2400 on the field, monk and blastfan/crane in the grave for more comboes and drawing another fresh card.
Obviously the comboes are a lot, this is a classic first turn move, but there are a lot of possibilities, including comboes in absence of Garden, by simply going into arcanite or other synchros lv7. The point of this deck is, then, getting more and more good cards without losing advantage.

Call of the Haunted is a +1 with Kuraz.

Why is there Vanity's Emptiness? Once again, tech card, see this post for all of the explanation you like.

Extra, as always, is pretty random, that's a sample one, but not totally good, lol.

I did good results with this, however, as said initially, I don't know if this is awesome or not, since I rarely do real pluses in here, I wonder if I can really tell if I'm winning or not. It is fun to combo, but since you don't see giant pluses once the combo is finished you could end the turn disappointed.

Cyber End Dragon and Photon Thrasher are up to the player, depending on what you want. Actually, I prefer Cyber End Dragon, but Thrasher XYZs easy with other monsters.

Well, this was what I was talking about in the Geartown's post, I feel this deck has some good potentials, too.

Hope you liked the deck, That's All Folks, looking forward to the next post.

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