
Card of the Week #10: Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

When you take damage from a card your opponent controls: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. You must control no cards to activate and to resolve this effect. When Special Summoned this way, activate the appropriate effect, based on the type of damage. ● Battle Damage: Special Summon 1 "Emissary of Darkness Token" (Fairy-Type/LIGHT/Level 7/ATK ?/DEF ?). Its ATK and DEF are each equal to the amount of Battle Damage you took. ● Effect Damage: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the amount of damage you took.

Random Rulings:
1.Gorz can't interrupt a chain, so if you take damages in the middle of a chain (let's say MST on setted secret barrel, and your opponent chains it, you won't be able to summon Gorz)
2.The summoned token has no effect.
3.If you use Shrink on the token, the token will have 0 ATK till the end of the turn, and then she'll have back her initial ATK.

First one needs nothing, since it's not a continuous effect, you won't be able to summon him during a chain.
Second one is because Gorz's effect is a "lingering" effect. Read more here.
The token's original ATK is ?, so if an effect says that you can double/halve a monster's ORIGINAL atk, and you use it on a monster with ? ATK, it'll have 0.

Close look:
DARK, lots of supports, if you're in an advantage that your opponent can't destroy and you don't need him there are a lot of ways to get rid of him, namely Grepher and Allure;
LV7, sadly not LV8, but still, could be used for some XYZs;
Fiend, they got some good supports, nothing special, though, if I had to say one, I'd say Hate Buster;
2700 ATK and 2500 DEF, awesome stats, can get rid of a big part of the cards in the actual meta and doesn't suffer maestroke given his 2500 DEF.

You should know, I love this card, I play him everywhere it's possible, and even where it isn't (my madolche says hi, 3 field spell, 2 continuous, 10 traps and lot of ways to protect our monsters, and still I play him). Why do I like him this much? He himself is a win condition, if you can summon him, you probably can win, too, just like BLS, only that he's summoned on your turn, reducing your opponent's answers (since you can manage them better) and isn't restrictive on the card we need to have on the field.

A good player that can play this good, will have good times with this good card, if good placed in his good deck. Why this big amount of good? Just wanted to write 'em, LOL.

This card himself being a win condition itself is playable in lots of decks, though, deck that did have some continuous spells/traps wouldn't play this. Right now it is pretty much the same thing, but with a little "revolution" that happened regarding GBs, lots of players started playing him in lots of decks. GB players started playing this card saying "if we have cards on the field, we're still winning, if we don't, this card'll help us winning". I, personally, started playing this card in lots of places, adapting this mind-set to other decks. Well, you need to do some little sacrifices if you want to add a 1-card Win Condition, but still he's really good.

In the past I worked on a deck based on this card, some cards that could fastly get rid of cards on the field without -1 ourselves too much, and preparing for this card's summon, then protect him no matter what and win. Hate Buster was one of the cards I played in there, a good one, too. I'm thinking of "revamping" it, I believe it would be fun, and I could play it a little more antimeta and use other cards that could be win conditions, too, like fossil dyna and safe zone along with some control cards and a decent monster on the field. I could even try going into a monster-lacking build, jsut gorz and Eatos, along with some cards that auto-banish themselves, Fader, Warrior Lady, Cyber Valley and so on. Yeah, could be kinda good.

However, I noticed that, no matter the fact that pretty much everyone knows this card, most tend to forget his other effect, the damage-mirroring effect. I take damages? You do too, and I summon a beatstick too. It helped me against some Burn decks, 6 turns of Wave-Motion, activate, deal 6000 damages, SS Gorz, inflict the same amount. He had used a solemn warning against my black rose, so it was all fine and good and he lost. Yeah, kinda funny game.

Sorry for this little post, but today my PC had some problems, and I wrote all of this from my phone, since I had no other PCs aroun the house. Hope it was enough however.
See Ya, I suggest you to look forward for tomorrow, I'll do a big Full Review of Abyss Rising.

P.s. 100th post.

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