
Card of the Week #9: Supervise

Equip only to a Gemini monster. It is treated as an Effect Monster, and gains its effect(s). When this face-up card on the field is sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 Normal Monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

Random Rulings:

1.This card can be equipped to a Gemini monster that has already gained its effect;
2.This card's second effect works even if the card is sent to the grave during damage step;
3.A Gemini monster that didn't have its effect before equipping this card will lose it again once this card is un-equipped from it, making possible to use a once per turn effect more than a time.

Explanation: not really, there's nothing to say about this.

Close look to the card:

-Equip Spell, yeah, Hidden Armory, easily searchable, there's even Power Tool Dragon, but I'll talk about it later.

Being a spell card there isn't too much to say, since I can't talk alot about the effect in there because I need to be impartial. However:
I LOVE THIS CARD. Ever heard the name of the GigaVise? It's one of the most beautiful decks ever, I named it in the last CotW post and I said how much I loved the deck, it was one of the most funny deck ever.
It was something like, lonefire blossom into gigaplant, supervise on it, eff giga, SS Lonefire, eff lonefire, SS Spore, Spore+giga into Power Tool, eff Supervise, SS Giga, eff Power Tool, search 2 Supervise and a Mark of the Rose, if you get Supervise, repeat the loop, if you get mark or D.D.R., do what's the best in that situation.

However the mindset of the deck changed a lot without spore and glow-up, and it slowed down and became less competitive, however I'm trying to build something, as I said in the post I linked some strings of text before, with Copy Plant to go into XYZs, if needed.

If you ever read old posts of the deck, you should know that I used to play a gemini deck, called Gemini Comboein', it was all about summoning big Geminis with supervise, blazing butterfly and Evocator Chevalier (used with supervise, of course) and to control a little with Chevalier (while summoning big monsters) and phoenix gearfried equipped with supervise. It was kinda amazing, good enough to be played on DN even in rated, however in this meta I wouldn't play it as it was before, since chaos dragon runs over our big bosses immediately, inzektor destroys our field before we even start preparing it, wind-up wipes out our hand not giving us any outs, since this deck doesn't work really well on top deck, Rabbit stops our important moves not letting us doing anything, except pointless summons.
I believe that by changing its mind set, too, and playing it in a totally different way, I should be able to replay. Yeah, I've got somethings to build in these days, lol.

Supervise could see a lot of play, I believe, since it specials normal monsters from the grave, not only Gemini, that means that you'll be able to play a, for fun, contact deck with neos alius and neos, neos alius with this, contact, SS Neos, contact again or just get a beater.
Geminis have good supports from gemini-supporting cards and vanilla-monster-supporting cards, means you'll have some personal reborner like swing of memories or birthright, hand control, not really played though, with Secrets of the Gallant, but the list is kinda infinite.

A little tip before ending the post, summoning effect is mandatory, means that you could synchro the monster equipped with Supervise into BRD, nuke and then SS, it win games while playing gigavise and likes.


  1. Any chance you could link me to your old gemini deck? Supervise has always been one of my fave cards too.

    1. Hmm, don't think I still have it, if I do, I'll post it. However, it was something like 3 chevalier, gearfread phoenix in 1 or 2 copies, woodland archer in 3, initialliy, then I changed it to 2, 2 blazing butterfly, 2/3 Alius, Zephyros and Gale, 3 Supervise, 1 Future Fusion, some traps and staple spell, it's fully customizable.
      I promise, I'll post it once I find it, after revamping it a bit.

    2. Thanks, sorry for not getting back sooner, I was away.

    3. Nothing to worry about, since I didn't expect a response at all.
