I've actually decided to start playing IRL. Little 2-persons team, but still, it's half of the money we'll need to spend, so that's good with me. However, I wouldn't have started if I wouldn't have found other people in my town (let's call it town, even if it is kinda big) that play too, another 8/9 persons. Today morning I went there, and we bought a stardust and a Gyzarus, so, guess, what are we going to build? Had tons of fun.
Coming to the real topic of today's post, a reader asked me to revamp my Jam Breeding Deck, I actually did, still testing, though it's kinda good, only a little slow to start, but we've got tons of cards to protect ourself. Here's the list:
-Pot of Dualities, you can't use it the same turn you SS a token with Breeding, I know you'll think "why is Cardcar D there, then?", but it's not the same.
-Second or third terraforming, drawing multiple copies of wetlands is really bad, since you can't even set it as bluff. Jam Breeding is a far more difficult card to get, this card played in 4 copies is just right, I believe.
Now, what's there and why:
-Cardcar D, this card is better than pot of duality in lots of cases: First Turn, draw 2, good enough, duality adds only a card, even if you can select between 3 cards; mid game (jam activated) set, more walls, duality can't be used like that, at the best, you can bluff duality, but you've got other tons of cards to set, you'll always have all slots full or just one left for emergency activations; late game (few lp left), as before; late game (few lp left and no jam breeding), this card can let you draw 2 and then protect yourself with other cards OR just attack and kill the opponent. What's more, duality reveals what you add, too predictable. And, if that wasn't enough to satisfy Duality Fans and you really want to play that, remember it's semi-limited, so you'll need however a cardcar d. If you want to play duality in place of cardcar d for money issues, I'd put 2 dualities and one more upstart.
-Heat Wave, lovely tech, it's great at 1, but I believe that the second would be bad for our draws.
-Skill Drain, lovely card in here, doesn't backfire, stops everything. At 1 because I pay too much life points.
-Huge Revolution over Starlight because it is less negable, and you wouldn't get to summon stardust with starlight if you have jam breeding on the field.
Overall, the deck is kinda slow, but I believe it can't reach an higher speed without losing consistency, so it's good. You can stall for tons of turns till you draw jam breeding.
Have fun with the deck, it's always funny locking-up the opponent with the various traps and then summon 2700 beaters once per turn that can't be destroyed by battle, isn't it?
See Ya, look forward for the card of the week, will be a good one, I believe.
Believe it or not, Infernity Yet Again
As said in the previous post, I'm actually developing an infernity loop post-ban. Of course, meant to be for fun and to show konami that we play what we want, or more like a revenge against some friends of mine who said the deck can't loop anymore without brionac.
I'm actually at a good point with it, I've solved lots of the issues I had. I'll probably use cannon soldier to tribute monsters on the field, that's both the win condition and the thing that lets me loop.
Actually I had the idea of cannon soldier noticing that in the anime, kalin uses Hundred Eyes Dragon's effect on Infernity Dwerf, only that dwerf isn't a fiend-type monster, while I was kinda sure HED could target only LV6 or lower DARK Fiend-Type monsters, but, yeah, it lacks the fiend-type restrction.
With Emeral recycling two cards and another copy of itself, that's what we need.
I'm at a good point, I believe in a couple of days I'll be able to post it. The only problem I have is that I can't discard the cards I draw via emeral, but I've thought of something.
Was a fast one, but I'm heavy-working on this, actually, so I've got nothing else to post, couple of days, or even tomorrow if I meet this evening a friend of mine to develop this better.
Stay Tuned.
I'm actually at a good point with it, I've solved lots of the issues I had. I'll probably use cannon soldier to tribute monsters on the field, that's both the win condition and the thing that lets me loop.
Actually I had the idea of cannon soldier noticing that in the anime, kalin uses Hundred Eyes Dragon's effect on Infernity Dwerf, only that dwerf isn't a fiend-type monster, while I was kinda sure HED could target only LV6 or lower DARK Fiend-Type monsters, but, yeah, it lacks the fiend-type restrction.
With Emeral recycling two cards and another copy of itself, that's what we need.
I'm at a good point, I believe in a couple of days I'll be able to post it. The only problem I have is that I can't discard the cards I draw via emeral, but I've thought of something.
Was a fast one, but I'm heavy-working on this, actually, so I've got nothing else to post, couple of days, or even tomorrow if I meet this evening a friend of mine to develop this better.
Stay Tuned.
Banned Lock: Card of the Week///After-Ban Thoughts
Well, should have done this before, but doesn't really matter. Well, it's just that I wanted to do a deeper review of the banlist, about what this will do the next meta
Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B
General Thoughts, more skilled meta, killed/damaged lots of the auto-piloted deck, double mirror and the double torrential, along with bth, warn, judg, etc... will make every player think carefully about what to do before every move.
Single Ones:
Inzektors, heavy hit, now that this happened, I'd like to start playing them. Ya know, I don't play something that is mainstream, now they'd be perfect. I was thinking of looping with giga-weevil and giga-mantis (with a centipede in the grave):
NS Dragonfly, equip hornet and mantis, eff hornet, destroy random card, eff dragonfly, SS Centipede, equip hornet, eff hornet, destroy mantis, SS Centipede and search weevil, used centipede+dragonfly=leviathan, eff leviathan, detach dragonfly, eff centipede, equip hornet, equip weevil, eff hornet, destroy weevil, SS Dragonfly and search ladybug/weevil/mantis (based on what you want to do, with ladybug you'd go now in a R5 while leaving a centipede on the field and a weevil/mantis in hand to loop the next turn with centipede), equip hornet to dragonfly, eff hornet, destroy opponent's card and SS Centipede, equip hornet, destroy opponent's card and search mantis.
One of the loops, however, this deck is played with a different mindset than before. Before you went into the -2 loop in the exact moment you drew it, now you'll have to wait, skillfully play and gather your pieces to explode into something giant when you can.
So, for Inzekors, I'd build a Swap Build with howling insect and mystic tomato (thanks to a friend of mine, tengu, for the idea) or a control build, controls the opponent, goes into centipede+hornet when possible to destroy one at turn and search to gather your pieces, and then, when you can go into dragonfly-hornet, I'd leave the monsters on the field (if you have enough protection, of course) to combo lot more the next turn, more likely blowing-up the entire opponent's field and having some great xyzs or power-upped inzektors.
Gishki, oh, well, except for the ptolemys loop build, I never liked too much that one, even if it is a great card. I'll play teched gishkis, I believe.
Infernities, they lost their loop card, but, doesn't matter, they've kept the same level of strength, kinda. I'm working on some loops, however, with double emeral to recycle the cards, but as now the only thing I could come up with was using a card that tributes (actually toon cannon soldier) to get rid of cards on the field, however the draw is a problem, sometimes. I'm working on that, though.
Wind-Ups, oh, well, good ones. Don't hate them anymore, but I'm sure there'll be other loops with hunter, maybe abusing of magician, too. I won't play them, however, since I don't like 'em. I'd rather play an Inzektor-Wind-Up build, more than a pure one.
Gadgets, Madolches, offering hit both, however I'm not that disappointed. It's true that I love offering loops, I was thinking of it with centipede, but at 1 it's just too inconsistent and occasional, but limiting offering was more than fair from my point of view. That'll even punish bad players that don't think of anything while using that card. I'll continue playing madolches, more control-oriented, I believe, and play something like MachinaGadgetGeargia, should be kinda funny, lol
Hieratics, I believe they're still playable, if I see that only few players play that deck, I'll build something. I'd go for the wizard-Galaxy Queen's Light, I believe (I talked about that, search it). They're still a funny support (even competitive, with funny I meant they're funny to play) and good standalone deck.
Chaos Dragons, never liked 'em, they are too...dunno...let's say that I hate how they rely on just summon and beat. They lost some power, nothing great, though.
Blackwings, don't like them, I'll just hate playing against them, nothing else. They lost pretty much nothing, just gained a kalut.
Rabbit Laggia, oh well, I wouldn't have played this, however. it didn't lost too much power, only a bit of speed, but nothing great. If I were to play them, I'd stick around with guaibas.
Agents, I'll start playing these. For sure. 'nuff said.
Naturia Synchros Control, oh well, that's what I thought while reading triple teleport. I'll play some control builds like this, but even tons and tons of Psychic decks. It's time to bring back my T.G.PsychicSwap. Geargias/karakuris will play those, too.
Geargias, I'll definitely build something with them, mainly as supports, I like a lot geargia karakuris, but I didn't have a chance to test them, yet. I was thinking of some other geargiaccelerator's abuses, too.
Karakuris, I use to play these at least a couple of times for banned, then I tend to forgot those. Still, I like 'em, I'd go for some tele build, too.
Gigavise, yeah, I'll play this. Nothing else. You'll see my build this week, I believe.
Heroes, I used to play those when they weren't popular, but lots of players started to, and I stopped using them. Of course I won't use them not even this format.
Gol'gar Control, I'l definitely use this, it's a strong choice for 4funs this format, I believe. I'll have some fun, just I'll need to build a good build.
PACMAN, oh well, I'm actually trying this, for those who don't know, Pure Advantage Camels Munch All Noobs. I'm not convinced from my actual build, but I have some fixes I'll do, I believe.
That was all, if you see something missing is probably because I didn't want it being here, unusuefulness for this post could be the main reason.
Well, See Ya.
Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B
General Thoughts, more skilled meta, killed/damaged lots of the auto-piloted deck, double mirror and the double torrential, along with bth, warn, judg, etc... will make every player think carefully about what to do before every move.
Single Ones:
Inzektors, heavy hit, now that this happened, I'd like to start playing them. Ya know, I don't play something that is mainstream, now they'd be perfect. I was thinking of looping with giga-weevil and giga-mantis (with a centipede in the grave):
NS Dragonfly, equip hornet and mantis, eff hornet, destroy random card, eff dragonfly, SS Centipede, equip hornet, eff hornet, destroy mantis, SS Centipede and search weevil, used centipede+dragonfly=leviathan, eff leviathan, detach dragonfly, eff centipede, equip hornet, equip weevil, eff hornet, destroy weevil, SS Dragonfly and search ladybug/weevil/mantis (based on what you want to do, with ladybug you'd go now in a R5 while leaving a centipede on the field and a weevil/mantis in hand to loop the next turn with centipede), equip hornet to dragonfly, eff hornet, destroy opponent's card and SS Centipede, equip hornet, destroy opponent's card and search mantis.
One of the loops, however, this deck is played with a different mindset than before. Before you went into the -2 loop in the exact moment you drew it, now you'll have to wait, skillfully play and gather your pieces to explode into something giant when you can.
So, for Inzekors, I'd build a Swap Build with howling insect and mystic tomato (thanks to a friend of mine, tengu, for the idea) or a control build, controls the opponent, goes into centipede+hornet when possible to destroy one at turn and search to gather your pieces, and then, when you can go into dragonfly-hornet, I'd leave the monsters on the field (if you have enough protection, of course) to combo lot more the next turn, more likely blowing-up the entire opponent's field and having some great xyzs or power-upped inzektors.
Gishki, oh, well, except for the ptolemys loop build, I never liked too much that one, even if it is a great card. I'll play teched gishkis, I believe.
Infernities, they lost their loop card, but, doesn't matter, they've kept the same level of strength, kinda. I'm working on some loops, however, with double emeral to recycle the cards, but as now the only thing I could come up with was using a card that tributes (actually toon cannon soldier) to get rid of cards on the field, however the draw is a problem, sometimes. I'm working on that, though.
Wind-Ups, oh, well, good ones. Don't hate them anymore, but I'm sure there'll be other loops with hunter, maybe abusing of magician, too. I won't play them, however, since I don't like 'em. I'd rather play an Inzektor-Wind-Up build, more than a pure one.
Gadgets, Madolches, offering hit both, however I'm not that disappointed. It's true that I love offering loops, I was thinking of it with centipede, but at 1 it's just too inconsistent and occasional, but limiting offering was more than fair from my point of view. That'll even punish bad players that don't think of anything while using that card. I'll continue playing madolches, more control-oriented, I believe, and play something like MachinaGadgetGeargia, should be kinda funny, lol
Hieratics, I believe they're still playable, if I see that only few players play that deck, I'll build something. I'd go for the wizard-Galaxy Queen's Light, I believe (I talked about that, search it). They're still a funny support (even competitive, with funny I meant they're funny to play) and good standalone deck.
Chaos Dragons, never liked 'em, they are too...dunno...let's say that I hate how they rely on just summon and beat. They lost some power, nothing great, though.
Blackwings, don't like them, I'll just hate playing against them, nothing else. They lost pretty much nothing, just gained a kalut.
Rabbit Laggia, oh well, I wouldn't have played this, however. it didn't lost too much power, only a bit of speed, but nothing great. If I were to play them, I'd stick around with guaibas.
Agents, I'll start playing these. For sure. 'nuff said.
Naturia Synchros Control, oh well, that's what I thought while reading triple teleport. I'll play some control builds like this, but even tons and tons of Psychic decks. It's time to bring back my T.G.PsychicSwap. Geargias/karakuris will play those, too.
Geargias, I'll definitely build something with them, mainly as supports, I like a lot geargia karakuris, but I didn't have a chance to test them, yet. I was thinking of some other geargiaccelerator's abuses, too.
Karakuris, I use to play these at least a couple of times for banned, then I tend to forgot those. Still, I like 'em, I'd go for some tele build, too.
Gigavise, yeah, I'll play this. Nothing else. You'll see my build this week, I believe.
Heroes, I used to play those when they weren't popular, but lots of players started to, and I stopped using them. Of course I won't use them not even this format.
Gol'gar Control, I'l definitely use this, it's a strong choice for 4funs this format, I believe. I'll have some fun, just I'll need to build a good build.
PACMAN, oh well, I'm actually trying this, for those who don't know, Pure Advantage Camels Munch All Noobs. I'm not convinced from my actual build, but I have some fixes I'll do, I believe.
That was all, if you see something missing is probably because I didn't want it being here, unusuefulness for this post could be the main reason.
Well, See Ya.
Bluffing, DN and IRL
Taking DN as the representative of virtual games, tag force, world championship (DS), YVD, YGO Pro, they're all pretty much the same, as long as your opponent is a real player and not a CPU.
Bluffing, one of my favourite techniques in this game, how to use it (for newbies) and how to act against it (for pros and wannabe pros).
Bluffing is a techinque took from poker, that has been used in pretty much all the game cards, doubt could be a good example (for those who don't know, or call it with another name, the player discard a cards facedown, and says it is a 6, for example, another discards a card that should be a 7, but you can doubt of it, if the card isn't a 7, the one who discarded it will take all the cards discarded, if it is, the player who doubt-ed will take all the cards, instead).
In YGO, we'd use this technique to stop some opponent's moves, if he isn't a careless player, or we make him believe we have a poker hand (aka. awesome hand), limiting his moves. Let's say you have a mirror force set on the field, while the opponent has two stardusts and you have 2 cards in hand (random card and MST) and 4700 LPs.
Seeing it from the opponent's point of view, attacking shouldn't be a bad idea, in the worst of cases he'll drop a D-Prison or a Fader, but he can't go into gorz, since he still have a card on the field. If you were the player b that has double stardust, what would you do? You'd attack with the first, player A chains mirror force, and you negate with one of the stardusts, then you attack with the second for damages. At this point you won't think of nothing in his hand, it's a mind game, you won't think that he has gorz after he used mirror force, since gorz is limited at 1 it is less-probable for player A to draw into it. BUT, what if player A, during his turn, uses typhoon on his own mirror force? Wouldn't player B think that player A has a gorz in hand? Because if it isn't that move would be pointless, and since gorz here could have been game, too, you don't want that to happen, and you wait for something to respond to gorz.
That's one of extreme bluff, risking everything, since you would have gained only a turn activating that mirror force, surely that wouldn't have been enough (not surely, probably, depends from the other card you have in hand), while making your opponent think you have gorz, will have you gain tons and tons of turns, except if the opponent is lucky, lol.
However, extreme bluff is one of the rarest ones, everyday life consists mainly of ordinary bluff, such as "Player A sets a Dark Hole when the opponent has stardust on the field, making player B thinking he has D-Prison, instead." or "sets gold sarcophagus and D-Prison, if the player B MSTs one of the twos he'll always fall in player A's trap: MST on sarcophagus, he'll think both are bluffs, so he'll attack freely and get hit by prison; MST on prison, he'll think the other one is another protection trap and thus won't attack". Profit.
Bluff on DN usually consists of setting some of the less important cards first, since some tend to hit cards on the center with MST, or setting more and more cards when you have a bad hand to make him think you have a powerful backrow ready to exterminate everything.
The difference from IRL to DN bluffs are, mainly, that IRL you can help yourself with your body, some smiles, for example, can make your opponent think you drew what you needed. Bad situation, opponent has full field, you're at top deck, draw gold sarcophagus, smile as you're limitating yourself from laughing hard, set gs and end turn. What would you think if you were the opponent? Of course, player B (the one with full field) could be careless or having an MST/Heavy Storm, but doesn't matter, you have a chance of winning like this.
When you're in one of this situations, where you see the opponent doing something like what we saw up here (setting GS, but thinking it is mirror force), what could be the best response? Put some monsters in defense is, usually, the best thing to do, and then attack. Even if it'll need two turns to kill the opponent, three if he uses that mirror force (that is a gs, so that won't ever happen, but you don't know that) on the second turn of attacks, but with that few draws he has, they won't be enough, except for DH, lol.
Against the two set cards, I'd play it differently, I'd set my MST and end turn, killing only one of the two cards isn't enough, so I'd prefer waiting for the second MST or heavy, and use this mst as mst bait (maybe one of the two set card is mst itsellf) or using it to negate some power plays with Dragon Ravine/DW Gate/Necrovalley+big beater/call of the haunted, etc...
Against Gorz, no way, continue attacking freely, if he MSTs his mirror force. See it from the opponent's point of view, if he really had gorz, what would be the point into MSTing his own mirror force? He could simply have used mirror force on one attack and drop gorz on the second one, mantaining that MST for future uses.
Sorry for the kinda fast post, hope it was useful, however, but on this argument there weren't lots of things to talk about. I did this because I fell in love with that image mainly, lol.
Well, See Ya.
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The image says all about this technique |
Bluffing, one of my favourite techniques in this game, how to use it (for newbies) and how to act against it (for pros and wannabe pros).
Bluffing is a techinque took from poker, that has been used in pretty much all the game cards, doubt could be a good example (for those who don't know, or call it with another name, the player discard a cards facedown, and says it is a 6, for example, another discards a card that should be a 7, but you can doubt of it, if the card isn't a 7, the one who discarded it will take all the cards discarded, if it is, the player who doubt-ed will take all the cards, instead).
In YGO, we'd use this technique to stop some opponent's moves, if he isn't a careless player, or we make him believe we have a poker hand (aka. awesome hand), limiting his moves. Let's say you have a mirror force set on the field, while the opponent has two stardusts and you have 2 cards in hand (random card and MST) and 4700 LPs.
Seeing it from the opponent's point of view, attacking shouldn't be a bad idea, in the worst of cases he'll drop a D-Prison or a Fader, but he can't go into gorz, since he still have a card on the field. If you were the player b that has double stardust, what would you do? You'd attack with the first, player A chains mirror force, and you negate with one of the stardusts, then you attack with the second for damages. At this point you won't think of nothing in his hand, it's a mind game, you won't think that he has gorz after he used mirror force, since gorz is limited at 1 it is less-probable for player A to draw into it. BUT, what if player A, during his turn, uses typhoon on his own mirror force? Wouldn't player B think that player A has a gorz in hand? Because if it isn't that move would be pointless, and since gorz here could have been game, too, you don't want that to happen, and you wait for something to respond to gorz.
That's one of extreme bluff, risking everything, since you would have gained only a turn activating that mirror force, surely that wouldn't have been enough (not surely, probably, depends from the other card you have in hand), while making your opponent think you have gorz, will have you gain tons and tons of turns, except if the opponent is lucky, lol.
However, extreme bluff is one of the rarest ones, everyday life consists mainly of ordinary bluff, such as "Player A sets a Dark Hole when the opponent has stardust on the field, making player B thinking he has D-Prison, instead." or "sets gold sarcophagus and D-Prison, if the player B MSTs one of the twos he'll always fall in player A's trap: MST on sarcophagus, he'll think both are bluffs, so he'll attack freely and get hit by prison; MST on prison, he'll think the other one is another protection trap and thus won't attack". Profit.
Bluff on DN usually consists of setting some of the less important cards first, since some tend to hit cards on the center with MST, or setting more and more cards when you have a bad hand to make him think you have a powerful backrow ready to exterminate everything.
The difference from IRL to DN bluffs are, mainly, that IRL you can help yourself with your body, some smiles, for example, can make your opponent think you drew what you needed. Bad situation, opponent has full field, you're at top deck, draw gold sarcophagus, smile as you're limitating yourself from laughing hard, set gs and end turn. What would you think if you were the opponent? Of course, player B (the one with full field) could be careless or having an MST/Heavy Storm, but doesn't matter, you have a chance of winning like this.
When you're in one of this situations, where you see the opponent doing something like what we saw up here (setting GS, but thinking it is mirror force), what could be the best response? Put some monsters in defense is, usually, the best thing to do, and then attack. Even if it'll need two turns to kill the opponent, three if he uses that mirror force (that is a gs, so that won't ever happen, but you don't know that) on the second turn of attacks, but with that few draws he has, they won't be enough, except for DH, lol.
Against the two set cards, I'd play it differently, I'd set my MST and end turn, killing only one of the two cards isn't enough, so I'd prefer waiting for the second MST or heavy, and use this mst as mst bait (maybe one of the two set card is mst itsellf) or using it to negate some power plays with Dragon Ravine/DW Gate/Necrovalley+big beater/call of the haunted, etc...
Against Gorz, no way, continue attacking freely, if he MSTs his mirror force. See it from the opponent's point of view, if he really had gorz, what would be the point into MSTing his own mirror force? He could simply have used mirror force on one attack and drop gorz on the second one, mantaining that MST for future uses.
Sorry for the kinda fast post, hope it was useful, however, but on this argument there weren't lots of things to talk about. I did this because I fell in love with that image mainly, lol.
Well, See Ya.
Monsters: [25]
1 Black Luster Soldier - EotB
1 Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
3 Blue-Blooded Oni
1 Bone Crusher
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Endless Decay
3 Zombie Goblin
1 Gorz
2 Lyla
1 Mezuki
2 Photon Thrasher
1 Ryko
1 Sangan
2 Shutendoji
1 Tour Guide from the Underworld
2 Zombie Master
Spells: [14]
1 Allure of Darkness
3 Book of Life
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Inferno Reckless Summon
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Upstart Goblin
Traps: [1]
1 Return from the Different Dimension
I like this deck, the extra could be improved, but it's good enough to be played.
Well, the deck is based on Blu-Blooded Oni's capabilities of looping and swarming.
Let's just say an Oni in the grave (and another random zombie monster), shutendoji and photon thrasher in hand with no monsters on the field. If you've got upstart goblin or Book of Life/Monster Reborn, this'll make the combo kinda awesome.
SS Thrasher, NS Shutendoji
XYZ into Lavalval Chain, send mezuki to the grave detaching shuten
Eff Mezuki, SS Oni, detach thrasher, SS Shuten
Eff shuten, put mezuki on top deck
XYZ into Lavalval Chain, use its effect detaching oni to send mezuki
eff mezuki, SS oni, eff oni, detach and SS Shuten (you'll need another zombie monster in the grave to do so)
XYZ into the last lavalval chain, repeat the loop to go into another R4 monster
if you've got a reborner, use lavalval chain's effect to put on top deck BLS/DAD (based on what you need and you can summon)
use the reborner to reborn oni, detach shuten and SS it.
Use shuten's effect to banish two zombies and draw bls
SS BLS and then go into another giant R4 monster
In the worst of cases the combo will end into 3 lavalval chains and another R4, (1800x3=5400+another R4, pearl would be perfect since he has exactly 2600, could be game if direct attack).
The combo could look hard to start, a bit situational, but it totally isn't. That's just one of the way to loop, one of the worst, youo can even abuse of zombie master to discard things from hand, do 3-Material XYZs and go into double oni and another monster. 3 Onis can combo like hell. Let's say you have an ouroboros on the field with two materials, detach one for oni, detach the second for oni, too, and you'll have 3 Onis on the field. You can then go into pearl, detach one to summon another oni and another one to summon the other one, and have again 3 onis, and one of those hasn't still used his effect.
I was thinking of dropping one ouroboros from the extra for the second pearl, for this.
Speaking of fixes I'd do, I'd drop tour guide, I don't like it anymore post-banned, since it has just one target in here, and since we're tight on the extra, I'd like to drop that leviair, too.
Bone Crusher is a tech, has tons and tons of potential, but right now I haven't used its effect once, in 30 games, more or less. Not sure what to do about this.
Inferno Reckless Summon, makes really easy OTKs with oni, if your opponent has bad targets, but I don't like opponent-relying cards, it's all based on luck, and I kinda lack it, lol.
So, I'd do:
-1 Tour
-1 Inferno Reckless Summon
-1 Bone Crusher
+1 Upstart Goblin (sometimes it's not possible banishing two targets for shutendoji's effect, and this substitutes the reborner to draw into BLS/DAD. Adds some speed to the deck, too)
+2 Call of the Haunted (maybe, dunno. Calls are always good, chainable to MST/Heavy Storm to search with goblin and sangan. Or this, or Silver Sentiner. And I'm serious about the latter, MST/Heavy Storm bait, SS itself and destroys nasty S/Ts that'll block our combo, while putting on the field the first lv4 we'll need for the first XYZ to start looping)
For the Extra I'd do:
-1 Leviair (no more tour, no more R3, and we need slots)
-1 Ghost Ship (it's just that I don't like it)
-1 Ouroboros (3 are just too much, even if it possible to loop with them, too)
+1 Pearl
+1 Chimeratech Fortress (if you want to keep one of those, you can drop this, then)/Gaia (against Thunder Family, monarch with illusion snatch, constellar, Chronomaly, ecc... with mind control)/photon papilloperative (among those, this is the one I like the most, since this can substitute ghost ship's main use, destroy reaper)
+1 Utopia Ray (well, you can detach from utopia to use oni's effect and then go into this, and you can steal opponent's utopias with mind control)
The deck has lot of power, sadly, some Backrows can easily stop this, then, you don't need to loop exactly when you have all of the pieces, be sure to kill their backrows, first. If you go against trap-less deck, be aware of gorz.
Try the deck, I believe you'll like this. If you have some questions, as always, just say it in the comments.
Oh, and, just a little thing, for the first card of the week of the banned (3th september), SHE will be an unexpected card, I'm looking forward to posting it. Try and guess.
Tomorrow I'll go to my first sneak peek, and, thus, the only real tournament. I'm looking for Madolche Majoleine, but I'm fine with no matter the madolche card.
Stay Tuned.
After-ban Look at Gigavise
What's Gigavise? I talked about it quite a few times, it's one of my all-time favourite decks, there are only something like 7/8 decks that I like more than it.
As said in the Banlist discussion, spore at 1 will make gigavise at least playable again.
I'd play the deck, however, a little different from before. I'd play Blazewing Butterflies in it, because they can revive gigaplant when you draw into supervise and have no gigaplants on the field, while SSummoning butterfly back and having gigaplant with its effect, ready to summon lonefire to start comboeing, and at the end you can go into lv6 with butterfly.
Given Copy Plant's effect that usually will give it lv6, and Spore's effect that sometimes is used on gigaplant to revive it with D.D.R., I think that playing Level Eater, even if only as a tech, wouldn't be a bad idea.
With the combo named up here with spore, you can do either a lv7, a lv8, or a R6, so it's not that bad, is it?
With spore without d.d.r. you'll have a lv7, that could even be power tool to search the d.d.r. you need if you have supervise in your hand.
Same goes for copy plant, only that this last one is more related to gigaplant.
However, being eater summonable eating gigaplant's level, you can go into easy Formula to draw an extra card and then go into power tool, or leave them there to go into black rose during the opponent's turn, killing the whole field mercilessly.
We'll have Debris at 2, too, that means you can go into the usual brd+2 tokens, and with a spore in the grave, we can do, at least, a lv5/6, that could be catastor/librarian or even gaia/iron chain/orient dragon (I believe that there'll be quite some synchro deck in the next meta, so this should be okay being in the extra)
I'd like to find a target for debris that's lv4 and, if possible, plant, too. In this exact moment I can't connect to Dueling Network to search properly, however I remember Twinkle moss, obviously not usable, Prickle Fairy, totally unuseful, and des dendle, like fairy, totally pointless. I'll see if there are more on DN, tomorrow.
In the worst of the scenarios I won't play those targets or I'll play Batteryman AAA, since he can go into omega and do the synchro climb, since we'll play ptolemys no matter if we play aaa or not, given it being possible with spore+d.d.r.+level eater or with copy plant summoend via gigavise.
Well, this was a kinda fast post, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'll post something else, one of the most requested deck (tons and tons of requests for this on Dueling Network by some readers).
Stay Tuned, then.
As said in the Banlist discussion, spore at 1 will make gigavise at least playable again.
I'd play the deck, however, a little different from before. I'd play Blazewing Butterflies in it, because they can revive gigaplant when you draw into supervise and have no gigaplants on the field, while SSummoning butterfly back and having gigaplant with its effect, ready to summon lonefire to start comboeing, and at the end you can go into lv6 with butterfly.
Given Copy Plant's effect that usually will give it lv6, and Spore's effect that sometimes is used on gigaplant to revive it with D.D.R., I think that playing Level Eater, even if only as a tech, wouldn't be a bad idea.
With the combo named up here with spore, you can do either a lv7, a lv8, or a R6, so it's not that bad, is it?
With spore without d.d.r. you'll have a lv7, that could even be power tool to search the d.d.r. you need if you have supervise in your hand.
Same goes for copy plant, only that this last one is more related to gigaplant.
However, being eater summonable eating gigaplant's level, you can go into easy Formula to draw an extra card and then go into power tool, or leave them there to go into black rose during the opponent's turn, killing the whole field mercilessly.
We'll have Debris at 2, too, that means you can go into the usual brd+2 tokens, and with a spore in the grave, we can do, at least, a lv5/6, that could be catastor/librarian or even gaia/iron chain/orient dragon (I believe that there'll be quite some synchro deck in the next meta, so this should be okay being in the extra)
I'd like to find a target for debris that's lv4 and, if possible, plant, too. In this exact moment I can't connect to Dueling Network to search properly, however I remember Twinkle moss, obviously not usable, Prickle Fairy, totally unuseful, and des dendle, like fairy, totally pointless. I'll see if there are more on DN, tomorrow.
In the worst of the scenarios I won't play those targets or I'll play Batteryman AAA, since he can go into omega and do the synchro climb, since we'll play ptolemys no matter if we play aaa or not, given it being possible with spore+d.d.r.+level eater or with copy plant summoend via gigavise.
Well, this was a kinda fast post, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I'll post something else, one of the most requested deck (tons and tons of requests for this on Dueling Network by some readers).
Stay Tuned, then.
Avenger Abuse
Monsters: [18]
1 Armageddon Knight
1 Beast of the Pharaoh
2 Dark Grepher
2 Destiny Hero - Malicious
1 Goblin Zombie
1 Infernity Archfiend
3 Infernity Avenger
1 Level Eater
2 Mystic Tomato
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Sangan
2 Summoner Monk
Spells: [16]
1 Book of Moon
2 D.D.R.
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
2 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 One for One
1 Pot of Avarice
3 Pot of Duality
1 Reinforcement of the Army
Traps: [6]
3 Call of the Haunted
1 Divine Wrath
2 Infernity Inferno
Well, actually the Extra is the best I can get, I would have liked to add 1 emeral and 1 gagaga gunman, but really tight on slots. Maybe I'll drop an ancient fairy, but I can't help but think of DWs, GKs, Madolches and similars, other than being a 3000 wall that SSummons from the hand when needed.
I recently reviewed the game style of this deck again (I did it in the past, too), but I won't link any of the twos since this one adopts another different mind set. If you want, read them after this post, since they could give you more ideas if you want to build a different version yourself.
This is one of the most skilled deck of the format, along with other fun decks that look like this, in terms of game play. You always need to consider your hand, field, grave, deck, banished zone and your opponent's counterparts of the previously named ones. You need to have great knowings of the actual meta and fun decks, and you need to be the less prevedible possible with this deck.
Given the fact that an opponent could think of this being infernity or hyper-teched tele-dad. That'll make the opponent play totally different from what he should do. I actually won lots of game ones not revealing the avenger part of the deck, so that the opponent was still surprised in game two, letting me win.
Actually, on first turn, you would like to go into void ogre or stardust or even bounzer, based on the opponent's deck. That's really easy to do, just one grepher with one malicious/plaguespreader in hand is enough to go in one of those. The probabily of doing this are increased by monk that searches grepher, and if you drew neither malicious nor plague, you can go into arma, send one of the two, then go into lavalval and send the other one. Foolish Burial speeds up the deck, too, so that even with only armageddon and foolish and a card to put back with plaguespreader, you can go into those big monsters.
The deck is all mind game, since you need to play thinking with your opponent's thoughts, too. Essentially, on first turn, you can gamble a bit going into void ogre, but leaving yourself empty handed, and a big opponent's beater could kill him, or even an easy monster's effect, just see inzektors or zenmaines, for example. You can go into stardust, that's virtually the best, but he can easily be destroyed by battle, 2500 aren't that big of an ATK, right now, 2600 would have made it broken.
You can, finally, go into bounzer. That's the bigger gamble, but the one that will make you win against some decks. If an opponent has a little spell/trap that does generic or monster removal, you'll have lots of problems, but if your opponent is playing a monster-reliant deck, he'll be in some troubles. Strangely enough, even if this card is pretty risky to summon, it doesn't kill totally a deck, so this card is meant for game 2/3.
As I'm talking now it does definitely look like the avenger part is totally irrelevant, here. Well, it's not totally wrong.
Being this deck a reverse toolbox, you can chose what kind of play adopt, so it's like having two different decks, let's say wind-up and inzektors, and decide, now and then, which one to play, and exchange them during the game itself, but keeping the hand, field and grave of the previous one.
Summoning void ogre/stardust and having some kind of protections or random back-up plans could mean game, since you can negate the most important cards and not letting your opponent combo.
Either in game 1 or 2, you can adopt different game styles to confuse your opponent. Let's say that in game 1 we'll go for the avenger part of deck, since we don't know opponent's deck and we started first, that would be the best way to start. Armageddon, send eater, set inferno and a couple of cards and leave two discardable cards in hand. Opponent attacks, chain inferno, send two avengers, and SS them. Turn after, go into what you can and continue resummoning avengers while consuming opponent's resources, and stopping more and more their moves with stardust and void ogre, mainly.
Game 2, we'll go for the grepher control (how I called it), we'll go for void ogre (just assuming, it could even be stardust, it's based on opponent's deck), control a bit, send some avengers to the grave when we can as back-up plan, and continue attacking when possible, trying not to get your void ogre killed by effects. If you know your opponent is reliant on effect that destroy cards, you can go into stardust to negate cards removal and when it is destroyed by battle (since it is the only way left, except ced or d-prison), you'll get 2/3 giant avengers with an eater to go into other enormous Synchros. That's not bad, is it?
Coming back to the deck itself the cards I like the less are.
2 D.D.R., I believe I'll go at 1, it should be better.
2 Gold Sarcophagus, I don't often use 'em, only as discard fodder. I need to find some good spells to be played in here.
Divine Wrath, discard as cost was initially the main reason, but being this un-chainable to s/t removal, you can't use this effect when you want. I could put pwwb (phoenix wing wind blast), instead.
After banned I'd do:
-1 PoD
-1 D.D.R.
-2 Gold Sarcophagus
-1 Divine Wrath
+2/3 Trap Stun
+1 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
+1/2 MSTs (s/t hate, this deck hates traps)
-1 Brionac
-1 Ancient Fairy Dragon (dunno if to keep this or not, maybe I'll drop it and then put it back when abyr comes out)
+1 Emeral
+1 Ptolemys/Gagaga Gunman
Well, should be enough, hope you liked the post and the deck, if you have some questions or have something to say about the post (today I just didn't feel like writing it correctly, I fixed lots of parts, so I'm sure I did something wrong), say it under here, in the comments.
Stay Tuned, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I should post a new deck.
As I'm talking now it does definitely look like the avenger part is totally irrelevant, here. Well, it's not totally wrong.
Being this deck a reverse toolbox, you can chose what kind of play adopt, so it's like having two different decks, let's say wind-up and inzektors, and decide, now and then, which one to play, and exchange them during the game itself, but keeping the hand, field and grave of the previous one.
Summoning void ogre/stardust and having some kind of protections or random back-up plans could mean game, since you can negate the most important cards and not letting your opponent combo.
Either in game 1 or 2, you can adopt different game styles to confuse your opponent. Let's say that in game 1 we'll go for the avenger part of deck, since we don't know opponent's deck and we started first, that would be the best way to start. Armageddon, send eater, set inferno and a couple of cards and leave two discardable cards in hand. Opponent attacks, chain inferno, send two avengers, and SS them. Turn after, go into what you can and continue resummoning avengers while consuming opponent's resources, and stopping more and more their moves with stardust and void ogre, mainly.
Game 2, we'll go for the grepher control (how I called it), we'll go for void ogre (just assuming, it could even be stardust, it's based on opponent's deck), control a bit, send some avengers to the grave when we can as back-up plan, and continue attacking when possible, trying not to get your void ogre killed by effects. If you know your opponent is reliant on effect that destroy cards, you can go into stardust to negate cards removal and when it is destroyed by battle (since it is the only way left, except ced or d-prison), you'll get 2/3 giant avengers with an eater to go into other enormous Synchros. That's not bad, is it?
Coming back to the deck itself the cards I like the less are.
2 D.D.R., I believe I'll go at 1, it should be better.
2 Gold Sarcophagus, I don't often use 'em, only as discard fodder. I need to find some good spells to be played in here.
Divine Wrath, discard as cost was initially the main reason, but being this un-chainable to s/t removal, you can't use this effect when you want. I could put pwwb (phoenix wing wind blast), instead.
After banned I'd do:
-1 PoD
-1 D.D.R.
-2 Gold Sarcophagus
-1 Divine Wrath
+2/3 Trap Stun
+1 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
+1/2 MSTs (s/t hate, this deck hates traps)
-1 Brionac
-1 Ancient Fairy Dragon (dunno if to keep this or not, maybe I'll drop it and then put it back when abyr comes out)
+1 Emeral
+1 Ptolemys/Gagaga Gunman
Well, should be enough, hope you liked the post and the deck, if you have some questions or have something to say about the post (today I just didn't feel like writing it correctly, I fixed lots of parts, so I'm sure I did something wrong), say it under here, in the comments.
Stay Tuned, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, I should post a new deck.
Banned Lock: Card of the Week///Gustav Max with Limited REDMD
![]() |
2 Level 10 monsters Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; inflict 2000 damage to your opponent. |
Easy yet powerful (?) effect. Since it was part of the hieratic OTK, it was one of the most requested cards from tcg players. Well, we've got it, with unusefully censured art, but the limitation of redmd hit will make TCG Hieratic Players cry.
Well, this was kinda an introduction to today's post: How to use that long-named monster without double REDMD and what deck could play this.
Let's start putting together some ideas. Yesterday, a comment on this post, wrote by K'yde Ren (a great malaysian blogger, check his blog out, even if you should already know it if you know mine, lol. However, it's called digital mortal), said that he would like to tech Galaxy Wizard in his R8 hieratic build. I was thinking about it too, but, while replying to his comment, I noticed that wizard can, obviously, search out galaxy queen's light that can be easily used on a lv8 monster to go into crazy R8 XYZs. But only after sending the comment I noticed how galaxy queen's light on redmd could easily mean double gustav and one monster left, probably. Gustav is 2k damages, then the other one for other 2k damages, and then these two can attack with 3k each. If direct attack it should be 3k+3k+2k+2k=10k, game.
Just let's say an hand of 4 hieratics which at least one is tefnuit and galaxy wizard/accel light:
SS tefnuit, NS wizard, tribute and search galaxy queen's light, tribute tefnuit for su, then su for other tefnuit, xyz the two vanilla monsters into atum, use atum's eff, SS redmd, eff redmd, SS su, SS tefnuit, tributing tefnuit, ss a vanilla too, use galaxy queen's light, then gaia on atum.
It could look like an occasional play, but still, it's another play, along with tons of comboes that hieratics can already do, you'll have this other one that can lead to other OTKs. Lots of player will play mirror force, too, and random negation cards like solemn judgment and warning that will make them pay lps. This is a great way to do at least 2k damages and win without attacking.
And I was thinking how lollish would be doing galaxy queen's light on a lv10 monster and summon both gustav and his long-named companion, giant robo etc...
Destroy all of the protection, deal 2000, then attack with othr 8000 and win.
This is not only for hieratics, though. See trap monsters deck, go into this giant thing with double slime, or even, again, a teched galaxy wizard that searches galaxy queen's light.
I'm actually developing an uria deck, and was thinking of going into giant robo and gustav to do damages and get rid of opponent's nasty S/Ts, I'll play it kinda of chain burn, but with tons of continuous traps that'll let me stall, draw and summon uria that's another giant lv10 monster with backrow-hate effect. Along with the protection given by Imperial Custom, you should have a good deck that can defend itself from the decks of the next meta. Let's say they are:
-Prophecy, they don't have ways to run over 3k DEF or ATK monsters, except junon+power, but defending that card with imperial custom will make them not searching, and then having back their less-than-3000-ATK junon that can be easily runned over by either the XYZs and uria;
-Geargias and deck that use them as engine, as long as we have those big protected walls/beaters, they can do pretty nothing to us. Only exception is from karageargias that go in burei that puts our slime in defense position, making it a "portal" to our life points, but still, with the lots of traps we've got, we can easily defend ourselves from a battle phase;
-Some suriviving inzektors, they'll hornet our slime, but we'll flip our imperial custom, then they'll use the other monster with hornet again to kill our imperial custom;
-Some surviving Wind-Ups, but still few, they are in a great disadvantage, since we'll have big walls that they can't run over, except by suiciding zenmaines;
-Rabbit Laggia, one of our worst enemies, but still, as before, 3k DEF can't be easily runned over, expecially by rabbit laggia. They'll slowly go in big advantages having a great field, so they're the worst enemy for a deck as slow as this.
However this deck can play great side deck cards against those decks:
Rivalry of Warlords, protected by imperial custom, it won't let your opponent go into laggia, leviair, utopia and so on. This crushes Rabbit Laggia, inzektors and wind-ups, while limiting a bit some geargias;
DNA Surgery, I, personally, love this card. Use it against rabbit and they won't go into laggia, use it against geargias and they won't go into burei/bureido/gear giganto/ecc..., use it against prophecy to lock lots of their spells. However, this card will let generic XYZs, so it's not that recommendable, still, it's a good card that doesn't limit yourself;
Vanity's Emptiness, you know I love this card, too. This is not destroyed while imperial custom is on the field, while you can get rid of it with really easily, like going into magic planter or uria. This one kills 'em all, but it's a little more fragile.
Just three random ones, but this deck can play lots and lots of side-deck cards, since lots of them are continuous traps (macro cosmos says hi, too).
Coming back to the card, now that we have double tragoedia, we could use it as generic LV10 monster playable pretty much in everywhere.
What was this post meant to be? Don't hate konami because they gave us gustav only after limiting redmd, but hate 'em because of other tons of bad things, both to TCG and OCG, like summoner of illusion that has tributing as cost in TCG.
Well, this was all. The 10.000 visit count special is finished, but still, I have things to talk about in the next days, and two decks to post. The banned lock, instead, will continue for another week, and then we'll be back with the regular card of the week. Well, Stay Tuned.
10.000 Visits Special #4: Duelist Pack: Kite Tenjo (Review)
There's a pack I like a lot, it's actually the Kite Tenjo duelist pack, so I said myself "why not to review it?". That happened, so, here it is:
Photon Satellite, actually a personal tannhauser gate. It boosts an other monster's level by 1, and it can xyz with that other one. That'll make easier summoning dyson sphere, I believe this card was meant for that. Sadly, works only with photons, not galaxy. Well, thrasher could be a good card to use with this.
Galaxy Wizard, the card that actually convinced me reviewing this pack. It's actually broken card. Level 4 that can boost itself to 8, searchable via accel light, supported by other galaxy support cards and has another great effect. Tribute him and search a galaxy CARD. Not only monsters as his cousing photon lizard, so you can search other than some support cards, like galaxy expedition, even galaxy queen's light, we'll see why this matters while reviewing a later card. Oh, was about to forget this, his search effect works under skill drain, have fun.
Galaxy Knight, wizard-searchable, easily summonable, can summon a galaxy dragon from the grave to go into easy R8 XYZ. Good card, could have been better, but thinking of it a little better and it would have made this deck totally broken. Summoning this with satellite on the field means canopy, only two cards are needed, then, satellite on the field+knight. What's more, this card works well with galaxy expedition.
Photon Slayer, good card, not awesome but good. Is a target for expedition, better than nothing, uh? And with satellite it is bounzer/ptolemys. At least is easily summonable.
Kuriphoton, awwww~~~~ I love this card, it is actually a kuriboh in a photon version, and look at that art, it is the first kuriboh with a serious face, love it. Actualy the effect isn't that great, but it stops both OTKs by battle and by effect, you should side this, I think.
Photon Pirate, well, you'll say, a 3k beater, what's bad in that? The remotion. If tour was still at three, it wouldn't have been that bad, since it's searchable via lizard/accel light, but it being till the end phase is bad. However, wouldn't have been a great card given the level (3).
Dimension Wanderer, lollish card. If it wasn't one of them per turn, I'd have used photon veil to trigger awesome OTKs. Galaxy Eyes is easily searchable and summonable, use photon veil, add 3 of this, attack, gg. Sadly it isn't, it would have been tons of fun, since it wouldn't ever be even touched from the banned, given the fact it wouldn't have been meta. Well, nice card, I believe that being nice isn't enough to play this card.
Radiant Quantumlight Paradios, originally the name contained "photon" in it, but looking at the original name it has a different katagana, so they decided to change the possible traduction to this, that would have made no player make mistakes with this card. It actually is pretty generic, and has an incredible effect. You don't know how I hate veiler, sometimes, because it works only in the main phase 1 of the opponent. Well, in the next meta veiler will be less needed, and this card, that works only in your turn, will be considered lot more powerful than now. The drawing effect is awesome, surely better than the negation effect, too. I believe that all of the deck will play compulsory, now.
Galaxy Expedition, comboes essentially with everything, awesome card. Searchable via wizard, makes lots of common plays awesome. Even Satellite on thrasher and then this wouldn't be bad, but that's one of the low-level plays, there are greater one, like using wizard's effect to activate/search this. The deck won't be a combo deck, so don't expect great plays, but one at time, you'll gain crazy advantage on your opponent.
Feeling towards the Future, nice card, even if the text is still unclear. Basically, it's unknown if we need to use all of three for the same xyz or it's just necessary to use them as xyz material even in 3 different monsters. Well, doesn't really matter, anyway, since this card is meant to be used with star light star bright or Galaxy Queen's Light.
Did you notice something? Galaxy Queen's Light is wizard-searchable.
The only problem is that you'll need to play monster with at least three different levels in your deck. Well, LV8, 5 and 4 should be fine.
Actually, this card isn't even limited to galaxy/photon decks, you can use it anywhere. Summon three monsters to tribute two for Prime Material Dragon and gain 4000 lps during the end phase, while still having a monster on the field, possibily something that works in the grave, like a recruiter. It's actually a funny card, I believe we'll see lots of fun decks playing this card. Remember that one day of peace can actually stop the damage.
EDIT: actually, thanks to Danieru Lynx (believe Danieru is japanese pronounciation of Daniel, isn't it?) I've got a more affidable text of the card, you can read it down in the comments. It basiaclly flips everything I said, you'll LOSE lps during the end phase, so you can't use prime material to gain lps. What's more, it says that you have just to xyz during this turn to don't have to lose all of that damages, not that you have to xyz with 'em. A good thing is, then, use this, summon something with the same level of one of your monsters, xyz, and you won't have any more troubles.
Accel Light is a really good card, if you could normal summon that turn it would have been really broken. 'nuff said.
Galaxy Zero, not bad, really, is a personal premature, thinked for XYZs. It does even provide some protection since the summoned monster can't be destroyed by battle once.
Well, this was all, hope you liked it. Once they'll be on DN I'll build something, expect to see it here. Stay Tuned.
Photon Satellite, actually a personal tannhauser gate. It boosts an other monster's level by 1, and it can xyz with that other one. That'll make easier summoning dyson sphere, I believe this card was meant for that. Sadly, works only with photons, not galaxy. Well, thrasher could be a good card to use with this.
Galaxy Wizard, the card that actually convinced me reviewing this pack. It's actually broken card. Level 4 that can boost itself to 8, searchable via accel light, supported by other galaxy support cards and has another great effect. Tribute him and search a galaxy CARD. Not only monsters as his cousing photon lizard, so you can search other than some support cards, like galaxy expedition, even galaxy queen's light, we'll see why this matters while reviewing a later card. Oh, was about to forget this, his search effect works under skill drain, have fun.
Galaxy Knight, wizard-searchable, easily summonable, can summon a galaxy dragon from the grave to go into easy R8 XYZ. Good card, could have been better, but thinking of it a little better and it would have made this deck totally broken. Summoning this with satellite on the field means canopy, only two cards are needed, then, satellite on the field+knight. What's more, this card works well with galaxy expedition.
Photon Slayer, good card, not awesome but good. Is a target for expedition, better than nothing, uh? And with satellite it is bounzer/ptolemys. At least is easily summonable.
Kuriphoton, awwww~~~~ I love this card, it is actually a kuriboh in a photon version, and look at that art, it is the first kuriboh with a serious face, love it. Actualy the effect isn't that great, but it stops both OTKs by battle and by effect, you should side this, I think.
Photon Pirate, well, you'll say, a 3k beater, what's bad in that? The remotion. If tour was still at three, it wouldn't have been that bad, since it's searchable via lizard/accel light, but it being till the end phase is bad. However, wouldn't have been a great card given the level (3).
Dimension Wanderer, lollish card. If it wasn't one of them per turn, I'd have used photon veil to trigger awesome OTKs. Galaxy Eyes is easily searchable and summonable, use photon veil, add 3 of this, attack, gg. Sadly it isn't, it would have been tons of fun, since it wouldn't ever be even touched from the banned, given the fact it wouldn't have been meta. Well, nice card, I believe that being nice isn't enough to play this card.
Radiant Quantumlight Paradios, originally the name contained "photon" in it, but looking at the original name it has a different katagana, so they decided to change the possible traduction to this, that would have made no player make mistakes with this card. It actually is pretty generic, and has an incredible effect. You don't know how I hate veiler, sometimes, because it works only in the main phase 1 of the opponent. Well, in the next meta veiler will be less needed, and this card, that works only in your turn, will be considered lot more powerful than now. The drawing effect is awesome, surely better than the negation effect, too. I believe that all of the deck will play compulsory, now.
Galaxy Expedition, comboes essentially with everything, awesome card. Searchable via wizard, makes lots of common plays awesome. Even Satellite on thrasher and then this wouldn't be bad, but that's one of the low-level plays, there are greater one, like using wizard's effect to activate/search this. The deck won't be a combo deck, so don't expect great plays, but one at time, you'll gain crazy advantage on your opponent.
Feeling towards the Future, nice card, even if the text is still unclear. Basically, it's unknown if we need to use all of three for the same xyz or it's just necessary to use them as xyz material even in 3 different monsters. Well, doesn't really matter, anyway, since this card is meant to be used with star light star bright or Galaxy Queen's Light.
Did you notice something? Galaxy Queen's Light is wizard-searchable.
The only problem is that you'll need to play monster with at least three different levels in your deck. Well, LV8, 5 and 4 should be fine.
Actually, this card isn't even limited to galaxy/photon decks, you can use it anywhere. Summon three monsters to tribute two for Prime Material Dragon and gain 4000 lps during the end phase, while still having a monster on the field, possibily something that works in the grave, like a recruiter. It's actually a funny card, I believe we'll see lots of fun decks playing this card. Remember that one day of peace can actually stop the damage.
EDIT: actually, thanks to Danieru Lynx (believe Danieru is japanese pronounciation of Daniel, isn't it?) I've got a more affidable text of the card, you can read it down in the comments. It basiaclly flips everything I said, you'll LOSE lps during the end phase, so you can't use prime material to gain lps. What's more, it says that you have just to xyz during this turn to don't have to lose all of that damages, not that you have to xyz with 'em. A good thing is, then, use this, summon something with the same level of one of your monsters, xyz, and you won't have any more troubles.
Accel Light is a really good card, if you could normal summon that turn it would have been really broken. 'nuff said.
Galaxy Zero, not bad, really, is a personal premature, thinked for XYZs. It does even provide some protection since the summoned monster can't be destroyed by battle once.
Well, this was all, hope you liked it. Once they'll be on DN I'll build something, expect to see it here. Stay Tuned.
10.000 Visits Special #3: Confirmed Banlist Talk
Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B
Well, this is the well-known banlist. What are my thoughts on this? A good banlist that'll form a good meta, but it hit all of my favourite decks/loops/cards.
Future and Brionac are, probably, the cards I like the most, you shoud know that, I said it pretty everywhere. Brionac and Future are both Loop Generator, but I was okay with that. That's because both brio and future were and still are for a couple of weeks, two awesome cards. Leaving Future apart, a card that I've wanted to be banned too, since I hate chaos dragons, brionac was a card for peoples who knew how to use him. Lots just go into him (yeah, male, lol), use his effect, bounce an opponent's card and just attack, but they forget that he can bounce your own card, they remember that only during auto-piloted loops, and that's bad. I myself recently used brionac this way to win. Opponent had dark hole in hand for the next turn (just took with gold sarcophagus) and 7600 LPs, and I had brionac that I used to bounce a face-down fossil dyna that would have killed me if I attacked it (don't ask me what kind of deck he was using, totally don't know, lol), enemy controller and undine in the grave and 700 LPs left. Here I had only a field of brionac and genex undine with seahorsemen and megaloabyss in hand. I was chatting with a friend of mine that moment, I said the field, and he said "oh, well, you couldn't have win against a deck like that", and I noticed how many people play brionac auto-pilot-ishly (lol). There I just had to discard seahorsemen to bounce undine, search moulin glace, summon undine, send horsemen, add second moulin and controller, brio's eff, bounce undine discarding controller, send undine and moulin to the grave and SS megaloabyss. SS Moulin, discard his two cards, eff megalo, tribute brionac, beat for the win (2400+2400+2800=7600).
Brionac is a card easy to use, but needs some thoughts to master it.
Inzektors limited, nah, if even hornet is limited it will be no more fun. Well, I'll build something with those inzektors now that no one uses them anymore.
Gustkraken limited, well, a gishki card in the banlist makes sense. However, this was a kinda broken card.
Chaos Sorcerer, uhm, well, no bad, no good, it doesn't affect me too much, since I play mostly 1 bls and 1 sorcerer when I play chaos decks.
Ultimate offering is probably the card that hit me the most, I'm playing madolches now, you can't just limit one of the best cards in there. Oh well, at least I'll have slots for double summons.
Spore, it doesn't change a lot from being at 1 or at three, since I'd play however at least a copy of copy plant in gigavise, however, for some plant decks, it would need to be at 2/3, at least.
Zenmaighty, I like this, 'nuff said.
Tsukuyomi, aww yeahh. Like this one, definitely. I'll build something around this, but this can be used as support pretty much anywhere. Mask of Darkness-Tsukuyomi control, lol.
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, whoa, like this too, no more abuses.
Mirror force at 2, like this too, going for a more skill based meta.
Convocation, I wanted more hit on hieratics, too.
Earth, like this one, too, agents should be played a little more, especially with teleport back.
Reasoning, I've got some things that'll like this one.
Rescue Rabbit, I'd have limited this, but, yeah, lots of the cards of the deck are still money cards, and knoami wants to earn something.
Emergency Call, doesn't hit that much heroes, but still does something. Glad they didn't limited it.
A Hero Lives, again, some random hits on heroes, but they're still good.
Duality, more slots in madolches, lol. Don't have nothing special to say about this, though, only that my avenger abuse lost a little of power (looking forward to write a review of this, I've finally reached a good build).
Kalut, doesn't mean nothing to me, only that I kinda hate BWs, so it affects me when I'll meet all of those BW players on Dueling Network, once they'll start using double kalut.
Debris Dragon, like this one too, some other boost to plants.
Tour Guide, yeah, definitely like this one, too, it'll need some more skill while building.
Emergency teleport, LOVE. THIS. ONE. I'll play just random decks with random earth monsters and the teleport engine to go into beast and barkion.
Marshmallon, really, doesn't mean a lot to me.
Necro Gardna. Other boosts to twilights? It looks like either konami wants to make twilight a meta deck again or they like a lot the movie. Hope it is the first for various reasons.
Destiny Draw, love this, discard, draw, SS synchro/xyz, opponent quits. I'm actually building grepher control, I believe this card will help. I'll explain what a grepher control is in another post.
Magic Cylinder. Dafuq? Does really konami want me to die under all of those noobs that'll play "defensive decks" and BW Players? Why, why do they hate me THAT much?
Sword of Revealing light, same as cylinder, however, I'll play gol'gar control again this meta, I believe.
Area B, yeah, konami really hates me.
Well, this was the banlist. After all it was a good one, but still, there are some things I don't like. Well, nothing's perfect.
Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld
Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B
Well, this is the well-known banlist. What are my thoughts on this? A good banlist that'll form a good meta, but it hit all of my favourite decks/loops/cards.
Future and Brionac are, probably, the cards I like the most, you shoud know that, I said it pretty everywhere. Brionac and Future are both Loop Generator, but I was okay with that. That's because both brio and future were and still are for a couple of weeks, two awesome cards. Leaving Future apart, a card that I've wanted to be banned too, since I hate chaos dragons, brionac was a card for peoples who knew how to use him. Lots just go into him (yeah, male, lol), use his effect, bounce an opponent's card and just attack, but they forget that he can bounce your own card, they remember that only during auto-piloted loops, and that's bad. I myself recently used brionac this way to win. Opponent had dark hole in hand for the next turn (just took with gold sarcophagus) and 7600 LPs, and I had brionac that I used to bounce a face-down fossil dyna that would have killed me if I attacked it (don't ask me what kind of deck he was using, totally don't know, lol), enemy controller and undine in the grave and 700 LPs left. Here I had only a field of brionac and genex undine with seahorsemen and megaloabyss in hand. I was chatting with a friend of mine that moment, I said the field, and he said "oh, well, you couldn't have win against a deck like that", and I noticed how many people play brionac auto-pilot-ishly (lol). There I just had to discard seahorsemen to bounce undine, search moulin glace, summon undine, send horsemen, add second moulin and controller, brio's eff, bounce undine discarding controller, send undine and moulin to the grave and SS megaloabyss. SS Moulin, discard his two cards, eff megalo, tribute brionac, beat for the win (2400+2400+2800=7600).
Brionac is a card easy to use, but needs some thoughts to master it.
Inzektors limited, nah, if even hornet is limited it will be no more fun. Well, I'll build something with those inzektors now that no one uses them anymore.
Gustkraken limited, well, a gishki card in the banlist makes sense. However, this was a kinda broken card.
Chaos Sorcerer, uhm, well, no bad, no good, it doesn't affect me too much, since I play mostly 1 bls and 1 sorcerer when I play chaos decks.
Ultimate offering is probably the card that hit me the most, I'm playing madolches now, you can't just limit one of the best cards in there. Oh well, at least I'll have slots for double summons.
Spore, it doesn't change a lot from being at 1 or at three, since I'd play however at least a copy of copy plant in gigavise, however, for some plant decks, it would need to be at 2/3, at least.
Zenmaighty, I like this, 'nuff said.
Tsukuyomi, aww yeahh. Like this one, definitely. I'll build something around this, but this can be used as support pretty much anywhere. Mask of Darkness-Tsukuyomi control, lol.
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, whoa, like this too, no more abuses.
Mirror force at 2, like this too, going for a more skill based meta.
Convocation, I wanted more hit on hieratics, too.
Earth, like this one, too, agents should be played a little more, especially with teleport back.
Reasoning, I've got some things that'll like this one.
Rescue Rabbit, I'd have limited this, but, yeah, lots of the cards of the deck are still money cards, and knoami wants to earn something.
Emergency Call, doesn't hit that much heroes, but still does something. Glad they didn't limited it.
A Hero Lives, again, some random hits on heroes, but they're still good.
Duality, more slots in madolches, lol. Don't have nothing special to say about this, though, only that my avenger abuse lost a little of power (looking forward to write a review of this, I've finally reached a good build).
Kalut, doesn't mean nothing to me, only that I kinda hate BWs, so it affects me when I'll meet all of those BW players on Dueling Network, once they'll start using double kalut.
Debris Dragon, like this one too, some other boost to plants.
Tour Guide, yeah, definitely like this one, too, it'll need some more skill while building.
Emergency teleport, LOVE. THIS. ONE. I'll play just random decks with random earth monsters and the teleport engine to go into beast and barkion.
Marshmallon, really, doesn't mean a lot to me.
Necro Gardna. Other boosts to twilights? It looks like either konami wants to make twilight a meta deck again or they like a lot the movie. Hope it is the first for various reasons.
Destiny Draw, love this, discard, draw, SS synchro/xyz, opponent quits. I'm actually building grepher control, I believe this card will help. I'll explain what a grepher control is in another post.
Magic Cylinder. Dafuq? Does really konami want me to die under all of those noobs that'll play "defensive decks" and BW Players? Why, why do they hate me THAT much?
Sword of Revealing light, same as cylinder, however, I'll play gol'gar control again this meta, I believe.
Area B, yeah, konami really hates me.
Well, this was the banlist. After all it was a good one, but still, there are some things I don't like. Well, nothing's perfect.
10.000 Visits Special #2: Deck Concept(s): Crystal Beast Various Builds
Basically, what are Crystal Beasts?
Crystal Beasts, often reduced to CB, are a group of 7 monsters that have a particular effect: once they are destroyed, they transform into crystals (an expression often used with CBs, it means that they go to the s/t zone instead of being destroyed, and they are treated as continuous spells).
That means they don't even need to touch the grave, so in some cases it would be an advantage when facing D-Fissure or Macro Cosmos, expecially D-Fissure, since the beasts are treated as continuous spell and won't be banished once they'll be sent to the grave while being crystals.
Given the Crystal Beasts theirselves and some support cards, mainly Rainbow Ruins, they've got lots and lots of playstyles, here I'll talk about some:
Classic Crystal Beasts, just gain advantage with the crystal beasts being treated as continuous spell to summon tragic queen or to go into swarms with carbuncle. Usually the crystal beasts monsters used here are 3 pegasus, 1-3 amber, 3 topaz, 2 carbuncle and 0/1 turtle (lol, good wall that goes into XYZ with carbuncle), along with Rainbow Ruins. The deck is supported by horn of the phantom beast, usually, 1/2 crystal beacon (for pegasus), 1/2 rare value, 1 crystal blessing, 2/3 crystal promise for carbuncle mainly, 2/3 crystal release, 0/1 tree and 1/2 abundance (personal preferences). Monk is also a good choice in here. I don't like it since I see no point in this deck, is like random beat till your opponent lose.
Scrap Crystal Beast, basically, go into scrap dragon, destroy your field and an opponent's card, but your field isn't destroyed given its effect (if you have a crystallized monster at least) but you'll get to destroy the opponent's card. This generates free +1s and pressure on the opponent. You'll need to consider that this build will have a decent amount of control on the opponent thanks to rainbow ruins' 3+ effect, while generating other pluses with 4+ effect and gaining more and more field advantage with the 5+ effect that can help going into some Carbuncle OTK. 2+ effect is good, too, since halving damages isn't half bad, it protects from lots and lots of OTKs and random attacks that would mean game.
Here I'll take something around a classic build and add 2 monks and 2 scrap beast (resummonable with scrap dragon if it gets destroyed). You can even add some terra to search easier ruins while being discard fodder for monk.
Dark Crystal Beast, yeah, more a fun one, but still is something. Use the new advanced dark to make your crystal beasts dark and go into DAD. Advanced dark will protect you from damages too, while sending materials for DAD to the grave. This goes for a OTK, usually, but it's kinda slow to setup, as every crystal beast deck. Substitute ruins with advanced dark and add DAD and some card you like, maybe even a the creator wouldn't be that bad, but you'll need to play more rare values and other cards that send the crystal beasts to the grave. If you play monk, you'll be able to use creeping darkness, too. Given that much remotion, I'd play a tech RfDD (return from the different dimension, for who doesn't know it).
As the previous post, I'll continue this in the future.
Now, this was the second special, hope you liked it. Stay Tuned.
Crystal Beasts, often reduced to CB, are a group of 7 monsters that have a particular effect: once they are destroyed, they transform into crystals (an expression often used with CBs, it means that they go to the s/t zone instead of being destroyed, and they are treated as continuous spells).
That means they don't even need to touch the grave, so in some cases it would be an advantage when facing D-Fissure or Macro Cosmos, expecially D-Fissure, since the beasts are treated as continuous spell and won't be banished once they'll be sent to the grave while being crystals.
Given the Crystal Beasts theirselves and some support cards, mainly Rainbow Ruins, they've got lots and lots of playstyles, here I'll talk about some:
Classic Crystal Beasts, just gain advantage with the crystal beasts being treated as continuous spell to summon tragic queen or to go into swarms with carbuncle. Usually the crystal beasts monsters used here are 3 pegasus, 1-3 amber, 3 topaz, 2 carbuncle and 0/1 turtle (lol, good wall that goes into XYZ with carbuncle), along with Rainbow Ruins. The deck is supported by horn of the phantom beast, usually, 1/2 crystal beacon (for pegasus), 1/2 rare value, 1 crystal blessing, 2/3 crystal promise for carbuncle mainly, 2/3 crystal release, 0/1 tree and 1/2 abundance (personal preferences). Monk is also a good choice in here. I don't like it since I see no point in this deck, is like random beat till your opponent lose.
Scrap Crystal Beast, basically, go into scrap dragon, destroy your field and an opponent's card, but your field isn't destroyed given its effect (if you have a crystallized monster at least) but you'll get to destroy the opponent's card. This generates free +1s and pressure on the opponent. You'll need to consider that this build will have a decent amount of control on the opponent thanks to rainbow ruins' 3+ effect, while generating other pluses with 4+ effect and gaining more and more field advantage with the 5+ effect that can help going into some Carbuncle OTK. 2+ effect is good, too, since halving damages isn't half bad, it protects from lots and lots of OTKs and random attacks that would mean game.
Here I'll take something around a classic build and add 2 monks and 2 scrap beast (resummonable with scrap dragon if it gets destroyed). You can even add some terra to search easier ruins while being discard fodder for monk.
Dark Crystal Beast, yeah, more a fun one, but still is something. Use the new advanced dark to make your crystal beasts dark and go into DAD. Advanced dark will protect you from damages too, while sending materials for DAD to the grave. This goes for a OTK, usually, but it's kinda slow to setup, as every crystal beast deck. Substitute ruins with advanced dark and add DAD and some card you like, maybe even a the creator wouldn't be that bad, but you'll need to play more rare values and other cards that send the crystal beasts to the grave. If you play monk, you'll be able to use creeping darkness, too. Given that much remotion, I'd play a tech RfDD (return from the different dimension, for who doesn't know it).
As the previous post, I'll continue this in the future.
Now, this was the second special, hope you liked it. Stay Tuned.
10.000 visits special #1: Chaos Contact
What's this?
Chaos Contact is a deck that uses Miracle Contact, along with Convert Contact, with Chaos monsters (too much "C"s), while summoning beatstick and recycling your monsters.
Given the part of the neo-spacian fusions that make them go back to the deck, you will recycle even them, while speeding-up your game with convert contact and recycling the monsters via miracle contact itself.
The deck does play Stratos too, since it can search for prisma, a great card in here. I play even double hero lives, since using it on stratos, searching and summoning prisma, sending neos/hummingbird with the other one in the grave, and miracle contact, will provide you a giant beatstick, air neos.
The chaos part is played thanks to convert contact. Sending glow moss and dark panther you'll have a perfect grave setup.
To speed-up things, we have cross porter. Send it to the grave, SS a neo-spacian from the hand and search another one, giving you the perfect set-up for miracle contact, too, as long as you have a neos in the grave or in hand (even on the field, but that's less likely). This way you'll be able to go into 3-material contact fusions, too.
Debris Dragon is a good card in here. Assuming that this banlist is the true one, we can use 2 debrises. Debris that summons cross porter to go into iron chain and then search a neo-spacian monster isn't bad, is it?
But that's not all, debris can go into R4 XYZs with the right monsters, but you're probalby thinking "who can be summoned via debris' effect that's lv4?". I'd say Batteryman AAA. The ones who knew that by my older post, raise an hand, here's a cookie for you. Batteryman AAA itself can go into easy R4, even ptolemys and gaia, but having 0 ATK will make him a good target for debris' effect, and thus going into a R4. A R4 that helps us a lot in here is pobably lavalval chain, since you can send that missing neos, that missing neo-spacian monster for the fusion you need.
The various possibilities that this deck has and the searchability of cards make this a toolbox deck. A reverse toolbox, to be precise. Send things you need to the grave to use 'em.
If you're wondering why this post should be a special, well, it is because I'll do a post per day for four/five days. Of course they'll need to be short, but, well, I like those, so I'll focus on them in the future. This deck will be reviewed properly after the banlist, since I need to test it kinda seriously.
Well, this was all. Stay Tuned.
Chaos Contact is a deck that uses Miracle Contact, along with Convert Contact, with Chaos monsters (too much "C"s), while summoning beatstick and recycling your monsters.
Given the part of the neo-spacian fusions that make them go back to the deck, you will recycle even them, while speeding-up your game with convert contact and recycling the monsters via miracle contact itself.
The deck does play Stratos too, since it can search for prisma, a great card in here. I play even double hero lives, since using it on stratos, searching and summoning prisma, sending neos/hummingbird with the other one in the grave, and miracle contact, will provide you a giant beatstick, air neos.
The chaos part is played thanks to convert contact. Sending glow moss and dark panther you'll have a perfect grave setup.
To speed-up things, we have cross porter. Send it to the grave, SS a neo-spacian from the hand and search another one, giving you the perfect set-up for miracle contact, too, as long as you have a neos in the grave or in hand (even on the field, but that's less likely). This way you'll be able to go into 3-material contact fusions, too.
Debris Dragon is a good card in here. Assuming that this banlist is the true one, we can use 2 debrises. Debris that summons cross porter to go into iron chain and then search a neo-spacian monster isn't bad, is it?
But that's not all, debris can go into R4 XYZs with the right monsters, but you're probalby thinking "who can be summoned via debris' effect that's lv4?". I'd say Batteryman AAA. The ones who knew that by my older post, raise an hand, here's a cookie for you. Batteryman AAA itself can go into easy R4, even ptolemys and gaia, but having 0 ATK will make him a good target for debris' effect, and thus going into a R4. A R4 that helps us a lot in here is pobably lavalval chain, since you can send that missing neos, that missing neo-spacian monster for the fusion you need.
The various possibilities that this deck has and the searchability of cards make this a toolbox deck. A reverse toolbox, to be precise. Send things you need to the grave to use 'em.
If you're wondering why this post should be a special, well, it is because I'll do a post per day for four/five days. Of course they'll need to be short, but, well, I like those, so I'll focus on them in the future. This deck will be reviewed properly after the banlist, since I need to test it kinda seriously.
Well, this was all. Stay Tuned.
10.000 Visit Count Hit
Yeah, finally on the ten thousand.
I'd like to thank you all for those visit.
As a bonus, some hints on the next posts:
Various Build of *something precious that's wild too*;
Another Banlist Talk;
Review of a certain pack.
As a special, tomorrow, I'll post a deck I'm developing in this exact moment, I believe you'll like it.
Banned Lock: Card of the Week///Chronomaly Crystal Engine
I'm temporaly locking this label due to the banned, since everything I say for techs and side cards could be wrecked by the banned, still not fully confirmed.
In place of this, I'd rather talk of engines or likes, since it's more generic. I'll add those to the Card of the Week page, too. I'll restart the original card of the week on 3rd September, the first Monday of September. Well, let's start this:
OOPArts Crystal Engine: Chronomaly Cyrstal Bones and Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Both LV3, both LIGHT, both Rock, both rocks when they're together. One searches the other, and the other special summons the one.
SS Bones and SS Skull, XYZ.
Discard skull to search Bones, when possible, SS Bones and go into another XYZ.
Yeah, probably the limitation that skull has, having a Chronomaly on the field to use its effect, is kinda bad, but, think of how much it would have been broken. A starting hand of skull+Tour guide would have meant double XYZ R3 with chaos materials everywhere. Yep, that's the power of those, they're light and LV3, means they are chaos material and can go into leviair to retrieve things banished with BLS/Sorcerer, good, uh?
Still, there's an XYZ that helps using Skull. Tour guide into tour guide into Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut. This helps having monsters on the field for skull's effect thus searching Bones for later uses.
Basically, what's this? An alternative engine that can be player along with tour guide engine for chaos decks lacking lights and/or darks. It's, of course, a R3 engine, not something to dislike, since R3s are actually the best kind of XYZs, Zenmaines, Leviair, Leviathan, and so on.
Actually, being those a total of 10 cards without the chaos monsters (6 from the Crystal Engine and 4 from the Tour Guide engine), you could even easily build a deck around those two engines instead of using them as a support engine. Adding the chaos monsters, 1 BLS 1/2 Chaos Sorcerer, some other staples, 2/3 Veiler, Solemn Trio, reborn, dark hole, 2/3 typhoon, 1 heavy storm, and we've already filled 10+2-3+10-12=22-25 slots. To this it's still needed to decide how the deck should work, and we need other monsters, I'd go for D.D. Warrior Lady that removes threats and generates monsters for Leviair, other than being LIGHT, RotA to search lady and other warriors I'm going to put in, like photon thrasher since he's a big beater easily summonable, warrior that goes thus into Excalibur/Blade Armor with lady, and we've filled other 6 slots. At this I'd add some other darks, caius could be a decent/good idea, based on personal preferences, I'd say. Other DARK monsters playable in here should be D.D. Crow to counter something in the actual and future meta. Breaker for more Backrow Hate, but I believe that it isn't needed. I'd rather go for Hanzo, searchable via RotA, letting us go into Guaiba for subsequential laggia/dollka. As another DARK monster, I'd add Gorz too, good against lots of decks, stops OTKs and is a win condition on his own. Given Hanzo and Super-Transformation, I'd add a LIGHT monster summonable via it, I'd say Prime Material Dragon or Horus LV6 (if you don't mind it not being LIGHT) are good choices. I actually put in Prime since it is LIGHT while Hanzo is DARK
2 Effect Veiler
3 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Jurrac Guaiba
Spells: [10]
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Forbidden Lance
1 Pot of Avarice
Traps: [3]
3 Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation
In place of this, I'd rather talk of engines or likes, since it's more generic. I'll add those to the Card of the Week page, too. I'll restart the original card of the week on 3rd September, the first Monday of September. Well, let's start this:
OOPArts Crystal Engine: Chronomaly Cyrstal Bones and Chronomaly Crystal Skull
Both LV3, both LIGHT, both Rock, both rocks when they're together. One searches the other, and the other special summons the one.
SS Bones and SS Skull, XYZ.
Discard skull to search Bones, when possible, SS Bones and go into another XYZ.
Yeah, probably the limitation that skull has, having a Chronomaly on the field to use its effect, is kinda bad, but, think of how much it would have been broken. A starting hand of skull+Tour guide would have meant double XYZ R3 with chaos materials everywhere. Yep, that's the power of those, they're light and LV3, means they are chaos material and can go into leviair to retrieve things banished with BLS/Sorcerer, good, uh?
Still, there's an XYZ that helps using Skull. Tour guide into tour guide into Chronomaly Crystal Chrononaut. This helps having monsters on the field for skull's effect thus searching Bones for later uses.
Basically, what's this? An alternative engine that can be player along with tour guide engine for chaos decks lacking lights and/or darks. It's, of course, a R3 engine, not something to dislike, since R3s are actually the best kind of XYZs, Zenmaines, Leviair, Leviathan, and so on.
Actually, being those a total of 10 cards without the chaos monsters (6 from the Crystal Engine and 4 from the Tour Guide engine), you could even easily build a deck around those two engines instead of using them as a support engine. Adding the chaos monsters, 1 BLS 1/2 Chaos Sorcerer, some other staples, 2/3 Veiler, Solemn Trio, reborn, dark hole, 2/3 typhoon, 1 heavy storm, and we've already filled 10+2-3+10-12=22-25 slots. To this it's still needed to decide how the deck should work, and we need other monsters, I'd go for D.D. Warrior Lady that removes threats and generates monsters for Leviair, other than being LIGHT, RotA to search lady and other warriors I'm going to put in, like photon thrasher since he's a big beater easily summonable, warrior that goes thus into Excalibur/Blade Armor with lady, and we've filled other 6 slots. At this I'd add some other darks, caius could be a decent/good idea, based on personal preferences, I'd say. Other DARK monsters playable in here should be D.D. Crow to counter something in the actual and future meta. Breaker for more Backrow Hate, but I believe that it isn't needed. I'd rather go for Hanzo, searchable via RotA, letting us go into Guaiba for subsequential laggia/dollka. As another DARK monster, I'd add Gorz too, good against lots of decks, stops OTKs and is a win condition on his own. Given Hanzo and Super-Transformation, I'd add a LIGHT monster summonable via it, I'd say Prime Material Dragon or Horus LV6 (if you don't mind it not being LIGHT) are good choices. I actually put in Prime since it is LIGHT while Hanzo is DARK
Monsters: [27]
3 Tour Guide
1 Sangan
3 Chronomaly Crystal Skull
3 Chronomaly Crystal Bones
1 Black Luster Soldier
1 Chaos Sorcerer
2 Effect Veiler
3 Photon Thrasher
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
1 Prime Material Dragon
1 Prime Material Dragon
3 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Jurrac Guaiba
Spells: [10]
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Forbidden Lance
1 Pot of Avarice
Traps: [3]
3 Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation
Now, how many of you noticed that this was a cookie cutter deck? A cookie cutter is, for those who don't know, a deck made of staples or little engines all put together that require no skill in building and usually even in playing.
The point of the post was that if there are too much good engines, a cookie cutter deck will be easier and easier to build. I did this cause, actually, the decks have, pretty much all, a standard list that you use everywhere:
3 Tour Guides+1 Sangan (usually)
Dark Hole+Monster Reborn+Heavy Storm+2/3 Typhoons
2 Solemn Warnings+1 Solemn Judgment
2/3 Veilers
Even only those are 14-16 cards, but we'll need to add other staples that aren't always played, like Book of moon, BTH, Mirror Force, torrential, D-Prison and so on.
Maybe this didn't look like that, but it was actually a post against those cookie cutter deck. You saw that the cards were all there because of a reason and they are all little engines:
Tour Guide Engine
Crystal Engine
Hanzo Engine (Hanzo+guaiba+usually other target+super-transformation)
Chaos Engine (chaos monsters+crystal engine+tour engine+random lights and darks)
Did this require some skills in building? It actually didn't. For that exact reason, it is even bad built (kinda), since it lacks of some cards to control the field, solemn trio at least, but when building a deck skilless it's kinda easy not putting something, because you can't shift from skilless to skillful.
Hope it was clear enough, however, I wasn't saying that having engines is a bad thing, but to use them moderately.
What's more, I believe the Crystal Engine is kinda good, even if I haven't still tested it.
Hope the post was useful, Stay Tuned.
P.s. I believe that the deck is actually playable, should be something like little under Tier 2, I don't know since I haven't tested it.
If you have some requests for the cards of the week once it will be re-opened, feel free to tell me under the comment or on DN (account: Leodip).
Summoner of Infinity
Aka DS-Approved deck.
What's this? It's a deck I saw for the first time on Duelingdays (Baha and DS' Blog) in this post.
Once I saw the deck, I fell in love, and now it is an year and some month I'm playing it.
Now, with the release of Forbidden Garment/Shroud, the deck has gained lot of power.
Just think that before I summoned prety much onli Cyber End Dragon, Twin Dragon, and Gaia, it happened only (that I remember) 2 times to summon Barbaroid and 2 Exterio. I love Exterio, but here it was good only for 3000/4000 damages when the opponent has lots of backrows to be protected, or when you have 2 illusion on the field and want to OTK with twin, usually.
The reason why I summon mainly those 3 are because two are for OTKs, the other one stays on the field with his own effect, not being destroyed in the end phase via summoner. But what if Exterio wasn't able to be destroyed during that end phase?
I like to think that as a pure game, no matter what, expecially with some backrows. Just think of it as a ladd that negates multiple times in a chain without any real cost. Well, with Forbidden Shroud it's possible, and for that turn exterio won't be able to be targeted or destroyed by other cards, kinda awesome, isn't it?
Well, after those few credits, here's the actual decklist:
What's this? It's a deck I saw for the first time on Duelingdays (Baha and DS' Blog) in this post.
Once I saw the deck, I fell in love, and now it is an year and some month I'm playing it.
Now, with the release of Forbidden Garment/Shroud, the deck has gained lot of power.
Just think that before I summoned prety much onli Cyber End Dragon, Twin Dragon, and Gaia, it happened only (that I remember) 2 times to summon Barbaroid and 2 Exterio. I love Exterio, but here it was good only for 3000/4000 damages when the opponent has lots of backrows to be protected, or when you have 2 illusion on the field and want to OTK with twin, usually.
The reason why I summon mainly those 3 are because two are for OTKs, the other one stays on the field with his own effect, not being destroyed in the end phase via summoner. But what if Exterio wasn't able to be destroyed during that end phase?
I like to think that as a pure game, no matter what, expecially with some backrows. Just think of it as a ladd that negates multiple times in a chain without any real cost. Well, with Forbidden Shroud it's possible, and for that turn exterio won't be able to be targeted or destroyed by other cards, kinda awesome, isn't it?
Well, after those few credits, here's the actual decklist:
Monsters: [21]
1 Black Luster Soldier - EotB
2 Black Salvo
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Genex Ally Birdman
1 Genex Neutron
2 Meklord Army of Wisel
2 Meklord Emperor Wisel
1 Morphing Jar
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Sangan
3 Summoner of Illusion
Spells: [11]
1 Allure of the Darkness
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
2 Enemy Controller
3 Forbidden Shroud
1 Heavy Storm
1 Limiter Removal
1 Monster Reborn
Traps: [8]
2 Call of the Haunted
3 Chaos Infinity
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
Ok, so this is the decklist, the extra is kinda random, I should modify it. Fortress is in there since Cyber Dragon should be on the side, but I'm too lazy to build the side, lol. Substitute it if you aren't going to play with the side deck with a Genex Ally Triarm and you should be ok.
Why only 2 Salvo and 1 Neutron? I needed more space to put in those shroud and for some modifies I did as time passed, and that's the result. I'm fine with 2 Salvo since here we don't synchro too much, only BRD when we have wisel in hand or the karakuri synchro to flip our face-down monsters just set, but that's more occasional. Actually, I used it as a free birdman summon, NS Salvo, SS Wisel Army, bounce for birdman, XYZ. 1 Neutron is a searchef for both bird and salvo, but being they played only in 2 copies each, it should be good enough. You'll find him a good beater, as time passes.
Why only 2 enemy controller? Well, it's a good card to protect our monsters, good enought to be worth 2 slots, it isn't worth the third because of only 40 slots in the deck, and because Summoner+Enemy Controller combo doesn't work here in TCG. On Dueling Network TCG ruling are used, so, that's it.
Why 3 Shroud? If you're thinking this because of the fact it works only with exterio or other fusion, well, you're kinda wrong. Wisel Army is summoned via chaos infinity and then destroyed during the end phase, just let him live during the opponent turn to use him on your turn; Black Rose doesn't need to destroy herself/your boss monsters on the field, does she? Limiter Removal isn't just an ATK increaser for OTKs, could be used to save yourself from impossible situations, then, just let the monster live using shroud. So, 3 is awesome.
Why only 2 CotH? Well, not that the third is needed, but it is mainly because of slots.
Why no duradark? I didn't like it, that's all, inzektor goes into zenmaines during the end of the turn, wind-up does too, chaos dragon have probably won if they have redmd on the field, rabbit goes into laggia, dollka and leviair, nothing else.
Satisfied with the decklist? If you haven't, just try it, it's awesome, I believe you can easily take it to tournament if you have shroud yet (in that case you're an OCG player and I'd say you to play the third enemy controller in place of morphing jar, maybe).
I'm still deciding if to keep or drop Morphing Jar. That's because of the fact I don't fully like it. Yeah, it's true that this could be a really bad surprise for the opponent, that'll lose his full prepared hand, and drawing this after a WU loop is kinda lolly, but I still don't like it totally. But I'll keep it, I believe.
I still like the deck as the first day I saw it, so, thanks to Baha for the deck and DS for approvation, LOL.
Stay Tuned, Monday the new card of the week, still don't know which one I'll select, though.
Deck Concept: New Avenger Abuse
If you're asking what an avenger abuse is, you need to check Infernity Avenger out. You're saying "I know this card", "he's well known, I won't even open that wikia page", probably. I wouldn't have said you to check that out, but I realized that lots of people don't know his effect.
Basically: While you have no card in hand, and a monster you control is sent to your graveyard, you'll get to SS avenger with the level of the destroyed monster.
Note how awesome this effect is, since it's a free revival, and you can summon multiple avengers at the same time. You're probably thinking of XYZs, but they aren't the only (and not even main) use of this combo.
Just consider one of your armageddon knight being destroyed in battle, SS 3 of these, go into disigma/shock master. If, in place of armagedden, there was a tomato/pyramid turtle, you would have summoned goblin zombie, synchro goblin and avenger#1 into void ogre/DED, search and then normal summon beast of the pharaoh to go into a random lv7, or, with eater in the grave you can do another lv8 synchro, use beast's effect and summon goblin/another zombie lv4/beast itself ane then summon level eater to go into another lv8 synchro, with no cards in hand, meaning you can use virtually 3 void ogre dragon, or 2 and a stardust dragon, or what you like the most.
This is the base combo, but lots are possible, expecially using XYZs as second resources if you have no non-tuners.
Those avengers are, then, recyclable, but, I wonder, what would you do with 3 avengers and a level eater in the grave and a lv8 synchro on the field that's going to be destroyed by battle?
No need to explain, but let's just say that it would result in 3 more lv8 synchros, and both DED and Void Ogre are possible, so you could end, virtually, with a field with 3 void ogres and 2 stardusts, while having an engine in the grave for other 3 lv8 synchros.
Said like this the deck is awesome? Well, in the past it was, the meta was a lot slower and reborn tengu was our savior. Now the hard part of the deck is set-upping the grave and a lv4 monster. I tried lot of builds, just one or two tests each, since they're all concept build, and winning was kinda hard, though I'm actually into a little set monsters that's kinda unusual:
3 Infernity Avenger
3 Armageddon Knight+Dark Grepher (the sum of those two is 3, then you can try the possibilities you like, I'm into 2 arma and 1 grepher)
2 Level Eater
(1 Reinforcement of the Army)
That's it. A more usual set contains tomatoes/pyramids and beast of the pharaoh+goblin zombie, usually, but that's why mine is unusual. The problem was that I always had too much cards in hand, so I decided to try this. No matter what, I'll always have a monster to discard for grepher, if he's at 1 copy, so I won't recommend you to play more than 1.
I play like 2 Call of the Haunted and 1 Reborn, so that I can do something like:
Arma gets destroyed by battle, summon only 1 avenger, coth on arma, send the second/third avenger (based on how much you have, however, if you don't have level eater, that's highly recommendable), go into DED, use its effect, then suicide, summon 1/2/3 avengers lv8 and combo with eater, if only one avenger, stardust should be the best option, since it can't be destroyed by effects but only by battle, thus triggering avengers.
Some builds do play even summoner monk, given the high number of spells playable, summon arma/grepher, send avenger/eater, go into lavalval, send another one OR leave them on the field as attack target to trigger avengers.
Given the stall ability of those avengers, it's possible to play wave-motion cannon. This card has lots of good sides:
-Pressure on the opponent, other than causing misplays, putting pressure on the opponent usually makes him destroy this card or win the duel as first objective, meaning he can forget about those avengers in the grave while attacking, or if you had another response to his moves, he would be kinda unprepared (mirror force on the attack that would kill one of your avengers and thus not letting you comboein during your turn would leave the opponent unprepared to the giant lv8 synchros he's going to meet).
-Second simultaneous win condition, while beating your opponent and controlling his moves with void ogre, stardust and some ABCs (to those who don't know, it is Awesome Backrow Card), your opponent will have to face even this in 8 turns in the best of the scenarios (for the opponent).
The deck has easy access to Pot of Duality too, it's awesome in here, since you can chose what to pick, and that's awesome if you don't want other monsters in hand or you do want one.
In a classic build you'll have access even to book of life, if you like it, and mezuki, that will increase the possibilities of start some synchro combo.
Some good cards are:
Hate Buster, mainly for stall builds, but even in normal ones this card could be great, have only 1 arma on the field and the opponent has two monsters but you want to keep all of the three of those avengers? Use this. Worth considering it;
Vanity's Emptiness, at first impact (should be fast to not notice it) this card could look bad in this deck given the moltitude of SS we do, but there's a point in it. Pretty much all of the special we do are placed after a discard/destruction (respectively monk and avenger, just to say some), meaning we'll be free to combo when we like while keeping the opponent closed for a while.
The deck has lot of potential, only I don't know how to build it right. I believe that the actual engine I'm using, maybe with the addition of summoner monk should be good enough to be played.
Well, See Ya.
P.s. I talked about this deck in the past, but didn't want to link that other post as introduction because the game style and mindset is totally different from the old version.
Basically: While you have no card in hand, and a monster you control is sent to your graveyard, you'll get to SS avenger with the level of the destroyed monster.
Note how awesome this effect is, since it's a free revival, and you can summon multiple avengers at the same time. You're probably thinking of XYZs, but they aren't the only (and not even main) use of this combo.
Just consider one of your armageddon knight being destroyed in battle, SS 3 of these, go into disigma/shock master. If, in place of armagedden, there was a tomato/pyramid turtle, you would have summoned goblin zombie, synchro goblin and avenger#1 into void ogre/DED, search and then normal summon beast of the pharaoh to go into a random lv7, or, with eater in the grave you can do another lv8 synchro, use beast's effect and summon goblin/another zombie lv4/beast itself ane then summon level eater to go into another lv8 synchro, with no cards in hand, meaning you can use virtually 3 void ogre dragon, or 2 and a stardust dragon, or what you like the most.
This is the base combo, but lots are possible, expecially using XYZs as second resources if you have no non-tuners.
Those avengers are, then, recyclable, but, I wonder, what would you do with 3 avengers and a level eater in the grave and a lv8 synchro on the field that's going to be destroyed by battle?
No need to explain, but let's just say that it would result in 3 more lv8 synchros, and both DED and Void Ogre are possible, so you could end, virtually, with a field with 3 void ogres and 2 stardusts, while having an engine in the grave for other 3 lv8 synchros.
Said like this the deck is awesome? Well, in the past it was, the meta was a lot slower and reborn tengu was our savior. Now the hard part of the deck is set-upping the grave and a lv4 monster. I tried lot of builds, just one or two tests each, since they're all concept build, and winning was kinda hard, though I'm actually into a little set monsters that's kinda unusual:
3 Infernity Avenger
3 Armageddon Knight+Dark Grepher (the sum of those two is 3, then you can try the possibilities you like, I'm into 2 arma and 1 grepher)
2 Level Eater
(1 Reinforcement of the Army)
That's it. A more usual set contains tomatoes/pyramids and beast of the pharaoh+goblin zombie, usually, but that's why mine is unusual. The problem was that I always had too much cards in hand, so I decided to try this. No matter what, I'll always have a monster to discard for grepher, if he's at 1 copy, so I won't recommend you to play more than 1.
I play like 2 Call of the Haunted and 1 Reborn, so that I can do something like:
Arma gets destroyed by battle, summon only 1 avenger, coth on arma, send the second/third avenger (based on how much you have, however, if you don't have level eater, that's highly recommendable), go into DED, use its effect, then suicide, summon 1/2/3 avengers lv8 and combo with eater, if only one avenger, stardust should be the best option, since it can't be destroyed by effects but only by battle, thus triggering avengers.
Some builds do play even summoner monk, given the high number of spells playable, summon arma/grepher, send avenger/eater, go into lavalval, send another one OR leave them on the field as attack target to trigger avengers.
Given the stall ability of those avengers, it's possible to play wave-motion cannon. This card has lots of good sides:
-Pressure on the opponent, other than causing misplays, putting pressure on the opponent usually makes him destroy this card or win the duel as first objective, meaning he can forget about those avengers in the grave while attacking, or if you had another response to his moves, he would be kinda unprepared (mirror force on the attack that would kill one of your avengers and thus not letting you comboein during your turn would leave the opponent unprepared to the giant lv8 synchros he's going to meet).
-Second simultaneous win condition, while beating your opponent and controlling his moves with void ogre, stardust and some ABCs (to those who don't know, it is Awesome Backrow Card), your opponent will have to face even this in 8 turns in the best of the scenarios (for the opponent).
The deck has easy access to Pot of Duality too, it's awesome in here, since you can chose what to pick, and that's awesome if you don't want other monsters in hand or you do want one.
In a classic build you'll have access even to book of life, if you like it, and mezuki, that will increase the possibilities of start some synchro combo.
Some good cards are:
Hate Buster, mainly for stall builds, but even in normal ones this card could be great, have only 1 arma on the field and the opponent has two monsters but you want to keep all of the three of those avengers? Use this. Worth considering it;
Vanity's Emptiness, at first impact (should be fast to not notice it) this card could look bad in this deck given the moltitude of SS we do, but there's a point in it. Pretty much all of the special we do are placed after a discard/destruction (respectively monk and avenger, just to say some), meaning we'll be free to combo when we like while keeping the opponent closed for a while.
The deck has lot of potential, only I don't know how to build it right. I believe that the actual engine I'm using, maybe with the addition of summoner monk should be good enough to be played.
Well, See Ya.
P.s. I talked about this deck in the past, but didn't want to link that other post as introduction because the game style and mindset is totally different from the old version.
Bushi Abuse
Monsters: [16]
3 Armageddon Knight
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
1 Doppel Warrior
3 Junk Warrior
3 Photon Thrasher
2 The Immortal Bushi
1 X-Saber Pashuul
Spells: [16]
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of the Army
3 Smashing Ground
2 Solidarity
1 The Warrior Returning Alive
1 Tuning
Traps: [9]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Dimensional Prison
1 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Starlight Road
1 Torrential Tribute
Extra is still under testing, however, but's considerable, at least.
What I think about this deck? I don't like the 41-cards-deck setup, but I really didn't know what to take out for 3 thrashers and 1 bls, but on a second impact on the build I believe I'll drop the tuning, it's kinda unuseful for my tastes.
Testing the deck I noticed that this goes pretty much into XYZs, instead of Synchros, excalibur and blade armor are Imba, that's it.
So, want some explanation? Don't want them? Doesn't matter, I'll explain it however, lol.
Armageddon, good card, sends both bushi and doppel, good ones.
D.D. Warrior Lady, good card is good, takes out big bosses like everyday's business, and suiciding her isn't even bad in terms of life points, usually.
Pashuul is a good lv2 tuner SS-able via Junk, that stalls when needed. If you want to put something in the deck, this is the first candidate to be took out, following Tuning.
The rest is no worth an explanation, everything is either staple, protection, ATK boost, searchers or destroyers.
Well, I have only few things to say about this deck:
The deck works kinda good, can keep up at the pace of this meta, too, but it's a 4fun, don't expect too much of it;
The deck could easily summon BLS pretty much anytime, the only thing that you won't have to summon BLS is BLS itself, he's kinda hard to get, the warrior returning alive can recycle him, though, and that's really good;
I haven't tested it too much for lacking of time, but from old results and the few new ones, it should be ok for locals, if you're lucky enough.
And, yeah, Thrasher is godly here.
That's All Folks, See Ya.
Well, I have only few things to say about this deck:
The deck works kinda good, can keep up at the pace of this meta, too, but it's a 4fun, don't expect too much of it;
The deck could easily summon BLS pretty much anytime, the only thing that you won't have to summon BLS is BLS itself, he's kinda hard to get, the warrior returning alive can recycle him, though, and that's really good;
I haven't tested it too much for lacking of time, but from old results and the few new ones, it should be ok for locals, if you're lucky enough.
And, yeah, Thrasher is godly here.
That's All Folks, See Ya.
Card of the Week #12: Photon Thrasher
![]() |
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) while you control no monsters. If you control another monster, this card cannot attack. |
A simple and yet giant effect, no rulings for this, only that he's a semi-nomi, so you can reborn him, but only if you succeeded into SSing him via his own effect.
Close look, then we'll go for the true review:
Photon Monster, some little photon supports, if you're going to play this in a photon deck;
LIGHT, this is really good, honest, here we go, and of course, lots and lots of supports, I'll name some later;
Level 4, XYZs there we go;
Warrior-Type, Reinforcement of the Army, the warrior returning alive and XYZs, I'll name something else later;
Cydra-like effect, SS without cost, even easier to bring to the field if compared to cydra since he doesn't need a monster on the opponent's field;
Stats, lovely stats, 2100/0, you'll mainly go into XYZs with this, but having a big easily summonable beater isn't half bad. 0 DEF isn't bad, since we're going into xyzs or attacks, I would never put him in defence, even if he had 2000, I believe.
This one is a great card, pretty much everyone knows his primary uses. SS, NS Stratos, search bubbleman, SS Bubbleman, Bubbleman+Thrasher=Excalibur/Blade Armor. In other decks is a big beater easily summonable that goes into blade/excalibur with another random LV4 Warrior, that's easily recruitable and recylable.
But, flying a little away from the competitive scene, this card is usable in lightrays.
There are decks based on the Ligtray cards, they are a set of 4 monsters (+lightray grepher, but here I'm talking about the "bosses") that have a summoning condition with no cost.
Lightray Daedalus, you'll never use its effect, but it is a 2600 summonable having 4 or more light monsters in the grave;
Lightray Gearfried, 2800 ATK, nice effect, s/t negation at the cost of banishing a warrior from the grave (thrasher?) while having only warriors on the field, though summoning him isn't easy, 5 or more light in the grave with different names, kinda hard;
Lightray Diabolos, 2800 ATK, same summoning condition of gearfried, and not bad effect, you can banish 1 light monster from the grave (not bad, we'll why with the next card) to check 1 set card on the field and send it to the top of bottom of deck, not bad, not awesome;
Lightray Sorcerer, 2300 ATK, but the only one with different summoning condition, you need to have at least 3 banished light monsters, and has a nice effect. Shuffle one of your light banished monsters in the deck (as an effect) and banish an opponent's monster, really good, there are builds based on him.
So, how would photon thrasher work in a lightray deck? Let's say we're going for Lightsworn engine (as most lightray decks do), this card is a free beater, warrior for gearfried, xyz material with most lightsworns, and with, let's say, jain, you can go into blade armor or excalibur, recyclable with beckoning light, giant beater under honest and so on.
However we needn't forget that synchros still exist, and this card is a perfect synchro fodder too, just summon this then the tuner and here we go. If someone remembers, back in time there were Bushi Abuse, they were warrior deck that used bushi as synchro fodder by reviving him every turn if we hadn't no monsters on the field, that supported with Junk Synchron, Doppel and other warrior monsters, in tandem with Warrior Synchro monsters, with Solidarity even Bushi alone with a monster in the grave was a really good beater (2000). I believe I'll rebuild the deck putting in thrasher and BLS, since the others are pretty much all dark, only few are of other attributes, and, based on personal preferences, there could be even some light ones. However, no matter the attribute, with thrasher and another lv4 you could go into excalibur, a light monster, too. RotA searches what you need, tuning searches for junk synchron, foolish sends bushi to the grave and we're all happy. Warrior Lady remoeves threats, with junk and bushi you can go into invoker that can summon another warrior, the comboes are a lot. Try it if you have time to build it, I believe it would be at least playable as 4fun, and kinda funny, too.
Remember that by reducing the number of monsters with effects on the field, you can go into skill drain build that would let your thrasher attack even with other monsters on the field.
If you want to build a photon deck, this card would be one of the main ones. Right now (without cards from the kite tenjo pack) the best way I'd build it would be antimeta. 3 of this, 3 crushers/tigers (I don't recommend both, but tiger has a best effect, while crusher is lv4), 3 lizards, some skill drains, some galaxy dragons, LaDD, classic S/T from an antimeta, honest, barbaros if you want to abuse of skill drain, photon trident, photon sanctuary and here we go.
We'll have a deck that controls all of the opponent's move, that can summon easily LaDD to indiscriminately negate everything, that spams big beaters with honest that's a troll card, that stops monster's effect with Skill Drain and has lots of possibilites. You can play RotA here, too,
Well, that's all, hope you liked the review. The card is awesome and playable in lots of ways, however I'm sure I forgot some builds, lol.
Let me know if you do something awesome with this card.
Stay Tuned.
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