
Summoner of Infinity

Aka DS-Approved deck.
What's this? It's a deck I saw for the first time on Duelingdays (Baha and DS' Blog) in this post.
Once I saw the deck, I fell in love, and now it is an year and some month I'm playing it.
Now, with the release of Forbidden Garment/Shroud, the deck has gained lot of power.
Just think that before I summoned prety much onli Cyber End Dragon, Twin Dragon, and Gaia, it happened only (that I remember) 2 times to summon Barbaroid and 2 Exterio. I love Exterio, but here it was good only for 3000/4000 damages when the opponent has lots of backrows to be protected, or when you have 2 illusion on the field and want to OTK with twin, usually.
The reason why I summon mainly those 3 are because two are for OTKs, the other one stays on the field with his own effect, not being destroyed in the end phase via summoner. But what if Exterio wasn't able to be destroyed during that end phase?
I like to think that as a pure game, no matter what, expecially with some backrows. Just think of it as a ladd that negates multiple times in a chain without any real cost. Well, with Forbidden Shroud it's possible, and for that turn exterio won't be able to be targeted or destroyed by other cards, kinda awesome, isn't it?
Well, after those few credits, here's the actual decklist:

Monsters: [21]
1 Black Luster Soldier - EotB
2 Black Salvo
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Effect Veiler
2 Genex Ally Birdman
1 Genex Neutron
2 Meklord Army of Wisel
2 Meklord Emperor Wisel
1 Morphing Jar
2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Sangan
3 Summoner of Illusion

Spells: [11]
1 Allure of the Darkness
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
2 Enemy Controller
3 Forbidden Shroud
1 Heavy Storm
1 Limiter Removal
1 Monster Reborn

Traps: [8]
2 Call of the Haunted
3 Chaos Infinity
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning

Ok, so this is the decklist, the extra is kinda random, I should modify it. Fortress is in there since Cyber Dragon should be on the side, but I'm too lazy to build the side, lol. Substitute it if you aren't going to play with the side deck with a Genex Ally Triarm and you should be ok.

Why only 2 Salvo and 1 Neutron? I needed more space to put in those shroud and for some modifies I did as time passed, and that's the result. I'm fine with 2 Salvo since here we don't synchro too much, only BRD when we have wisel in hand or the karakuri synchro to flip our face-down monsters just set, but that's more occasional. Actually, I used it as a free birdman summon, NS Salvo, SS Wisel Army, bounce for birdman, XYZ. 1 Neutron is a searchef for both bird and salvo, but being they played only in 2 copies each, it should be good enough. You'll find him a good beater, as time passes.

Why only 2 enemy controller? Well, it's a good card to protect our monsters, good enought to be worth 2 slots, it isn't worth the third because of only 40 slots in the deck, and because Summoner+Enemy Controller combo doesn't work here in TCG. On Dueling Network TCG ruling are used, so, that's it.

Why 3 Shroud? If you're thinking this because of the fact it works only with exterio or other fusion, well, you're kinda wrong. Wisel Army is summoned via chaos infinity and then destroyed during the end phase, just let him live during the opponent turn to use him on your turn; Black Rose doesn't need to destroy herself/your boss monsters on the field, does she? Limiter Removal isn't just an ATK increaser for OTKs, could be used to save yourself from impossible situations, then, just let the monster live using shroud. So, 3 is awesome.

Why only 2 CotH? Well, not that the third is needed, but it is mainly because of slots.

Why no duradark? I didn't like it, that's all, inzektor goes into zenmaines during the end of the turn, wind-up does too, chaos dragon have probably won if they have redmd on the field, rabbit goes into laggia, dollka and leviair, nothing else.

Satisfied with the decklist? If you haven't, just try it, it's awesome, I believe you can easily take it to tournament if you have shroud yet (in that case you're an OCG player and I'd say you to play the third enemy controller in place of morphing jar, maybe).

I'm still deciding if to keep or drop Morphing Jar. That's because of the fact I don't fully like it. Yeah, it's true that this could be a really bad surprise for the opponent, that'll lose his full prepared hand, and drawing this after a WU loop is kinda lolly, but I still don't like it totally. But I'll keep it, I believe.

I still like the deck as the first day I saw it, so, thanks to Baha for the deck and DS for approvation, LOL.

Stay Tuned, Monday the new card of the week, still don't know which one I'll select, though.

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