
10.000 Visits Special #3: Confirmed Banlist Talk

Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld

Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B

Well, this is the well-known banlist. What are my thoughts on this? A good banlist that'll form a good meta, but it hit all of my favourite decks/loops/cards.
Future and Brionac are, probably, the cards I like the most, you shoud know that, I said it pretty everywhere. Brionac and Future are both Loop Generator, but I was okay with that. That's because both brio and future were and still are for a couple of weeks, two awesome cards. Leaving Future apart, a card that I've wanted to be banned too, since I hate chaos dragons, brionac was a card for peoples who knew how to use him. Lots just go into him (yeah, male, lol), use his effect, bounce an opponent's card and just attack, but they forget that he can bounce your own card, they remember that only during auto-piloted loops, and that's bad. I myself recently used brionac this way to win. Opponent had dark hole in hand for the next turn (just took with gold sarcophagus) and 7600 LPs, and I had brionac that I used to bounce a face-down fossil dyna that would have killed me if I attacked it (don't ask me what kind of deck he was using, totally don't know, lol), enemy controller and undine in the grave and 700 LPs left. Here I had only a field of brionac and genex undine with seahorsemen and megaloabyss in hand. I was chatting with a friend of mine that moment, I said the field, and he said "oh, well, you couldn't have win against a deck like that", and I noticed how many people play brionac auto-pilot-ishly (lol). There I just had to discard seahorsemen to bounce undine, search moulin glace, summon undine, send horsemen, add second moulin and controller, brio's eff, bounce undine discarding controller, send undine and moulin to the grave and SS megaloabyss. SS Moulin, discard his two cards, eff megalo, tribute brionac, beat for the win (2400+2400+2800=7600).
Brionac is a card easy to use, but needs some thoughts to master it.

Inzektors limited, nah, if even hornet is limited it will be no more fun. Well, I'll build something with those inzektors now that no one uses them anymore.
Gustkraken limited, well, a gishki card in the banlist makes sense. However, this was a kinda broken card.
Chaos Sorcerer, uhm, well, no bad, no good, it doesn't affect me too much, since I play mostly 1 bls and 1 sorcerer when I play chaos decks.
Ultimate offering is probably the card that hit me the most, I'm playing madolches now, you can't just limit one of the best cards in there. Oh well, at least I'll have slots for double summons.
Spore, it doesn't change a lot from being at 1 or at three, since I'd play however at least a copy of copy plant in gigavise, however, for some plant decks, it would need to be at 2/3, at least.
Zenmaighty, I like this, 'nuff said.
Tsukuyomi, aww yeahh. Like this one, definitely. I'll build something around this, but this can be used as support pretty much anywhere. Mask of Darkness-Tsukuyomi control, lol.
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, whoa, like this too, no more abuses.

Mirror force at 2, like this too, going for a more skill based meta.
Convocation, I wanted more hit on hieratics, too.
Earth, like this one, too, agents should be played a little more, especially with teleport back.
Reasoning, I've got some things that'll like this one.
Rescue Rabbit, I'd have limited this, but, yeah, lots of the cards of the deck are still money cards, and knoami wants to earn something.
Emergency Call, doesn't hit that much heroes, but still does something. Glad they didn't limited it.
A Hero Lives, again, some random hits on heroes, but they're still good.
Duality, more slots in madolches, lol. Don't have nothing special to say about this, though, only that my avenger abuse lost a little of power (looking forward to write a review of this, I've finally reached a good build).
Kalut, doesn't mean nothing to me, only that I kinda hate BWs, so it affects me when I'll meet all of those BW players on Dueling Network, once they'll start using double kalut.
Debris Dragon, like this one too, some other boost to plants.
Tour Guide, yeah, definitely like this one, too, it'll need some more skill while building.
Emergency teleport, LOVE. THIS. ONE. I'll play just random decks with random earth monsters and the teleport engine to go into beast and barkion.
Marshmallon, really, doesn't mean a lot to me.
Necro Gardna. Other boosts to twilights? It looks like either konami wants to make twilight a meta deck again or they like a lot the movie. Hope it is the first for various reasons.
Destiny Draw, love this, discard, draw, SS synchro/xyz, opponent quits. I'm actually building grepher control, I believe this card will help. I'll explain what a grepher control is in another post.
Magic Cylinder. Dafuq? Does really konami want me to die under all of those noobs that'll play "defensive decks" and BW Players? Why, why do they hate me THAT much?
Sword of Revealing light, same as cylinder, however, I'll play gol'gar control again this meta, I believe.
Area B, yeah, konami really hates me.

Well, this was the banlist. After all it was a good one, but still, there are some things I don't like. Well, nothing's perfect.

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