
IRL Gaming///Jam Breeding Machine

I've actually decided to start playing IRL. Little 2-persons team, but still, it's half of the money we'll need to spend, so that's good with me. However, I wouldn't have started if I wouldn't have found other people in my town (let's call it town, even if it is kinda big) that play too, another 8/9 persons. Today morning I went there, and we bought a stardust and a Gyzarus, so, guess, what are we going to build? Had tons of fun.

Coming to the real topic of today's post, a reader asked me to revamp my Jam Breeding Deck, I actually did, still testing, though it's kinda good, only a little slow to start, but we've got tons of cards to protect ourself. Here's the list:

Don't mind that "Mad" in the name, it's just that I wanted to keep my other list and named this one with mad because it's kinda different from the other one.

Monsters: [3]
3 Cardcar D

Spells: [16]
1 Dark Hole
3 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Heat Wave
3 Jam Breeding Machine
2 Smashing Ground
1 Terraforming
2 Upstart Goblin
3 Wetlands

Traps: [21]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dark Bribe
3 Dimensional Prison
2 Mirror Forces
1 Skill Drain
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
2 The Huge Revolution Is Over
3 Token Stampede
2 Torrential Tributes
1 Trap Hole

So, everything needs an explanation here, let's start with what's NOT there:
-Pot of Dualities, you can't use it the same turn you SS a token with Breeding, I know you'll think "why is Cardcar D there, then?", but it's not the same.
-Second or third terraforming, drawing multiple copies of wetlands is really bad, since you can't even set it as bluff. Jam Breeding is a far more difficult card to get, this card played in 4 copies is just right, I believe.

Now, what's there and why:
-Cardcar D, this card is better than pot of duality in lots of cases: First Turn, draw 2, good enough, duality adds only a card, even if you can select between 3 cards; mid game (jam activated) set, more walls, duality can't be used like that, at the best, you can bluff duality, but you've got other tons of cards to set, you'll always have all slots full or just one left for emergency activations; late game (few lp left), as before; late game (few lp left and no jam breeding), this card can let you draw 2 and then protect yourself with other cards OR just attack and kill the opponent. What's more, duality reveals what you add, too predictable. And, if that wasn't enough to satisfy Duality Fans and you really want to play that, remember it's semi-limited, so you'll need however a cardcar d. If you want to play duality in place of cardcar d for money issues, I'd put 2 dualities and one more upstart.
-Heat Wave, lovely tech, it's great at 1, but I believe that the second would be bad for our draws.
-Skill Drain, lovely card in here, doesn't backfire, stops everything. At 1 because I pay too much life points.
-Huge Revolution over Starlight because it is less negable, and you wouldn't get to summon stardust with starlight if you have jam breeding on the field.

Overall, the deck is kinda slow, but I believe it can't reach an higher speed without losing consistency, so it's good. You can stall for tons of turns till you draw jam breeding.
Have fun with the deck, it's always funny locking-up the opponent with the various traps and then summon 2700 beaters once per turn that can't be destroyed by battle, isn't it?
See Ya, look forward for the card of the week, will be a good one, I believe.


  1. Caspita, avevo avuto una idea simile, ma questo è molto meglio!
    Anche se non penso regga molto finché non peschi jam...
    Dovrei provarlo.

    1. Infatti, la ragione per molti dei parini e dei peschini. È principalmente un 4fun, comunque.

      He said that he had quite some time ago the same idea, but he said that this one is better. Than said that you could have some problem if you don't draw into jam, then said he should try it.
      I said that I use so many cards to draw and protect because of this. What's more, this is mainly a for fun (dunno if this is used in english, means not competitive).

  2. Come mai niente caproni? D:

    1. Pesantucci, bloccano gli spazi dei token di slime, che tra l'altro, con jam breeding a terra non è usabile. Poi sono solo dei 1000 con stampede, nulla di più.
