
Banned Lock: Card of the Week///After-Ban Thoughts

Well, should have done this before, but doesn't really matter. Well, it's just that I wanted to do a deeper review of the banlist, about what this will do the next meta

Future Fusion
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Inzektor Hornet
Inzektor Dragonfly
Gishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Ultimate Offering
Wind-Up Zenmighty
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

Mirror Force
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
The Agent of Mystery-Earth
Rescue Rabbit
E-Emergency Call
A Hero Lives
Pot of Duality
Blackwing-Kalut of Moon Shadow
Debris Dragon
Tour Guide From the Underworld

Emergency Teleport
Necro Gardna
Destiny Draw
Magic Cylinder
Sword of Revealing Light
Level Limit-Area B

General Thoughts, more skilled meta, killed/damaged lots of the auto-piloted deck, double mirror and the double torrential, along with bth, warn, judg, etc... will make every player think carefully about what to do before every move.

Single Ones:
Inzektors, heavy hit, now that this happened, I'd like to start playing them. Ya know, I don't play something that is mainstream, now they'd be perfect. I was thinking of looping with giga-weevil and giga-mantis (with a centipede in the grave):
NS Dragonfly, equip hornet and mantis, eff hornet, destroy random card, eff dragonfly, SS Centipede, equip hornet, eff hornet, destroy mantis, SS Centipede and search weevil, used centipede+dragonfly=leviathan, eff leviathan, detach dragonfly, eff centipede, equip hornet, equip weevil, eff hornet, destroy weevil, SS Dragonfly and search ladybug/weevil/mantis (based on what you want to do, with ladybug you'd go now in a R5 while leaving a centipede on the field and a weevil/mantis in hand to loop the next turn with centipede), equip hornet to dragonfly, eff hornet, destroy opponent's card and SS Centipede, equip hornet, destroy opponent's card and search mantis.
One of the loops, however, this deck is played with a different mindset than before. Before you went into the -2 loop in the exact moment you drew it, now you'll have to wait, skillfully play and gather your pieces to explode into something giant when you can.
So, for Inzekors, I'd build a Swap Build with howling insect and mystic tomato (thanks to a friend of mine, tengu, for the idea) or a control build, controls the opponent, goes into centipede+hornet when possible to destroy one at turn and search to gather your pieces, and then, when you can go into dragonfly-hornet, I'd leave the monsters on the field (if you have enough protection, of course) to combo lot more the next turn, more likely blowing-up the entire opponent's field and having some great xyzs or power-upped inzektors.

Gishki, oh, well, except for the ptolemys loop build, I never liked too much that one, even if it is a great card. I'll play teched gishkis, I believe.

Infernities, they lost their loop card, but, doesn't matter, they've kept the same level of strength, kinda. I'm working on some loops, however, with double emeral to recycle the cards, but as now the only thing I could come up with was using a card that tributes (actually toon cannon soldier) to get rid of cards on the field, however the draw is a problem, sometimes. I'm working on that, though.

Wind-Ups, oh, well, good ones. Don't hate them anymore, but I'm sure there'll be other loops with hunter, maybe abusing of magician, too. I won't play them, however, since I don't like 'em. I'd rather play an Inzektor-Wind-Up build, more than a pure one.

Gadgets, Madolches, offering hit both, however I'm not that disappointed. It's true that I love offering loops, I was thinking of it with centipede, but at 1 it's just too inconsistent and occasional, but limiting offering was more than fair from my point of view. That'll even punish bad players that don't think of anything while using that card. I'll continue playing madolches, more control-oriented, I believe, and play something like MachinaGadgetGeargia, should be kinda funny, lol

Hieratics, I believe they're still playable, if I see that only few players play that deck, I'll build something. I'd go for the wizard-Galaxy Queen's Light, I believe (I talked about that, search it). They're still a funny support (even competitive, with funny I meant they're funny to play) and good standalone deck.

Chaos Dragons, never liked 'em, they are too...dunno...let's say that I hate how they rely on just summon and beat. They lost some power, nothing great, though.

Blackwings, don't like them, I'll just hate playing against them, nothing else. They lost pretty much nothing, just gained a kalut.

Rabbit Laggia, oh well, I wouldn't have played this, however. it didn't lost too much power, only a bit of speed, but nothing great. If I were to play them, I'd stick around with guaibas.

Agents, I'll start playing these. For sure. 'nuff said.

Naturia Synchros Control, oh well, that's what I thought while reading triple teleport. I'll play some control builds like this, but even tons and tons of Psychic decks. It's time to bring back my T.G.PsychicSwap. Geargias/karakuris will play those, too.

Geargias, I'll definitely build something with them, mainly as supports, I like a lot geargia karakuris, but I didn't have a chance to test them, yet. I was thinking of some other geargiaccelerator's abuses, too.

Karakuris, I use to play these at least a couple of times for banned, then I tend to forgot those. Still, I like 'em, I'd go for some tele build, too.

Gigavise, yeah, I'll play this. Nothing else. You'll see my build this week, I believe.

Heroes, I used to play those when they weren't popular, but lots of players started to, and I stopped using them. Of course I won't use them not even this format.

Gol'gar Control, I'l definitely use this, it's a strong choice for 4funs this format, I believe. I'll have some fun, just I'll need to build a good build.

PACMAN, oh well, I'm actually trying this, for those who don't know, Pure Advantage Camels Munch  All Noobs. I'm not convinced from my actual build, but I have some fixes I'll do, I believe.

That was all, if you see something missing is probably because I didn't want it being here, unusuefulness for this post could be the main reason.

Well, See Ya.

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