
Overdrive Frog Monarch?

I was trying something with Overdrive Teleporter, and, you know I love challenges, I made a build that features a little Frog engine (3 swaps, 2 treeborns and 1 ronintoadin), and triple caius.

Are you asking why? Oh, you say you aren't asking why? I'll explain however.
I love frog engine, it generates really easy tribute fodders for our monarchs, and in this case teleporter, too. Making the life easy for caius is really good, since it could run over threats that your backrow hate (2 MST and 1 heavy storm, not really an "hate", but there's still some), like some nasty rai-ohs and other things like that.
What's more, swap helps with Overdrive. We said that recycling him isn't easy, because the only way is ptolemys, and his main weakness is veiler, one of the most played card in this format. If veiler hits Overdrive, what will we do? Just cry over our 2000 lps and tribute fodder? I won't, go with swap to bounce it back and re-use him next turn.
Then, what other does the frog engine provide us? I believe it provides a good and hard-to-stop defence, the one in the hand, fader and gorz, with tragoedia too. What's more, Gorz usually provides the big monsters for the final pushes, while fader provides tribute fodder, and tragoedia can help in both things, basing on luck, while manipulating its own level or stealing opponent's monster. With Tragoedia there are a lot of lolly plays, one I like is stealing an opponent's lv6 monster discarding caius, and then copying is level to XYZ. This can be done with any level that has an XYZ that requires 2 monsters.
Other than this, in pretty much any duel I did, I saw how good was Enemy Controller. I play it in 3 copies, and stops everything. One of the move I did the most is stealing an opponent's rai-oh tributing treeborn to tribute him to go into a teleporter and combo.

Then, this deck has good potentials, because it isn't hard to make naturia beast+naturia barkion-Stardust Dragon plays and stop the opponent, if you just have a little set-up, nothing really hard to get, you will be able. In most cases it is done with an Esper Girl in grave (or in hand, but if needs at least a psychic monster in the grave), a Teleporter in hand and a Cleric on the field, with 2 discard fodder in hand:
Eff Cleric, discard a card (or Esper if you have another Psychic monster in grave) to banish Esper Girl
Tribute Cleric for Overdrive, then Cleric's effect will trigger summoning an esper girl and banishing the top card
Eff Overdrive, SS a Cleric and a Commander/level 3 psychic tune
Eff Cleric, discard to banish the first Cleric
Synchro Cleric+Esper into Beast, Cleric's and Esper's effect will trigger and you'll SS Cleric
Eff Cleric, discard to banish Esper
Synchro Cleric+Commander/lv3 tuner into Barkion
Cleric's effect wil trigger, and you'll SS Esper that will banish top card.
Esper+Overdrive into Stardust, Esper's effect will trigger and you'll add the banished card.

Esper will let you draw 2 cards in the process, but you'll discard 3 for Cleric, but given the order in which they happen, you need 2 cards in hand, other than Overdrive. That's not that big of a set-up, and it ends the turn with a big field. The combo can be changed in order to draw more (summoning librarian instead of beast), and since you're going to draw some more cards it isn't improbable that you'll draw into an Emergency Teleport and you'll win. You could even go into Scrap Dragon to do more damages and into brionac to bounce nasty cards.I believe that with the same set-up you can end with a winning field with more than 8000 damages if opponent has a clear field, going into Hyper Psychic Blaster, Gaia and Librarian, right 8000 lps.

I'm seaching slots for veilers, but for some reason I don't like them, even if they are good. I don't like them means that I really don't like them, not that they are no good, probably right now they're the best carsd to be played.

I believe this was all, if I have other updates on the deck, I'll post them. I'll post a beta decklist, too, if not today, I'll do it tomorrow.

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