Level Eater, I've always loved this card, and finally I'm going (and not only me, probably) to build a lot of things playing this, because of some little comboes, but first let's see his effect. This card can lower the level of a level 5 or higher monster by one level to summon himself from the grave, and can't be tributed for any reason that isn't tribute summon. No other restrictions. Back in days, with Synchros everywhere, but mainly (for me) with fableds, this card made disasters, because he wasn't restricted like bulb or spore to "once per duel" making him pretty abusable. Being Synchros outdated now, this card sees no more plays, because summoning a level 1 lowering a level 5 or higher monster, let you summon only a level 1 with a level 4 (in the best of the hypotesis), and even if you xyzed the lowered monster and another one, this card would be pretty unuseful if on the field, alone, with no one to xyz with. But now a card awakened this card's potential, let's see it:
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Target 1 face-up Level 7 or higher monster you control; all face-up monsters you currently control become the same Level as that monster, until the End Phase. |
When playing something like this, you need to not forget that Eater isn't cost, meaning you can lower your own LaDD ATK, then summon the 3 Eaters and combo as above.
The comboes are alot, I didn't even started playing this because I'm waiting for the release of a R9 monster on Dueling Network, so this is all theory.
So, how is this deck builded? Let's see what are our goals to start comboeing.
#1.We need Level Eater in the grave:
Dark Grepher and Armageddon Knight, I prefer the second one over the first because it isn't a -1, but the first works well with the high level monster we are going to play.
-Summoner Monk, helps summoning those 2 and other cards we have in the deck.You can summon this, use his effect and SS Armageddon, use Armageddon's effect and send a level eater, XYZ into Lavalval Chain and either send another level eater if you have a big monster you can summon to combo with or top deck a SS-able monster to combo with the level eater just sent with Armageddon.
Foolish Burial, the most obvious one and easiest to use.
Future Fusion, yeah, it's that I like too much this card's potential, this could be useful, but it needs his own build.
Quickdraw Synchron, this card's is the one that works the best with eater, can discard him and then easy synchro into a level 5, too bad this deck will probably not have rooms in the extra deck.
-Rest of the synchro engine, if you're going to do an hybrid XYZ/Synchro, this along with Eater could combo as hell. Just think to Synchro into destroyer, get rid of opponent's field, use eater and queen's light and go into high level XYZs.
#2.We need high level monsters:
Metaion, the Time Lord, this is easy to summon, and could be used alone to win in a desperate situation. NS him and then do what you do want. If your opponent's has little Life Points, you can even summon all 3 of the level eaters from the grave to bounce them back and deal 900 minimum+other opponent's monster damages. Eats-up your normal summon.
Beast King Barbaros, easy to summon level 8 monster with a decent attack (1900) and if you abuse of level eaters you can NS him with 3 tributes to get rid of opponent's field.
Gagaga Magician, can help with XYZ of every level, so it may be a staple. Eats-up your normal summon.
Cyber Eltanin, SS himself, cleans the field and then SS those eaters to combo with. DOESN'T eat-up your normal summon.
-Cyber Valley, draw engine and can easily stop opponent's attacks, but it is mainly here because of eltanin.
--Tour Guide+sangan, search engine and can go into leviair to take back valley. Don't forget that queen's light changes the level of all of the monsters on your field, meaning you can summon this, then metal reflect slime, use queen's light and go into a 3 materials level 10 monster.
Metal Reflect Slime, big and easy to summon level 10 monster, is a big wall, this could help sometimes. DOESN'T eat-up your normal summon, but takes a turn of set-up being a trap.
Cons of the deck are mainly:
1) Based on queen's light that can't be searched and can be played only in 3 copies as any other card in this game, meaning that you can use that up to 3 times.
2) Can have really dead hands.
3) Relies on grave.
How to fix them:
1) You can play tribute monsters to use those easy to summon big monsters and level eaters.
2) Can't really be fixed, I'd play some draw cards thought, expecially hand destruction to discard level eaters and draw into something good.
3) Every deck right now relies on grave, but this is lucky, this has access to some SS from hand, meaning that you can SS a monster and then tribute summon something good like Caius. You can even play without fear anything return from different dimension to retrieve valleys and eaters tributed when macro was on the field.
Deck should be funny, it isn't competitive (I don't even think it is playable right now, but really don't know) and it may cost a lot, but I don't give a fuck about that given that I play on dueling network, LOL.
Well, this was all, Stay Tuned, tomorrow there will be another Card of the Week.
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