
Blog's stuff

I was a blog reader before starting writing one, and what I saw was that they where slow, but I expected that writing a blog in free time is not that easy, but after 3 month of blogging (just a week and they will be exactly 3 month) I realized some things.

Starting I decided to write some posts and cutting them in the first part of the post to have an easy-and-fast-reading home page, so that someone could open only the posts he was intrested in...
Initially I wanted to put a lot of images in the posts to lighten the reading and make it colorfull...
...I was wrong.

Cutting posts at the starting causes a loss in interest from the reader, I noticed it reading a blog regarding Ubuntu. Basically only the title and few strings of text are not enough to interest the reader, usually. A long post without redirecting on another tab or closing the current tab to go into another is against lazy peoples. Other than this, long posts without "continue reading" causes in the reader, when scrolling the page, increasing interest in the reader, expecially if he see some images of cards he like.
If I putted a collage of cards I talked about in the last post, maybe readers would be interested with Eatos, or Village, because they like those cards for examples, and started reading how to use them in a different deck from the one they use them usually. So not a lot of images like in the first 2 post about madolches, because with too much images, the contents seemed more than needed, and lazyness would stop readers from reading.
I decided now to correct those things. Last post was one of the proto-examples of how a post needs to be. It lacked of images, but contents where a lot, but it was colorless. I think 1 or 2 images for post are needed.
For cutting the post, the last one was good, because the text was too much and without images it was boring to see it while scrolling the page, but I need to don't cut them next time.

I'm planning even a radical change in layout, wallpaper and logo. Stay Tuned (again), you'll see some changes.

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