Tethys, Goddess of LIght, good card is good. She's the monster that won't kill your opponent, but wil llet you do that. Just Imagine, there's a deck full of fairy monster, the only monsters are fairies, then monster reborn and 3 valhalla (with 3 hecatrice of course), all other spells are drawing spell. How do you think a deck like this would work? You can draw pretty all of your deck, if a lucky. But what is the win condition? One may say exodia, but exodia isn't fairy, that would wreck our deck main combo. So how? Athena is fairy, darklord superbia too, then why don't burn opponent's LP?
I'll explain better. Use hecatrice effect to search for valhalla, use valhalla to summon tethys from hand, now let the crazy draw start. Use a draw spell, no matter what, and draw into a fairy monster, draw as helle till you draw a spell card, activate that spell to start the combo again. Use trade-in and hand destruction to send 3 Athenas and 3 Darklord Superbia in the grave. When you have few cards left in your deck, you can start the combo. Activate monster reborn, summon athena, eff athena, tribute tethys and SS Superbia (-600 LP to the opponent), eff Superbia, SS another Athena (-600, 1200 total till now). Eff of the second athena, tribute Superbia, SS Superbia (-1200, 2400 till now), eff Superbia SS another Athena (-1200, 3600 till now). Eff third athena, tribute Superbia, SS superbia (-1800, 5400 till now), eff Superbia SS another fairy monster, usually hyperion, (-1800, 7200 till now). Eff hyperion, destroy your own superbia, and normal summon someone OR normal summon someone who needs tribute (I like kristya in times like this) and kill your opponent (-1800, 9000 total, win).
Let's say now how will the deck be structured:
Talkin' about the FTK part we other than 3 Tehtys we need 3 Athena, 3 Hecatrice and 3 valhalla to SS her fastly. Then we need all sort of drawing card, but this combo can't do that lot of damages, so it's better to avoid Upstart Goblin, but other than this, Upstart make your tethys lose the timing, so it would be unuseful. I play instead 3 Hand Destruction, 3 Magical Mallet, 2 Reload and 3 Trade-in. Then you need Reborn really needed.
Talking about Beatdown, we need Hyperion and related Agents, I play 2 Jupiter and 1 Earth, but that may change, they are needed to destroy your own monster in the FTK combo, too. Then we need other big monster, reason why I play Kristya even if she's good to control your opponent.
Talking about control part, that's not very controlling, of course, we don't even play dark hole and heavy storm, but Krystia wrecks a lot of deck in today's meta. Other than this we have 3 Orange Herald to avoid veiler, if not Crow. I had 1 free space and played even herald of purple light to face some traps when starting second.
Fairy Monster I recommend, other than the ones I mentioned before, there's honest, I use it when tryng to OTK or to beatdown my opponent.
Overall I'd say this deck is more consistent than it may look, but not good for tournaments, because it is easily killable by simple traps, SS negation card, Fiendish, Veiler, Crow, and so on. So you may need to win dice roll, start first, hope your opponent has no Hand Traps or hope you have herald of orange light, win, then second game your opponent will probably win, but if he is unlucky you can easily win even this time, if you don't, you'll start first in the next game and hope for the same things of the first game. But, the reason why I builded it was because I want a really funny for fun deck, and this is funny.
Stay Tuned, don't know what I'll talk about next time, but I may opne Dueling Network and select a random deck to talk about, really don't know.