
Splashable Nordic Engine

When a monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, when this Defense Position card is changed to face-up Attack Position, you can Special Summon 1 "Nordic Beast" monster from your Deck in face-up Defense Position, except "Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts".
Look at this powerhouse, just look at it. It's something like the main engine for every Nordic deck, since it allows easy lv7 synchros with Guldfaxe and if you've got another lv3, even thor. Easy SSable, and with the XYZs this card is a 1-card R3, that is even searchable.
Just to be precise, the engine I'm talking about should be something like:
2/3 Tanngnjostr
2/3 Guldfaxe
0/1 Tanngrisnir (2 or even 3 only if you want to abuse of R3 with tanngnjostr, but in that case I'd say one or no guldfaxes, depends from the deck)
2/3 Gleipnir
(0-3 Garmr, chaos fodder, otherwise pretty unuseful, even if the bouncing effect is kinda good, and 1900 isn't a bad wall, looks like Snowman Eater)

0-3 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
0-2 Ryko (only if you play hamster)

That's a quite wide engine, it can go from 6 cards to 15.

Why should you play this engine?
-Lets easy LV7, one could be Ancient Sacred Wyvern, a true powerhouse OTK enabler, or even Ancient Fairy Dragon, to keep under control DWs, and other things, we'll see them later.
-Lets easy R3, going into generic XYZs like Zenmaines, Leviathan, Leviair, and so on.
-Speeds-up your deck, and thins a bit with Gleipnir.
-Saves from nasty situations.

Would you like to see some ideas of how and where to use this engine? Here it is:
-Synchros LV7, one could be Power Tool, so this engine can be used to speed up a deck that uses equips. If you've got some good combo that does give you some tons of lps, or you're playing psychic, you can go into Ancient Sacred Wyvern and potentially OTK, or this is just an easy nuke, without using the normal summon.
-R3, well, random combo starter for Wind-Ups, maybe? Tanngnjostr into tanngrisnir into zenmaity, eff zenmaity, bring a monster and do what you need. And adds some synchro support to Wind-Ups. This engine can do the exact same thing in Rabbit Laggia, go into leviair, SS Rabbit and use effect. Being R3 the most generic, this engine is kinda generic, too.
-Attributes, tanngnjostr (EARTH) can summon Guldfaxe (LIGHT) or Tanngrisnir (EARTH) or Garmr (DARK). This gives you access to Silver Summit, to some specific synchros (tanngnjostr+an earth tuner can do a naturia synchro), or even specific XYZs (Guldfaxe+LIGHT LV4 into Photoknight, or constellar omega, for example).
-Types, all beasts, if you're already playing horn of the phantom beast, fear not, you'll have more targets, still a random one, but nothing to hate. And there are multiple supports for Beasts.

I'm definitely going to try a reduced version in madolches, even if I'm actually trying lots of versions with different techs (WU Rabbit, Psychic Teleport-less engine, snowman eater, and so on).
Stay Tuned, this week I've got way too much topics to talk about, but I'm trying not to exagerate.

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