
Nimble Genex

Monsters: [23]
2 Genex Controller
1 Atlantean Seahorsemen
2 Effect Veiler
3 Genex Undine
1 Mermail - Megaloabyss
1 Metabo-Shark
2 Moulin Glace the Elemental Lord
3 Nimble Angler
3 Nimble Manta
3 Nimble Sunfish
2 Tragoedia

Spells: [14]
1 Book of Moon
2 Creature Swap
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Magical Mallet
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
1 Moray of Greed
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Salvage

Traps: [3]
3 Fish Depth Charge

Yup, this is it. Well, well, well, what about it? I like it, this time I provided few other options in the side, since I'm still undecided on those. Let's talk about the list itself, before anything else.
Controllers, it's the first time I do play only 2, since I found them be few for undine, but still, I do play 1 random mallet, and needed some slots here and there.
Seahorsemen, good card, only at 1, but if you want to, you can easily highen the number, it's a good card. Send, add Megalo/Moulin, there we go.
Veilers, well, effect negation, kinda needed.
Undine, awesome card, it triggers angler and seahorsemen while thinning the deck by two cards, not considering eventual effects, and is theorically a +1 (plus another +1 in the grave). Good Card is Good.
Megaloabyss, triggers angler and seahorsemen and can get rid of totally unuseful cards in hand, while being a good body.
Metabo-Shark, tech choice, you can easily replace this with whatever you like, I play this since it can recycle easier nimbles when one avarice just isn't enough.
Moulin Glace, beater, hand control, when you summon this, it more likely is gg.
Nimble Engine, main engine of the deck, needs no explanation
Tragoedia, easily summonable, and this deck usually has quite some card advantage in hand.
Book, DH, Heavy, Mind, Typhoon, Reborn, quite the staples.
Creature Swap, maybe you're wondering, why just two? Well, that's because I usually have a kinda abnormous amount of misfortune with that card (even in other decks). You can as well drop something else for another copy, I'll explain everyhting.
Mallet, another tech, recycles controllers and dead nimbles in hand and lets you draw looking for the missing card.
Moray, pretty much the same, only focalized on waters, and is a 0, and not a -1.
Avarice, recycling while drawing. Who in the hell invented this card? This broken one?
Salvages, well, good card that recycles beautiful cards for awesome comboes, while being a fucking perfect +1.
Fish Depth Charge, lets us do quite some little control on the opponent, while drawing, good card. Note that this on manta is a clear +1, not considering the card we're destroying.

My thoughts on the deck are just that this one is awesome. Like the one before it is, in fact, awesome, but this one is little more stable, while that other one is speedier. I actually prefer that other one because it's funnier, but if I had to guess which one has more potential, I'd say this one, with fewer techs.
Well, I believe ya all noticed that there was something in the side while seeing it. Well, it's actually some personal choices.
Some would prefer to add those cards to the main (except the synchro, that is an hydro genex). If you like treacherous more than charge, you can just drop them all, and add 1 gorz, 1 treacherous and 1 other veiler. If you want to drop that metabo-shark, I'd add 1 gorz.
So, if you want to add 1 card, the best choice is probably dropping metabo-shark, if you want to add 2, I'd say -3 charge, +1 treacherous, but there are tons of combinations, just choose what you want to drop, this build has tons of possible slots in the main, it's all up to you.

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