Beast: Potential and Uses
I'm actually working on Beast decks, with uniflora and such, abusing of Naturia Beast (and Barkion, too, sad it is Dragon). I must say this, it is quite awesome. It still is a beta version, but it works just good. I'm going to review this the next week, I believe I will have improved it until then.
So, so, Beasts, why are they awesome? They've got a personal reborner, and a reborner for the reborner itself, usable once per turn each turn. What's more, we've got search power with Key Mouse, field presence with Chain Dog, that offers material for synch and XYZ, and an instant lv4 Synchro with Lock Cat. We've got some mill power with ryko, and super-nimble mega hamster that searches ryko, so technically more mill power, or other cards. If the opponent summons a first turn zenmaines and attacks your face-down hamster, you'll get to summon your key mouse, and, during your turn, synch them both into naturia beast. Kinka can SS Key Mouse, too, and go into formula to draw one card, or you can summon uniflora with kinka and then SS naturia beast with uniflora's effect, effectively summoning naturia beast with kinka-byo.
This deck has a main advantage, though, it's card advantage.
Summon Kinka, SS Uniflora, eff Uniflora, SS Naturia Beast, bounce back kinka during the end phase. Clear +1. Or even double chain dog into lavalval chain, that should result into 1 lavalval chain, and 1 XYZ LV4. +2.
The main disadvantage this deck has is the limitation on the monsters usable. Only beasts.
As said, I'll do a review on the deck, but here are some cards I do play, I'll explain them on the review, though:
Dark Desertapir
Green Baboon
X-Saber Airbellum
Well, well, I won't spoiler anything else, just wait for the review on the deck.
Stay Tuned.
La Paura: Yubel
Monsters: [20]
3 Armageddon Knight
3 Dark Grepher
2 Doom Shaman
1 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
1 Sangan
2 Tour Guide
3 Wind-Up Rabbit
2 Yubel
2 Yubel - Terror Incarnate
1 Yubel - the Ultimate Nightmare
Spells: [11]
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of the Army
2 Swing of Memories
Traps: [9]
3 Call of the Haunted
3 Limit Reverse
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Starlight Road
The extra is kinda randomish, but it's ok, I'd say I'll add an Excalibur since I forgot him, maybe -1 giga-brilliant, since it was there just to fill some slots.
Before continuing with the deck, though, I wanted to talk about the title. Reading some of my posts, I noticed how the titles were plain and reduced to the essential. I just wanted to enphatize them a little more, so I decided to use some Italian words in the title, to give something more. I'll translate what it does mean at the end of every post with that kind of title, just wait till the end of the post.
Continuing to the deck, I like it very much, it's still under quite some testing, but it does work wonderfully. I'm thinking of a second nephthys, or an hand of nephthys, probably the second one, but don't know what to take out, maybe an allure since I never want to banish anything.
What about the deck itself? It is quite good, because I play 3 grephers, 3 armageddons, 1 reinforcement of the army, 1 foolish burial, for a total of 8 cards to pitch yubel/shaman. What's more we have 3 call of the haunted, 3 limit reverse, 2 swing of memories and 1 monster reborn, for a total of 9 reborners, excluding shaman himself, of course.
This deck does work because of opponent's MSTs and random backrow hate. Given this, you can even SS your yubel with call to prevent OTKs and if the opponent uses MST or something to kill yubel during the battle phase, you'll get another one. Since this other one is immune to MST there aren't many choices, if you want to do something, just go in MP2, but this has blocked your opponent's OTK, and we're fine with that.
Aside this -1 generator for the opponent, we have a terminator on the field when the first yubel is killed, Terror Incarnate. During your end phase, this 0/0 not destructible via battle and when removed from the field it summons another yubel, destroys all the monsters except itself on the field. Removing opponent's monsters is a piece of cake, then. Since this does prevent OTKs and even stops people that try to accumulate monsters to win after they have quite some resources, this card is so awesomely good. However this itself isn't game winning, and there our 3 main condition arrive:
1.Wind-Up Rabbit, the easier to achieve, a 1400 beater that survives pretty much to everything, even your incarnate. Since this is searchable from both sangan and zenmaity, other than being played in three copies, at mid game you usually have 2 or 3 of them, and once your opponent has no monsters you can directly attack with them. Good Card is Good.
2.Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, awesome one. Consider that being at 1 and not searchable, except via foolish+reborner, it is harder to achieve, but it works awesomely. Kills all of the S/Ts while your incarnate kills all of the monsters. 2400 ATK, good one, that's why I'd like to put Hand in, to use this more frequently.
3.Yubel - the Ultimate Nightmare, well, more of a win condition this is something that lets you win the game. Kills your opponent monsters without any problem, deals some damages, and then direct attack with your other cards. Sad it gets killed via incarnate's effect, but consider that reborning a yubel while incarnate is on the field will mean you'll have a nightmare and an incarnate, not bad.
What's more, we do have another card that helps us winning: Wind-Up Zenmaines. This card isn't destroyed via incarnate's effect, but it kills an opponent's S/T, clearing the field to atk with Rabbits and such. Another good card.
However, what lets this deck win is its ability to start comboeing, there are tons of ways to summon incarnate, let's see the main ones:
Blind MST, the main one, your opponent MSTs your face-down Call or Limit, you just do chain it on yubel and you'll have your opponent crying because he minused just to give you your key monster.
End Phase Limit Reverse, during the opponent end phase, activate limit reverse and SS yubel, during your turn, turn yubel in DEF and have your incarnate.
Doom Shaman, have shaman on the field with his effect enabled, SS Yubel, during the end phase tribute Shaman for Yubel's effect, then destroy Yubel for shaman's effect and have your incarnate.
I believe that's all. Hope you liked it, try it if you want, just be sure you have some time before starting, because it will take at least 10 minutes, exceptions aside.
And, as post closer, "La Paura" means "The Fright/Terror". The first translation is more appropriate, but the second one is perfect for the post.
This deck does work because of opponent's MSTs and random backrow hate. Given this, you can even SS your yubel with call to prevent OTKs and if the opponent uses MST or something to kill yubel during the battle phase, you'll get another one. Since this other one is immune to MST there aren't many choices, if you want to do something, just go in MP2, but this has blocked your opponent's OTK, and we're fine with that.
Aside this -1 generator for the opponent, we have a terminator on the field when the first yubel is killed, Terror Incarnate. During your end phase, this 0/0 not destructible via battle and when removed from the field it summons another yubel, destroys all the monsters except itself on the field. Removing opponent's monsters is a piece of cake, then. Since this does prevent OTKs and even stops people that try to accumulate monsters to win after they have quite some resources, this card is so awesomely good. However this itself isn't game winning, and there our 3 main condition arrive:
1.Wind-Up Rabbit, the easier to achieve, a 1400 beater that survives pretty much to everything, even your incarnate. Since this is searchable from both sangan and zenmaity, other than being played in three copies, at mid game you usually have 2 or 3 of them, and once your opponent has no monsters you can directly attack with them. Good Card is Good.
2.Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, awesome one. Consider that being at 1 and not searchable, except via foolish+reborner, it is harder to achieve, but it works awesomely. Kills all of the S/Ts while your incarnate kills all of the monsters. 2400 ATK, good one, that's why I'd like to put Hand in, to use this more frequently.
3.Yubel - the Ultimate Nightmare, well, more of a win condition this is something that lets you win the game. Kills your opponent monsters without any problem, deals some damages, and then direct attack with your other cards. Sad it gets killed via incarnate's effect, but consider that reborning a yubel while incarnate is on the field will mean you'll have a nightmare and an incarnate, not bad.
What's more, we do have another card that helps us winning: Wind-Up Zenmaines. This card isn't destroyed via incarnate's effect, but it kills an opponent's S/T, clearing the field to atk with Rabbits and such. Another good card.
However, what lets this deck win is its ability to start comboeing, there are tons of ways to summon incarnate, let's see the main ones:
Blind MST, the main one, your opponent MSTs your face-down Call or Limit, you just do chain it on yubel and you'll have your opponent crying because he minused just to give you your key monster.
End Phase Limit Reverse, during the opponent end phase, activate limit reverse and SS yubel, during your turn, turn yubel in DEF and have your incarnate.
Doom Shaman, have shaman on the field with his effect enabled, SS Yubel, during the end phase tribute Shaman for Yubel's effect, then destroy Yubel for shaman's effect and have your incarnate.
I believe that's all. Hope you liked it, try it if you want, just be sure you have some time before starting, because it will take at least 10 minutes, exceptions aside.
And, as post closer, "La Paura" means "The Fright/Terror". The first translation is more appropriate, but the second one is perfect for the post.
Card of the Week #16: Arcana Force XXI - The World
You can't tribute tokens or any monster if macro cosmo or dimensional fissure is on the field for this card's heads effect.
This card can be sent, alongside another card, to pay this card's cost (for heads effect).
Rapid explanation to the first one:
That's because this card specifically says that you need to send them to the grave, and not randomly tribute or destroy.
Let's give it a close look, then:
Arcana Force, got some supports, we'll see some later, but mainly light barrier;
LIGHT, tons and tons of supports, if needed, even chaos material;
LV8, Trade-In-able, then you can draw and SS it back from the grave to use its effect;
Fairy-type, quite some supports, one could say they're few, and it wouldn't be wrong, but there are some quite useful for us, we'll see some later;
Stats, 3100 for both, awesome stats, almost nothing can run over this thing.
Awesome card. I believe anyone tried at least one time the World Lock, right? For new players, a World Lock consists of using this card's effect to repeatedly make your opponent skip his turn, and subsequently winning.
I decided to review this card mainly to talk widely about the world lock, because it has pretty much no uses outside this deck, not even in arcana force deck.
Performing the Loop
There are multiple ways to perform the loop. Before anything else, you must have the World with its Heads effect enabled, usually light barrier is used, but even Reversal of Fate is a popular card. Then, once this is settled, what about the tribute fodder? Here are quite some engines:
Frog/Samsara Engine, double tribute fodder, good, probably the one best known, but it needs you to have no spell/traps. This one is bad. If you want to use reversal, you can't summon treeborn, if you want to use light barrier, you can't summon lotus. Meh engine, there's something way better.
Double Samsara Engine, slower than the one over here, but at least you can use reversal of fate. Sadly, reversal isn't searchable, so this makes this engine quite bad.
Drill Warrior Engine, probably one of the best. This engine is quite good because it has speed mainly, but even because if you can't summon the world, you've got one more win condition. Basically, go into Drill Warrior, SS 2 Eaters, banish drill and tribute the 2 eaters for World's effect, SS back drill on your turn, SS 2 eaters, rinse and repeat. This does work because the World says "send to the graveyard", and not "tribute". What's more, you can use eaters themselves as tribute fodder for world. Let's say you summon drill warrior, SS double eater, tribute them for world, eat two levels from world, banish drill, tribute the two eaters for world's effect, rinse and repeat.
TragoEater Engine, it's like the drill warrior engine, only that this one is less specific. Summon Trago, SS the two eaters, tribute them for world, eat from tragoedia and tribute eaters for World. When you've only few levels on tragoedia, just copy an high level monster's level and continue.
Ninja/Bazoo Scout Plane Engine, use scout planes as tribute fodder for world's effect, then banish them with Dark Ninja or Bazoo the Soul Eater, and retrieve them. Ninja is more searchable, but Bazoo has an hidden gem: since the opponent's end phase will never come, its atk will never decrease, so you can infinitely increase its attack.
The ones I like the most are the Drill Warrior Engine, the TragoEater and the Scout Plane one, even if I see this one less stable compared to the other two, but consider that trago isn't searchable, so either you send it to the grave and then reborn or something like that, or you hope into drawing that.
Good Cards
Good cards to abuse the situation we're in:
Psi-Blocker, banish one card's use, next turn banish another one while still having the first banished. That's because your opponent's end phase will never come, like Bazoo. Good card, you can use this to prevent cards on World's summon, and then continue forbidding other cards.
Number 16: Shock Master, another good card, sad this does block your own cards too, and is quite difficult to bring, expecially if compared to psi-blocker. The one above is preferable.
I like Psi-Blocker alot, I'm using it in lots of decks actually, good card is good.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The deck has its PROs, but even has its CONs, as everything in this world (yeah, random wannabe-cool statement):
If the opponent has nothing on the activation of main things (world's summon, world's eff, crows on eaters and such), he's in a worst situation than if he was facing a yata lock, since even an eventual necro gardna wouldn't save him.
Is truly funny and can play even if you can't do the loop, but changes from situation to situation.
Takes quite some time to set-up, but luck has a great part in here.
It's not meant to be competitive, but if you were looking for a funny deck, you've got it.
Awesome Card for a Good Deck. Card is funny, that's all. (Awesome stats, and love the Artwork for some reason)
That's All Folks.
Yubels, Guess Who's Back? Back Again? Yubel's Back!
For those who don't know, the title was referring to Without Me, by Eminem.
Yeah, yeah, yubels, love them. I always loved this archetype because of it's destruction ability. I believe the main reason I love this is because of the fact it was the first original deck I built by myself. Macro Yubel, actually, using Scout Planes and Survivors to have a giant field advantage against the opponent, while having the antimetish factor offered from macro. At that time, XYZs didn't exist, but they would have been a great power-up for the deck.
So, recently, I found myself reading some old cards on wikia, and accidentally read "Yubel". Aw yeah, there we go. I started working on that, and actually built something that works. I'm into WU Rabbit recently, once I started using it in Madolches, I'm thinking of it pretty much everywhere, and after quite some time (well, not really, actually just 5 minutes), I realized it was perfect for the theme.
Let's firstly say, for those who don't know, that a yubel deck aims to the second form of yubel, terror incarnate, since it can litterally wipe out the field, while being the last man standing, not attackable (or, to be precise, is attackable, but no player would like to do that). What if we combine this with something that's not on the field during this card's effect's activation but that comes back later? Free advantage over the opponent.
I'm actually playing a great sending&reviving engine (3 grepher, 3 armageddon, 1 reinforcement of the army, 1 foolish burial, 3 call of the haunted, 3 limit reverse, 1 monster reborn, 2 swing of memories), that usually makes yubel incarnate during your first or second turn. While easily setupping this and destroying opponent's plays, we have to patiently wait for Wind-Up Rabbits (considering how we thin the deck, that's not even that hard) or tutor some with tour guide into tour guide into zenmaity into rabbit. After we did this, we're constantly in advantage over the opponent, if he doesn't want to die from Rabbit's attacks, he'll have to summon something, that can't attack neither rabbit nor incarnate (if he attacks rabbit, you'll just chain its effect, if he attacks incarnate, he's kinda dumb, and it will make no damage to us), then incarnate will destroy that monster, and the opponent minused of one just to avoid a simple 1400 direct attack. What if we have multiple rabbits, though? That'll be 2800, or even 4200, giant total attacks, aren't they?
However, once you encounter madolches (it happens, I did it, the single game last 1h and 10m, that because he wanted to end the game and I had to have dinner, but we were about to finish it, anyway) you'll have some hard time, since they recycle them forever, while accumulating cards. That's why I do play a teched Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys. 2400 ATK beater, destroyed in end, when summoned gets rid of chateau and other S/Ts, while incarnate gets rid of monsters. That'll make your opponent losing lots and lots of cards.
Don't know how much experience you do have, but probably you do know PACMAN, don't you? It's a quite awesome deck I'm playing actually, along with this, madolches and other things I'm trying, that goes into many +1s with des lacooda, while getting rid of opponent's resources with swarm of locust/medusa worm, and burning lps with stealth bird, wave-motion cannon and magical cylinder, while stalling with swords of revealing light and messenger of peace. Well, this deck is something like that. You basically never -1 yourself (while pacman does actually +1 itself alot) but you minus the opponent alot (compared to the -1/2 that pacman does). What's more, yubel has some more stall ability, and kills actually more, probably, while putting tons and tons of pressure on the opponent.
I'm liking this deck alot, because its worst match-up was inzektor, but now there are fewer, and this does work great. It has no particular bad match-up against other decks, has some good match-up here and there, but there's a problem. This deck does fear a true staple in every extra deck: Zenmaines.
Zenmaines' effect prevents it to be destroyed, and kills a card when you use that effect, that means that if incarnate tries to kill zenmaines, it'll just detach a material to kill incarnate itself (doesn't matter that incarnate will evolve, since even the destroying effect that nightmare has can be negated via zenmaines' effect, and destroying a card again).
Luckily, every player does play only a copy of this card, so once you kill the first, you're safe in most cases, except pot of avarice, that's why I'm considering maining crows here. Other than hitting zenmaines before poa, you can hit some combo pieces, and even that single hornet your opponent does play.
Conclusive thoughts: the deck has potential, should tweak a little more my actual build and then post it.
Ja Ne (See Ya, japanese for who doesn't know)
Yeah, yeah, yubels, love them. I always loved this archetype because of it's destruction ability. I believe the main reason I love this is because of the fact it was the first original deck I built by myself. Macro Yubel, actually, using Scout Planes and Survivors to have a giant field advantage against the opponent, while having the antimetish factor offered from macro. At that time, XYZs didn't exist, but they would have been a great power-up for the deck.
So, recently, I found myself reading some old cards on wikia, and accidentally read "Yubel". Aw yeah, there we go. I started working on that, and actually built something that works. I'm into WU Rabbit recently, once I started using it in Madolches, I'm thinking of it pretty much everywhere, and after quite some time (well, not really, actually just 5 minutes), I realized it was perfect for the theme.
Let's firstly say, for those who don't know, that a yubel deck aims to the second form of yubel, terror incarnate, since it can litterally wipe out the field, while being the last man standing, not attackable (or, to be precise, is attackable, but no player would like to do that). What if we combine this with something that's not on the field during this card's effect's activation but that comes back later? Free advantage over the opponent.
I'm actually playing a great sending&reviving engine (3 grepher, 3 armageddon, 1 reinforcement of the army, 1 foolish burial, 3 call of the haunted, 3 limit reverse, 1 monster reborn, 2 swing of memories), that usually makes yubel incarnate during your first or second turn. While easily setupping this and destroying opponent's plays, we have to patiently wait for Wind-Up Rabbits (considering how we thin the deck, that's not even that hard) or tutor some with tour guide into tour guide into zenmaity into rabbit. After we did this, we're constantly in advantage over the opponent, if he doesn't want to die from Rabbit's attacks, he'll have to summon something, that can't attack neither rabbit nor incarnate (if he attacks rabbit, you'll just chain its effect, if he attacks incarnate, he's kinda dumb, and it will make no damage to us), then incarnate will destroy that monster, and the opponent minused of one just to avoid a simple 1400 direct attack. What if we have multiple rabbits, though? That'll be 2800, or even 4200, giant total attacks, aren't they?
However, once you encounter madolches (it happens, I did it, the single game last 1h and 10m, that because he wanted to end the game and I had to have dinner, but we were about to finish it, anyway) you'll have some hard time, since they recycle them forever, while accumulating cards. That's why I do play a teched Sacred Phoenix of Nephtys. 2400 ATK beater, destroyed in end, when summoned gets rid of chateau and other S/Ts, while incarnate gets rid of monsters. That'll make your opponent losing lots and lots of cards.
Don't know how much experience you do have, but probably you do know PACMAN, don't you? It's a quite awesome deck I'm playing actually, along with this, madolches and other things I'm trying, that goes into many +1s with des lacooda, while getting rid of opponent's resources with swarm of locust/medusa worm, and burning lps with stealth bird, wave-motion cannon and magical cylinder, while stalling with swords of revealing light and messenger of peace. Well, this deck is something like that. You basically never -1 yourself (while pacman does actually +1 itself alot) but you minus the opponent alot (compared to the -1/2 that pacman does). What's more, yubel has some more stall ability, and kills actually more, probably, while putting tons and tons of pressure on the opponent.
I'm liking this deck alot, because its worst match-up was inzektor, but now there are fewer, and this does work great. It has no particular bad match-up against other decks, has some good match-up here and there, but there's a problem. This deck does fear a true staple in every extra deck: Zenmaines.
Zenmaines' effect prevents it to be destroyed, and kills a card when you use that effect, that means that if incarnate tries to kill zenmaines, it'll just detach a material to kill incarnate itself (doesn't matter that incarnate will evolve, since even the destroying effect that nightmare has can be negated via zenmaines' effect, and destroying a card again).
Luckily, every player does play only a copy of this card, so once you kill the first, you're safe in most cases, except pot of avarice, that's why I'm considering maining crows here. Other than hitting zenmaines before poa, you can hit some combo pieces, and even that single hornet your opponent does play.
Conclusive thoughts: the deck has potential, should tweak a little more my actual build and then post it.
Ja Ne (See Ya, japanese for who doesn't know)
Nimble Genex
Monsters: [23]
2 Genex Controller
1 Atlantean Seahorsemen
2 Effect Veiler
3 Genex Undine
1 Mermail - Megaloabyss
1 Metabo-Shark
2 Moulin Glace the Elemental Lord
3 Nimble Angler
3 Nimble Manta
3 Nimble Sunfish
2 Tragoedia
Spells: [14]
1 Book of Moon
2 Creature Swap
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Magical Mallet
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
1 Moray of Greed
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Salvage
Traps: [3]
3 Fish Depth Charge
Yup, this is it. Well, well, well, what about it? I like it, this time I provided few other options in the side, since I'm still undecided on those. Let's talk about the list itself, before anything else.
Controllers, it's the first time I do play only 2, since I found them be few for undine, but still, I do play 1 random mallet, and needed some slots here and there.
Seahorsemen, good card, only at 1, but if you want to, you can easily highen the number, it's a good card. Send, add Megalo/Moulin, there we go.
Veilers, well, effect negation, kinda needed.
Undine, awesome card, it triggers angler and seahorsemen while thinning the deck by two cards, not considering eventual effects, and is theorically a +1 (plus another +1 in the grave). Good Card is Good.
Megaloabyss, triggers angler and seahorsemen and can get rid of totally unuseful cards in hand, while being a good body.
Metabo-Shark, tech choice, you can easily replace this with whatever you like, I play this since it can recycle easier nimbles when one avarice just isn't enough.
Moulin Glace, beater, hand control, when you summon this, it more likely is gg.
Nimble Engine, main engine of the deck, needs no explanation
Tragoedia, easily summonable, and this deck usually has quite some card advantage in hand.
Book, DH, Heavy, Mind, Typhoon, Reborn, quite the staples.
Creature Swap, maybe you're wondering, why just two? Well, that's because I usually have a kinda abnormous amount of misfortune with that card (even in other decks). You can as well drop something else for another copy, I'll explain everyhting.
Mallet, another tech, recycles controllers and dead nimbles in hand and lets you draw looking for the missing card.
Moray, pretty much the same, only focalized on waters, and is a 0, and not a -1.
Avarice, recycling while drawing. Who in the hell invented this card? This broken one?
Salvages, well, good card that recycles beautiful cards for awesome comboes, while being a fucking perfect +1.
Fish Depth Charge, lets us do quite some little control on the opponent, while drawing, good card. Note that this on manta is a clear +1, not considering the card we're destroying.
My thoughts on the deck are just that this one is awesome. Like the one before it is, in fact, awesome, but this one is little more stable, while that other one is speedier. I actually prefer that other one because it's funnier, but if I had to guess which one has more potential, I'd say this one, with fewer techs.
Well, I believe ya all noticed that there was something in the side while seeing it. Well, it's actually some personal choices.
Some would prefer to add those cards to the main (except the synchro, that is an hydro genex). If you like treacherous more than charge, you can just drop them all, and add 1 gorz, 1 treacherous and 1 other veiler. If you want to drop that metabo-shark, I'd add 1 gorz.
So, if you want to add 1 card, the best choice is probably dropping metabo-shark, if you want to add 2, I'd say -3 charge, +1 treacherous, but there are tons of combinations, just choose what you want to drop, this build has tons of possible slots in the main, it's all up to you.
Lacking of Ideas
Kinda lacking of ideas for new posts, suggestions are accepted. Tomorrow I should post my genex nimble since an user asked for it, but I'm lacking of ideas for the next days.
Write here under the comments.
Write here under the comments.
Card of the Week #15: Starlight Road
wikia's page, didn't want to write them here because they are way too much and pretty much any of them was important, so read them before continue, unless you already know them.
So so, what's about this card? Great card, I'd say, negate a mass-destruction effect and SS another destruction negator with a good body, 2500 ATK.
This card is so useful and versatile that you'll have tons of ways to use that. While this card acts mainly as protection from S/Ts where it is played, it provides a good body that can be used for last pushes or as further protection more generic than this card itself. For example, lots of players use to use heavy storm and then negate this card all by theirself because they needed protection from BTH for the boss summon, or a Typhoon on their favourite Continuous Spell/Trap or Field Spell, or because they want to use some mass-destruction effect and fear an opponent's starlight. There are tons of plays with this card, that's why I decided to talk about this.
This card can not only protect from heavy storm, but even from DH, Judgment Dragon, and other mass-destruction.
Only for this reason, I'd play 1 in any deck, but I'm here mainly to talk about another thing:
What about double Starlight?
I'm actually trying to play double starlight pretty much anywhere. Let me explain it better:
Torrential is an overplayed card, without considering staples like dark hole or heavy storm, but there is even mirror force, and other generic cards. Other than those, there are even themed cards like Judgment dragon, and they're not the only ones. So, I thought, why not to play double starlight? Assuming that you know the Psychological and Mind Crush concepts (if you don't, read here, it's a madolche post, but it explains fairly well what's Mind Crush and how to use this for Psychological uses), if you play a deck that usually doesn't play starlight, your opponent will be a little mind crushed, but nothing special, while, if he thinks you do play only one after seeing the first one, and then gets starlight'd again, there's the true mind crush, other than making it easier to draw the first one and do the first mind crush. The first starlight's mind crush usually makes your opponent not fear anymore it, so he'll play cards not only thinking you finished your starlights, but, if he's easy-minded, he'll forget that you could have other negation cards, such as judgment, bribe, warning, and so on.
Playing 2 starlights is good even because of ordinary protection against destruction cards, it isn't only a Psychological matter.
However, no matter how good this card is, there are tons of players saying "The Huge Revolution Is Over is way better than starlight, it's a counter trap". That's not totally wrong, the main difference is being a counter trap, thus not negable via trap stun or royal decree, but both cards aren't that played, and not negable via warning. Starlight, on the other side, is vulnerable to these 3 cards BUT it SS a Stardust, one more negation card, and two of those cards aren't really played. So, I usually choose Starlight over huge because of the high amount of protection it gives and because of the opponent's lack of warnings (if you use warning on starlight, you'll have one less warning against my tiara). That's the usual reasoning.
Huge, on its side, have the possibility to protect even if the opponent's destroying 2 cards he owns. Let's say he uses scrap dragon's effect, it's possible to use huge and kill scrap.
I myself use huge only in jam machine deck, because of the unability to SS.
Well, That's All Folks thanks for reading.
P.s. here, we took a tin the day before yesterday, here's the video of the unboxing. It's in Italian, though.
So so, what's about this card? Great card, I'd say, negate a mass-destruction effect and SS another destruction negator with a good body, 2500 ATK.
This card is so useful and versatile that you'll have tons of ways to use that. While this card acts mainly as protection from S/Ts where it is played, it provides a good body that can be used for last pushes or as further protection more generic than this card itself. For example, lots of players use to use heavy storm and then negate this card all by theirself because they needed protection from BTH for the boss summon, or a Typhoon on their favourite Continuous Spell/Trap or Field Spell, or because they want to use some mass-destruction effect and fear an opponent's starlight. There are tons of plays with this card, that's why I decided to talk about this.
This card can not only protect from heavy storm, but even from DH, Judgment Dragon, and other mass-destruction.
Only for this reason, I'd play 1 in any deck, but I'm here mainly to talk about another thing:
What about double Starlight?
I'm actually trying to play double starlight pretty much anywhere. Let me explain it better:
Torrential is an overplayed card, without considering staples like dark hole or heavy storm, but there is even mirror force, and other generic cards. Other than those, there are even themed cards like Judgment dragon, and they're not the only ones. So, I thought, why not to play double starlight? Assuming that you know the Psychological and Mind Crush concepts (if you don't, read here, it's a madolche post, but it explains fairly well what's Mind Crush and how to use this for Psychological uses), if you play a deck that usually doesn't play starlight, your opponent will be a little mind crushed, but nothing special, while, if he thinks you do play only one after seeing the first one, and then gets starlight'd again, there's the true mind crush, other than making it easier to draw the first one and do the first mind crush. The first starlight's mind crush usually makes your opponent not fear anymore it, so he'll play cards not only thinking you finished your starlights, but, if he's easy-minded, he'll forget that you could have other negation cards, such as judgment, bribe, warning, and so on.
Playing 2 starlights is good even because of ordinary protection against destruction cards, it isn't only a Psychological matter.
However, no matter how good this card is, there are tons of players saying "The Huge Revolution Is Over is way better than starlight, it's a counter trap". That's not totally wrong, the main difference is being a counter trap, thus not negable via trap stun or royal decree, but both cards aren't that played, and not negable via warning. Starlight, on the other side, is vulnerable to these 3 cards BUT it SS a Stardust, one more negation card, and two of those cards aren't really played. So, I usually choose Starlight over huge because of the high amount of protection it gives and because of the opponent's lack of warnings (if you use warning on starlight, you'll have one less warning against my tiara). That's the usual reasoning.
Huge, on its side, have the possibility to protect even if the opponent's destroying 2 cards he owns. Let's say he uses scrap dragon's effect, it's possible to use huge and kill scrap.
I myself use huge only in jam machine deck, because of the unability to SS.
Well, That's All Folks thanks for reading.
P.s. here, we took a tin the day before yesterday, here's the video of the unboxing. It's in Italian, though.
Splashable Nordic Engine
Just to be precise, the engine I'm talking about should be something like:
2/3 Tanngnjostr
2/3 Guldfaxe
0/1 Tanngrisnir (2 or even 3 only if you want to abuse of R3 with tanngnjostr, but in that case I'd say one or no guldfaxes, depends from the deck)
2/3 Gleipnir
(0-3 Garmr, chaos fodder, otherwise pretty unuseful, even if the bouncing effect is kinda good, and 1900 isn't a bad wall, looks like Snowman Eater)
0-3 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
0-2 Ryko (only if you play hamster)
That's a quite wide engine, it can go from 6 cards to 15.
Why should you play this engine?
-Lets easy LV7, one could be Ancient Sacred Wyvern, a true powerhouse OTK enabler, or even Ancient Fairy Dragon, to keep under control DWs, and other things, we'll see them later.
-Lets easy R3, going into generic XYZs like Zenmaines, Leviathan, Leviair, and so on.
-Speeds-up your deck, and thins a bit with Gleipnir.
-Saves from nasty situations.
Would you like to see some ideas of how and where to use this engine? Here it is:
-Synchros LV7, one could be Power Tool, so this engine can be used to speed up a deck that uses equips. If you've got some good combo that does give you some tons of lps, or you're playing psychic, you can go into Ancient Sacred Wyvern and potentially OTK, or this is just an easy nuke, without using the normal summon.
-R3, well, random combo starter for Wind-Ups, maybe? Tanngnjostr into tanngrisnir into zenmaity, eff zenmaity, bring a monster and do what you need. And adds some synchro support to Wind-Ups. This engine can do the exact same thing in Rabbit Laggia, go into leviair, SS Rabbit and use effect. Being R3 the most generic, this engine is kinda generic, too.
-Attributes, tanngnjostr (EARTH) can summon Guldfaxe (LIGHT) or Tanngrisnir (EARTH) or Garmr (DARK). This gives you access to Silver Summit, to some specific synchros (tanngnjostr+an earth tuner can do a naturia synchro), or even specific XYZs (Guldfaxe+LIGHT LV4 into Photoknight, or constellar omega, for example).
-Types, all beasts, if you're already playing horn of the phantom beast, fear not, you'll have more targets, still a random one, but nothing to hate. And there are multiple supports for Beasts.
I'm definitely going to try a reduced version in madolches, even if I'm actually trying lots of versions with different techs (WU Rabbit, Psychic Teleport-less engine, snowman eater, and so on).
Stay Tuned, this week I've got way too much topics to talk about, but I'm trying not to exagerate.
Karakuri +1
Monsters: [19]
2 Cyber Dragons
3 Ninishi
3 Inashichi
1 Haipa
1 Sazank
1 Nanashick
3 Kuick
2 Nisamu
1 Nishipachi
2 Saizan
Spells: [14]
1 Dark Hole
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Heavy Storm
1 Instant Fusion
3 Karakuri Anatomy
3 Karakuri Cash Cache
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps: [7]
3 Call of the Haunted
3 Safe Zone
1 Starlight Road
The Extra is pretty randomish, same of the main, though.
Well, let's start saying that I NEVER built Karakuris in the past aiming to the meta, I was always doing strange builds that tried to loop strangely, but this time, suddenly, I thought "well, let's try doing a competitive one, more or less", and so it was.
Given this, I have no clue of how a competitive Karakuri should be built, I didn't looked for other builds so that they wouldn't have affected mine, so this is my very first attempo to a competitive build without following Karakuri Players and their standard.
Let's see some cards:
2 Cyber Dragon, good cards to synchro, initially they were 2 other instant, but, ya know, going into three instant would have meant 3 slots for fusions in the extra, I just couldn't afford that, I would have lose cards that really interested me there. So I chose those. What's more, they can go into fortress with opponent's monsters, but something that someone does forgot, usually, is that you can use it with your own monsters to bring a badass. Well, not that usefully, but still, remember it.
3 Ninishi, core of my deck, basically. 2 Normal Summons per turn are just too good, expecially if one is a tuner.
3 Inashichi, searcher, good, awesome, tera-mega-giantly-cool searcher. And goes into Naturia Beast. Core of the deck, along with ninishi.
1 Haipa, lv4 non-tuner beater, good one.
1 Sazank, love this card, was even thinking to bring him at 2. Helps against rabbit but even against other random decks, minusing your opponent while sending and not destroying is awesome. If you do that in your turn, even direct attacking isn't bad. And LV3 is just awesome at some times to do barkion.
1 Nanashick. As said, don't know how competitive builds are, but I guess they don't play this. Well, just can't get why. I always had the need to bring a level 5 non-tuner while comboeing with ninishi to do bureido, but when I tried it without nanashick, I just felt the need of it.
3 Kuick, yup, awesome card, don't even need to explain.
2 Nisamu, only two because I took out the other one for nanashick, but still, I believe the third one wasn't needed.
1 Nishipachi, sometimes I felt the need for a second one, but I believe it would be way too DD.
2 Saizan, just the perfect number, IMO.
Jumping the staples, I'd say:
2 Lance, protection for beast, in both ways since the best way to get rid of it is by attacking. Good card itself, though.
1 Instant Fusion, I explained why just 1 in the Cyber Dragon part.
3 Anatomy, half-core of the deck, draws, draws, and draws. Speeds everything up and goes into crazy +1s.
3 Cash Cache, the other half of that core, searches like hell, while fueling anatomy. Goes into crazy +1s.
3 Call of the Haunted, lets some more comboes, or even starting them. Good card is good. (Sometimes it happened to bring back a Naturia Beast because the opponent summoned his inashichi, mirror match obviously, and searched a cash cache. Well, lol, CotH on Naturia Beast. What's left is to cry)
3 Safe Zone, protection, mainly on beast, but works on everything, and if it gets heavy storm'd or MST'd while face-down, you can just chain it and equip it to an opponent's monster to kill it.
1 Starlight Road, random protection, but it's really, really good.
So, so, so, so, everyone, even non-karakuri players, noticed that there was no protection at all, right?
Why's that? Slots, mainly, keeping all those cores means a lot of slots. However, I'm trying to fit in at least a Gorz or Tragoedia, maybe dropping 1 haipa.
PROs and CONs of gorz and tragoedia:
Gorz has always a giant ATK and summons another beatstick along with him, but needs an emptyfield, and Call of the Haunted usually don't lets that happen.
Tragoedia has an unknown ATK, but it should, usually, be good, since we draw a lot, could reach 3000 with 5 cards, and has other effects, what's more it doesn't need an empty field.
I think I'll chose the second one, tragoedia, since it's easily summonable and has other effects along with ATK boosting.
Another thing, about the extra, I don't think I can really fit XYZs in there, but I think they'll be needed. The only thing I can think of drop 1 copy is bureido, and even librarian, since here it's hard to do it before continue comboeing. I'd put a Zenmaines and a Gear Gigant, I believe. Sad they're both machine, so they both get hit by opponent's Cyber Dragons, if he sides them. I'd like to fit in a Big Eye too, but really dunno what to remove for that.
Well, that's it, the build works, try it out, and if you're a karakuri player, please, don't tell me to radically change build, but just talk about this one, thanks.
See Ya.
Karakuris, a Story of Beast+Safe Zone and some +1s
Actually working on some karakuris, other than the roid deck.
Of course the roid one is meant to be only fun, while this can easily be tier 1.
You know I don't like mainstream things, but karakuris are, along with infernities, the only decks I used at least once in each banned from when they were released.
Still, against the mainstream itself, I'm playing a build focused on +1s, baiting and mind gaming.
The deck is kinda good, since it does play 3 ninishi, obviously, to go into insta synchro, 3 inashichi, to +1 at every time, 3 anatomies, +1s on the road, and baits out your opponent MSTs, 3 Cash Cache, search what you need, still a 0, but really good, since it fuels anatomy, too, and searches lots and lots of pieces for the combo, 3 safe zones, protection, on beast mainly, but even other things, and is a really useful card.
Let's just say on of my ordinary hand:
1 Anatomy, 1 Cash Cache, 1 Inashichi and 3 other random cards.
You know how many pluses this one is? NS Inashichi and search (+1) cash cache, activate anatomy, activate cash cache (+1-1=0), search random cards for your comboes next turn, usually either inashichi or ninishi (0+1=+1), activate another one and search for inashichi or ninishi, based on what you already have in your hand (+1-1+1=+1), send anatomy to the grave (+1-1=0) and draw 2 (0+2=+2).
This is a standard one. Consider that everything in this combo is searchable and played in 3 awesome copies. If you have a ninishi in your hand, too, this play goes into beast, with a set-up next turn for barkion (searchin sazank in place of inashichi) and could have made you draw a safe zone, making you sure to win that game in most cases (in this meta, the only thing I can think of that can counter this combo is lyla or ryko, or other monsters/traps that do destroy spell/traps. Still, making barkion should be a good enough protection, and having some starlight road against BRD is always useful.
And, what if we add another card to that combo?
2 Anatomy and 1 Cash Cache/1 Anatomy and 2 Cash Cache, and 1 inashichi. I think I don't even need to explain this, it's just that you draw 2 more cards losing one, so another +1, ending it up with a +3.
I actually like a lot karakuris, in the same build they can go into OTK or into control, not considering how easy is to combo doing both a giant monster that +1s you off every turn (bureido) and beast.
What's more, they're really versatile. Sazank can kill Laggia easily, improving your match-ups against Rabbit, but it's not the only thing, it can kill lots of things only to minus the opponent and making them lose their cards. And, yeah, it does send, so you can use it easily on zenmaines and maestroke, even tiras if you happen to encounter it, and even stardust that is seeing some more play with 3 teleports.
Yup, good deck, I'll use it for long time, I believe. Tomorrow I'll post the actual list.
Of course the roid one is meant to be only fun, while this can easily be tier 1.
You know I don't like mainstream things, but karakuris are, along with infernities, the only decks I used at least once in each banned from when they were released.
Still, against the mainstream itself, I'm playing a build focused on +1s, baiting and mind gaming.
The deck is kinda good, since it does play 3 ninishi, obviously, to go into insta synchro, 3 inashichi, to +1 at every time, 3 anatomies, +1s on the road, and baits out your opponent MSTs, 3 Cash Cache, search what you need, still a 0, but really good, since it fuels anatomy, too, and searches lots and lots of pieces for the combo, 3 safe zones, protection, on beast mainly, but even other things, and is a really useful card.
Let's just say on of my ordinary hand:
1 Anatomy, 1 Cash Cache, 1 Inashichi and 3 other random cards.
You know how many pluses this one is? NS Inashichi and search (+1) cash cache, activate anatomy, activate cash cache (+1-1=0), search random cards for your comboes next turn, usually either inashichi or ninishi (0+1=+1), activate another one and search for inashichi or ninishi, based on what you already have in your hand (+1-1+1=+1), send anatomy to the grave (+1-1=0) and draw 2 (0+2=+2).
This is a standard one. Consider that everything in this combo is searchable and played in 3 awesome copies. If you have a ninishi in your hand, too, this play goes into beast, with a set-up next turn for barkion (searchin sazank in place of inashichi) and could have made you draw a safe zone, making you sure to win that game in most cases (in this meta, the only thing I can think of that can counter this combo is lyla or ryko, or other monsters/traps that do destroy spell/traps. Still, making barkion should be a good enough protection, and having some starlight road against BRD is always useful.
And, what if we add another card to that combo?
2 Anatomy and 1 Cash Cache/1 Anatomy and 2 Cash Cache, and 1 inashichi. I think I don't even need to explain this, it's just that you draw 2 more cards losing one, so another +1, ending it up with a +3.
I actually like a lot karakuris, in the same build they can go into OTK or into control, not considering how easy is to combo doing both a giant monster that +1s you off every turn (bureido) and beast.
What's more, they're really versatile. Sazank can kill Laggia easily, improving your match-ups against Rabbit, but it's not the only thing, it can kill lots of things only to minus the opponent and making them lose their cards. And, yeah, it does send, so you can use it easily on zenmaines and maestroke, even tiras if you happen to encounter it, and even stardust that is seeing some more play with 3 teleports.
Yup, good deck, I'll use it for long time, I believe. Tomorrow I'll post the actual list.
Card of the Week #14: Expressroid
![]() |
When you Summon this card, you can add 2 "roid" monsters from your Graveyard to your hand, except "Expressroid". |
1.If there were only 2 roid monsters in the grave at the moment of this card's summon, and the opponent chains D.D. Crow, you'd still be able to add the remaining one to the hand.
Well, that's all, no explanation to this.
Close look, then we'll go for the true review:
"Roid" monster, quite some supports, expecially the ones we'll see during the review;
EARTH, if you insert a tele-engine (just to be original, LOL), you'd be able to go into Naturia synchros;
LV4, good level for XYZs, 3 would have been overall better, but you'd have lost the support that gear gigant x gives you. What's more, monk summonable;
Machine, again, mainly for XYZ reasons;
Stats, 400 ATK (and machine), machine duplicable, 1600 DEF, not that this other stat does really matter, lol.
Yeah, yeah, again, what about this clean +2?
Summon this, add 2 cards, +2. Machine duplicate this? -1 from machine duplication, +2 from the summon of the other two, and their effects for an overall +7. And you'd have a field of 3 machine lv4, could easily mean gear gigant that searches something good.
In terms of cards advantage, this card should never had existed, but it has some real problems.
The card itself is really huge, in the past you'd have used future fusion to fill the grave, maybe searching future with fusionist+junk synchron, but actually we've lost Future Fusion in the September 1st banlist.
If you want to use and abuse this card, the best way to fill the grave is, probably, using some random mill engine, or a merchant engine, then call of the haunted, monster reborn, limit reverse, Grandsoil [citation needed] and likes.
Think of a deck with a good mill engine, this card along with roids, cyber dragon and Power Bond, Chimeratech would easily reach 800x4x2=6400, but I suppose you have other cards, just another one and it would be 8000.
But this card gives its best in some comboes. Just see Ambulanceroid and you should get everything.
Summon this with ambulanceroid on the field, add 2 and SS them. Possibily XYZ them in something, leaving ambulance on the field, and use Express with another monster to go into Gear Gigant, use its effect detaching expressroid, add it back from the grave, SS it via Ambulanceroid, use its effect, add two more and SS 'em. Theorically speaking it's a loop, but, yeah, we've got something like 5 monster zones, they're not enough.
Still, it would make you end the turn with 2 gear gigant x, 1 R4 XYZ, 1 R3 XYZ, if the opponent is still alive, of course.
I know that could look like a little field, but don't forget the main point, "this isn't a combo deck, but a deck that goes into wild +1s, and sometimes comboes to go into field advantage, too".
Going into big card advantage is one of my dreams since I started playing madolches, so this card really does fit me.
Once you have a giant hand, and possibily a giant field, the already named Power Bond should make a giant beast ready to follow you.
Ambulanceroid on the field, in hand Cyber Dragon, power bond and expressroid, in the grave double expressroid and some targets.
Virtually summoning Expressroid should do:
Add double expressroid, SS them via ambulance,
eff expressroids, add 4 targets and SS 1 lv4 (3 monsters in hand added via them),
express+express into gear gigant x, express+lv4 into gear gigant x#2,
eff first gear gigant, detach and add express, SS it via Ambulance, add 2 monsters and SS one LV4 (4 monsters),
Express+LV4 into Gear gigant#3/another R4 monster, I'd suggest another machine monster,
Eff geargiganto#2, detach and retrieve express, SS it via ambulance and add 2 cards (6 monsters).
You now have Ambulance+2 gear gigant+1 machine XYZ+1 Express, power bond and cyber dragon in hand and 6 other machine monsters in hand, using power bond on everything (if you want to, maybe you have some other card to combo and then you'll keep something) would mean having a overdragon with 12x800x2 ATK, 19200 ATK, then. Virtually.
Still, this card is a clear +2, that can be used and abused, just think that with ambulance on the field and monster reincarnation you'd be able to pull off this combo if you have got some grave set-up.
Monk into this is a +2 that can XYZ into a R4.
This then Teleport is a Barkion/Landoise/random synchro.
Good and versatile card, I'm actually building something, if it's successfull I'll post it here.
Stay Tuned, I'll post something tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, probably.
More About Madolches: Teleport-less Psychic Build
Yet again, don't think of me as a mad scientist that works with cards in place of strange liquids, but hear what I'm about to say before.
What about a build that plays some psychic, but no teleports? Let me explain:
This, played in 3 copies, and Magileine, played in 3 copies, will be good starting hands, because they let you set-up your game and stabilizing it all.
So, the little engine I was talking about is:
3x Serene Psychic Witch
1x Esper Girl
1x Psychic Commander
It gives you access to synchros, naturias too, and to easier R3, stabilizing your game and starting hand, and provides some more Mind Crush to the opponent because he's probably expecting Emergency Teleport, too, making him keep his negation cards for teleport and derivated sheningans. (Read this post for more explanations on Mind Crush and psychological game)
So, so, why am I not playing this already if it is that good? Because I haven't tested it yet, while I tested a lot the other one.
What's different between this engine and the T.G. one? The T.G. one usually explodes at once and does extreme comboes, this one is slower, but stabilizes the game alot, expecially against bad hands.
So, shouldn't teleport be played in here? If you've got slots, why not, I'm talking about builds with few slots free.
I believe this engine is kinda good, plays a little different, it's more for control builds. If you want to try it out, take the other build I linked before and do:
-1 Striker
-2 Warwolf
-1 Reinforcement of the Army
-1 Thunder King Rai-Oh
However the other build isn't exactly the most appropriate for this engine, but it's still good enough to try it out. I'll post something once I have time to build that.
Stay Tuned, I'm trying a couple of things lately.
What about a build that plays some psychic, but no teleports? Let me explain:
This, played in 3 copies, and Magileine, played in 3 copies, will be good starting hands, because they let you set-up your game and stabilizing it all.
So, the little engine I was talking about is:
3x Serene Psychic Witch
1x Esper Girl
1x Psychic Commander
It gives you access to synchros, naturias too, and to easier R3, stabilizing your game and starting hand, and provides some more Mind Crush to the opponent because he's probably expecting Emergency Teleport, too, making him keep his negation cards for teleport and derivated sheningans. (Read this post for more explanations on Mind Crush and psychological game)
So, so, why am I not playing this already if it is that good? Because I haven't tested it yet, while I tested a lot the other one.
What's different between this engine and the T.G. one? The T.G. one usually explodes at once and does extreme comboes, this one is slower, but stabilizes the game alot, expecially against bad hands.
So, shouldn't teleport be played in here? If you've got slots, why not, I'm talking about builds with few slots free.
I believe this engine is kinda good, plays a little different, it's more for control builds. If you want to try it out, take the other build I linked before and do:
-1 Striker
-2 Warwolf
-1 Reinforcement of the Army
-1 Thunder King Rai-Oh
However the other build isn't exactly the most appropriate for this engine, but it's still good enough to try it out. I'll post something once I have time to build that.
Stay Tuned, I'm trying a couple of things lately.
Madolche "Psychological" Control
Monsters: [17]
1x Madolche Butlerusk
2x Madolche Cruffssant
3x Madolche Magileine
1x Madolche Marmamaid
2x Madolche Messengelato
3x Madolche Mewfeuille
1x T.G. Striker
2x T.G. Warwolf
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
Spells: [15]
1x Dark Hole
3x Forbidden lance
1x Heavy Storm
3x Madolche Chateau
1x Madolche Ticket
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Shard of Greed
Traps: [8]
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Dark Bribe
2x Madolche Happy Festa
2x Starlight Road
1x Ultimate Offering
So so so, were you thinking of a Tele build? Nope. Actually the psychological part of the name refers to the fact that the deck does a bunch of Mind Game with the opponent, let's see it closely:
T.G. Engine, goes into barkion/beast and makes us abuse tiara. Let's say that mew+gelato+warwolf actually turns into used Invoker+unused tiara (overlayed with 2 gelato, so if needed it could even be an excalibur)+mew in the grave+Chateau on the field (if needed this could be ticket, to summon another monster, but it's better to go into chateau that pluses us constantly). Bunch of comboes from nothing with this engine, good one.
2 TK, uh~~ well, how to say this, it stops lots of things in this meta, and is kinda good against things it doesn't stop fully, it's a beatstick for when we don't have chateau out, and since it's ours we have to decide what to do, if summon this or go into magi, based on moments. First psychological card, once an opponent sees 2 of this, he'll think there's a third one. Let's explain psychological first, it actually consists of making the opponent think we have a card we don't have, or we don't have a card we have.
1 Ticket, just 1, it's really good, I can add him when I want, doesn't clog up my hand with two copies of this, and it's kinda recyclable with both marma and tiara.
1 Typhoon, psychological card, the opponent would expect one more, at least, and would be careful while you activate/set something. At 1 it's just perfect, makes good mind games and is drawn mainly when you need it, a.k.a. late game.
1 Shard of Greed, mind crusher, once you activate this with chateau on the field and starlight road setted, your opponent just won't know what to do. Once you crush your opponent's mind with this, you'll make better mind game against him (this is based on some random things I know about psychology from when I helped my cousin for his studies about this. Basically once a person, the opponent, receives a little shock from something bad that happened, and in this case it'll happen, mst on chateau, I draw 2, mst on shard, continue comboeing with chateau, mst on the facedown, regret about not hitting the other 2 cards that'll make me combo and draw, using heavy, hit by starlight, he'll try to focus more on everything, effectively accelerating his mind. Once a persons focuses too much on this deck, he'll think of possible cards I play, falling in all of my traps. This deck does use a lot of mind crushes like that, and you're free to use words, too).
2 BTH and no warn, no paying cost, and some mind game, from a deck that controls this lot, he'll expect warn rather than BTH, and he'll see his monsters banished.
1 Dark Bribe and no Judgment, same as up here, he'd rather expect judgment than dark bribe.
2 Starlight Road, when one isn't enough, here comes the second one. Mind crushes the opponent and makes perfect mind games. If he sees one of your starlight roads, he won't think you even play another one, and here it comes.
Some more explanation about what exactly is Mind Crushing the opponent and how to:
Mind Crush works whenever you can make your opponent fail his expectations or make him regret something. Given this, other than plays that can mind crush the opponent, even words would make it, they're your better allies. Once game one is finished, you can spoil something about your decklist and what you're about to side, like "I play just 1 typhoon, I'd add some more and dust tornadoes against your deck", that'd do perfectly the trick. In order, Mind Crush, adding some expectations for the next game, and siding pretty hard, 1 mst and 2/3 dust tornadoes. When the opponent is focusing on you after you mind crushed him, he'd forget to think about what HE is going to do, probably expecting all of this side, he wouldn't side continous card, but more likely some effect/summon negation, that we can easily avoid with our 2 msts and 2/3 dust tornadoes, other than baiting our monsters. Mind Crush works good when baiting, too. Let's say I summon magileine and try to search, just say, "hope you don't negate, since I'm going to search butler". What would he do? I believe you all got the same impression, he'd obviously try to negate it someway, while keeping our tiaramisu far away from some damages.
Ending this post, this deck is a good deck for good and experienced madolche players. If you want one more tip, just remember "Madolches are all about +1s, controlling and risking, 'nuff said".
See Ya.
After-Birthday Post///Some Random Thoughts
Yesterday was my birthday, 15th one, to be precise. I had an Ikea chair named Fingal (for those who don't know, the Ikea is a big store for furniture, but it sells them to-be-assembled, DIY FTW!) as a present, I really like it, even after losing an entire morning assembling it, had few problems.
Going on today's topic, some random thoughts:
-Why, just why Konami does have to make OCG and TCG more and more different? I already don't like that we have 2 big game zones, and some other, in terms of cards, but they even change the text of some cards to change the rulings, I just can't get it. Madolches lost their ability to avoid warning and be bounced back to hand/deck (and even DDV), now they'll get hit heavily by both. Sad thing is sad.
If I were in charge of Konami, I'd try to unificate totally the game in all the world, I'd create an expansion for TCG and one for OCG that contains the OCG-only or TCG-only cards to unificate them, and then I'd wait for the OCG release of a pack till the TCG one is ready too, so, Vote Leodip, LOL.
-Next Meta? Good one. I know I already said that, but I'll like the next meta. As you all should know, I like doing crappy deck, I'm actually working on a toon one, just guess my limits. A control meta is what persons like me should like a lot, with a slower pace, even crappy decks, if fully charged on backrows can play really good. This'll take me to the next thought.
-Low Monster Count, for the next meta, I'd like to go into this style. I'm already trying it, the Toon thing plays 9 monsters. I'd really like it.
-Random Control Thingies, actually I'm trying everything with a random control style, even OTKs and likes. This is the future. Have an idea and don't know how to develop it? Before everything, try it controllish, then try everything else. The Toon thing actually won me quite a few games.
-Next posts, I'd like to talk about a new madolche build, Psychological, with a full guide to it, and this toon thing. but I'm actually running out of ideas, if you want to read about something in particular, even a little guide to some archetype or deck, I'm open to everything.
Stay Tuned.
Going on today's topic, some random thoughts:
-Why, just why Konami does have to make OCG and TCG more and more different? I already don't like that we have 2 big game zones, and some other, in terms of cards, but they even change the text of some cards to change the rulings, I just can't get it. Madolches lost their ability to avoid warning and be bounced back to hand/deck (and even DDV), now they'll get hit heavily by both. Sad thing is sad.
If I were in charge of Konami, I'd try to unificate totally the game in all the world, I'd create an expansion for TCG and one for OCG that contains the OCG-only or TCG-only cards to unificate them, and then I'd wait for the OCG release of a pack till the TCG one is ready too, so, Vote Leodip, LOL.
-Next Meta? Good one. I know I already said that, but I'll like the next meta. As you all should know, I like doing crappy deck, I'm actually working on a toon one, just guess my limits. A control meta is what persons like me should like a lot, with a slower pace, even crappy decks, if fully charged on backrows can play really good. This'll take me to the next thought.
-Low Monster Count, for the next meta, I'd like to go into this style. I'm already trying it, the Toon thing plays 9 monsters. I'd really like it.
-Random Control Thingies, actually I'm trying everything with a random control style, even OTKs and likes. This is the future. Have an idea and don't know how to develop it? Before everything, try it controllish, then try everything else. The Toon thing actually won me quite a few games.
-Next posts, I'd like to talk about a new madolche build, Psychological, with a full guide to it, and this toon thing. but I'm actually running out of ideas, if you want to read about something in particular, even a little guide to some archetype or deck, I'm open to everything.
Stay Tuned.
Card of the Week #13: Queen Dragun Djinn
Back with the regular card of the week, well, let's see some rulings and then we'll continue:
1.This card's effect to special summon a monster from the grave targets.
2.Costs and effects that work in the grave will work however even if the monster was summoned via Queen Dragun.
There isn't much to explain, however:
1.It clearly says that in the text of the card, remember you can then use D.D.Crow on the monster that would be special summoned.
2.The costs can be payed since djinn negates the effects of the monsters she summons, but costs are still available. Second one is just like veiler, if you veiler a sangan, that sangan's effect will work.
So, taking a closer look:
"Djinn" monster, works with the other djinn, maestroke mainly since they're both R4 and then have the same materials;
DARK, awesome, really awesome supports, and another thing we'll see later;
Rank 4, easily summonable, and it's generic with only 2 materials;
Dragon, some good supports over here and there;
Effect, reborner that protects other dragon from being destroyed by battle, just think of block golem for some fun, lol;
Stats, nice, not even good, but still not bad, 2200 ATK and 1200 DEF. Being both DARK and 2000+ ATK, we can go into some virus. Yeah, you heard right, this card is basically generic virus fodder.
So, so, what's about this card? This card is awesome, Deck Devastation Virus generic fodder and reborner for dragons. Dunno why, I really like this card. Just consider you can reborn a darkflare dragon with this card's effect, then discard a dragon and send another one from the deck, or summon lightpulsar and SS red-eyes darkness metal dragon when it's destroyed, special summon a tefnuit, tribute it for su, get a normal monster, go into atum, SS redmd, special summon tefnuit from the grave and overlay gaia over atum and so on.
Good card is good.
However, listing various uses this card has will make this a way too big post, so I'll just jump to deck ideas and things like that.
Consider how debris that SS block golem can go into this easily, just for something pure-ish. But I believe I'll like a lot using Monk to go into armageddon that sends something (I'd say Darkflare Dragon), go into Dragun, SS Darkflare, use its effect to send something from the hand and something from the deck (I'd say Lightpulsar, if possible send even REDMD), next turn just SS Lightpulsar too and we're already going good.
Another funny use could be using the old and never-considered hieratic trap cards. I always loved them, tribute a monster, do something. Well, let's say we summon Tefnuit with Queen, attack with queen and opponent tries to activate mirror force, activate Hieratic Seal of Reflection, tribute tefnuit and negate, SS a LV6 (if you want to try a hieratic dragun) or a blue-eyes/Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord (the last one will just be called seal dragon from now on) (if you want to try a control build) and use champion's vigilance when needed. Just funny ones, of course, if you want something serious just play something that can easily do a R4 in hieratics and you're ready.
And what about summoning a Darkflare with this card's effect and then tribute it for deck devastation virus? Wouldn't that kill actually every deck? I really like DDV, it's the stronger one, I believe that CCV isn't anymore any good if compared to DDV, except for the tribute that's actually easier to get, but, hell yeah, we've got a generic tribute fodder, I'm ok with this.
I think I'll try a control build, I don't like the hieratic dragun since it's really similar to regular hieratics, and I don't like them.
Sorry for the fast post, it actually was just a bunch of ideas put together, since I'm doing some works, and tomorrow's my birthday, I actually had only a bit of time, just enough to write this.
Don't forget to vote in the poll (right side of the layout, know, the text is grey and it hides itself, but I wrote the code wrong, lol). See Ya.
Spellbook Engine
Here we are again, another splashable engine. Well, more than splashable, since it's kinda big, is a support engine for spellcaster deck.
Let's start saying I hate most of the prophecy monsters, except some, around those I built a deck (I'll post it sometime), so what I'm gonna write is mainly a spell support.
Actually, what are the spellbook? They're a group of spells that support indirectly another archetype, prophecy.
Those have a really stable engine, since they play lots and lots of searchers, let's see some.
Activate this, search any spell card. Good, it's your sixth copy of every card. It's even going to strangely search the next card.
Even if secret is meant to search mainly the spell card, reading it better it says "card" and not "spell", meaning you can search even this. Basically, secret can become an easy +1 that can search itself, too. Just secret into this (called batel because of the original name, I'll call it like this for the rest of the post) (-1+1=0), summon this and search secret/another card (0+1=+1).
These two are the cards that make the engine work, since they can search everything without minusing you. And remember you can summon this card face-down, if needed, and then when attacked can search you a card. Works wonderfully even with the other cards, and usually can do even gachi gachi, if you play something with lots of ATK modifiers, and can be a target for power that he himself can search. Along with secret, this can be you ninth copy of each card.
Even more specific, how good. This is a themed lance-like card. Since it hasn't any other connection to the archetype except the name and the art, you can play this in how many copies you like as generci protection. It's kinda funny how you can use this card against spellbook deck to avoid the 1000 ATK boost from power. As always, it's better in the full engine since it's searchable.
So, actually, what's the full engine?
3 Batel
3 Secrets
2-3 Power
1-3 Wisdom
1-3 Life (probably 2-3, but depends from the build)
0-2 Maison (I'd say 0-1, but still, depends from the deck, could even be 3)
0-3 Apprentice (not really needed, but speeds-up even more)
0-2 Monk (well, more than a card of the engine, is a card that already should be there if we're playing this engine, I'll explain exactly why later)
0-2 Magical Exemplar (SS, gets counter really easily and can be summoned easily via monk, other than being spellcaster and work good with apprentice)
The last three are the less-needed ones, but really good.
Basically, the main purpose of this engine is just 2 things: Speed-up the deck with generic supports that increase ATK, reborn monsters, protects and let you draw AND adding spells for cards that require spell counters or discard fodder for Monk.
Yeah, really, discard fodder isn't a bad idea, it's actually the one I'd use more if I was to build something, I would build it mainly to abuse of monk. Remember the deck I named before? The next week I'll post it, you'll see what I meant.
Spell Counters, actually, not a bad idea, abuse of exemplar and magical citadel of endymion and we can have fun. Monk into pathfinder into citadel, then just do the usual secret, batel, add power, ATK, rinse and repeat.
Since you can protect your monsters keeping field presence with both life and wisdom, a village build isn't bad, and don't forget that monk is a spellcaster, meaning that if we do as up here to search village in place of citadel, we'd have a setted-up village, with just one card and a random spell. Good enough, uh?
I'm talking mainly of for fun, but some can reach higher levels.
As always, if you have some other ideas, post them down here in the comments.
See ya tomorrow, with the card of the week.
Let's start saying I hate most of the prophecy monsters, except some, around those I built a deck (I'll post it sometime), so what I'm gonna write is mainly a spell support.
Actually, what are the spellbook? They're a group of spells that support indirectly another archetype, prophecy.
Those have a really stable engine, since they play lots and lots of searchers, let's see some.
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Add 1 "Spellbook" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Spellbook of Secrets". You can only activate 1 "Spellbook of Secrets" per turn. |
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When this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up: Add 1 "Spellbook" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. |
These two are the cards that make the engine work, since they can search everything without minusing you. And remember you can summon this card face-down, if needed, and then when attacked can search you a card. Works wonderfully even with the other cards, and usually can do even gachi gachi, if you play something with lots of ATK modifiers, and can be a target for power that he himself can search. Along with secret, this can be you ninth copy of each card.
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Target 1 face-up Spellcaster-Type monster on the field and activate 1 of these effects; ● It is unaffected by other Spell effects this turn. ● It is unaffected by Trap effects this turn. |
So, actually, what's the full engine?
3 Batel
3 Secrets
2-3 Power
1-3 Wisdom
1-3 Life (probably 2-3, but depends from the build)
0-2 Maison (I'd say 0-1, but still, depends from the deck, could even be 3)
0-3 Apprentice (not really needed, but speeds-up even more)
0-2 Monk (well, more than a card of the engine, is a card that already should be there if we're playing this engine, I'll explain exactly why later)
0-2 Magical Exemplar (SS, gets counter really easily and can be summoned easily via monk, other than being spellcaster and work good with apprentice)
The last three are the less-needed ones, but really good.
Basically, the main purpose of this engine is just 2 things: Speed-up the deck with generic supports that increase ATK, reborn monsters, protects and let you draw AND adding spells for cards that require spell counters or discard fodder for Monk.
Yeah, really, discard fodder isn't a bad idea, it's actually the one I'd use more if I was to build something, I would build it mainly to abuse of monk. Remember the deck I named before? The next week I'll post it, you'll see what I meant.
Spell Counters, actually, not a bad idea, abuse of exemplar and magical citadel of endymion and we can have fun. Monk into pathfinder into citadel, then just do the usual secret, batel, add power, ATK, rinse and repeat.
Since you can protect your monsters keeping field presence with both life and wisdom, a village build isn't bad, and don't forget that monk is a spellcaster, meaning that if we do as up here to search village in place of citadel, we'd have a setted-up village, with just one card and a random spell. Good enough, uh?
I'm talking mainly of for fun, but some can reach higher levels.
As always, if you have some other ideas, post them down here in the comments.
See ya tomorrow, with the card of the week.
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