
New Banlist means a New Meta

If I did my banlist wrong (I did right only Emergency Teleport and Ultimate offering, but the latter is in the Semilimited when I said it would be in the Limited list) then I must think of the deck in teh new meta with this banned list.
Before we start, I must say that I'm talkin' about the TCG meta. Now, let's go.

Analyzing this banned list I can say that T.G. Agent is totally dead, no Trish, just a single Earth, and just a single Striker. That's all I can say about Agents.

Spore, Glow-Up, Trishula and Tengu can definitely say that Plants are dead. I expected something like this, however. They were trying to slow down plants from a lot of time, and this time they totally killed them because they want to sell more XYZ cards, and less Synchro cards.

Shien's Smoke Signal is saying "Six Samurais, they are calling you out, will you go out and kill someone?". However they won't be monometa-like just as when they were at the top of power, with even 3 gateway.

No touches at Inzektors and Wind-ups, this mean they want to sell a lot in XYZ and new card. Other this they powered-up those deck with Emergency Teleport at 2. I see them "Tele-Inzektors, you can either XYZ into some good monsters or synchro into other as good as the xyz" or "Wind-ups, faster than light, with Emergency Teleport you can start the loop easier, or remove some threats synchroing in brionac instead then xyzzing a R3 monster and bounce away everything". However, I hope this Emergency Teleport brings back something like Tele-DAD to face this meta's decks.

Lumina will add some power to Lightsworn. With the recent JD at 3 and this Lumina at 2, it looks like at Konami they want to bring them back, maybe because they don't use Synchros, expecially without the plant engine or simply that Bulb. BLS and Sorcerer from the last list are saying to play them in a twilight/chaos deck, and I like this.

I hate this banned list, just take an overview:


Debris Dragon
Monster Reborn

Reborn Tengu
Torrential Tribute

Call of the Haunted

Why the hell are they doing this. Plant players would thank god for that free call of the haunted, and even that torrential tribute at 2 is good (wont affect them a lot). This 2 cards won't power-up pretty anything, except those inzektors (continue the loop with call is pretty good) or Wind-ups (Call helps on getting materials for starting the loop on the field, but that's not THAT good).

Another overview:

Giant Trunade

Heavy Storm
Black Luster Soldier

Torrential Tribute

Call of the Haunted
Mystical Space Typhoon

Why this too, why are they going to let us using all of this changing-game cards?

Overview again:

Dark Strike Fighter
Goyo Guardian

T.G. Hyper Librarian

Reborn Tengu
Emergency Teleport

A lot of Synchros are in the banned list, and a lot of support for synchros too.

Overview, this time for Inzektors and Wind-ups and random XYZ

Trap Dustshoot


Emergency Teleport

Mystical Space Typhoon

Dustshoot was useful against WU and Inzektors because you can send back their key card for the combo/loop. Trishula was useful against that zenmaines at end loop/combo, but if you could stop the loop (for wind-ups), you could synchro into this and remove hunter, or you could synchro and remove the nasty xyz they xyzzed, a random card from the hand and, expecially, that hornet from the grave.
Brionac bounce back zenmaines or gachi, but I'm not going to talk about this because it was on the list from a lot of time, this card was really broken.
Emergency Teleport is one of the most useful card that they could bring back at 2 to support XYZs, WU and Inzektors. Respectively it helps into xyzzing, into starting the loop or synchro Brionac to bounce something nasty and to synchro or xyz into something useful, other than adding dark for DAD.
Typhoon does nothing against WU and Inzektors, because if used against an hornet you don't get to destroy, but you get to summon/search via your damsel/centipede, and because WU play with no backrows.

Whis was pretty all, if I came up with something else, I'll post it too.

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