
Banlist Wonders. "How should Banlist look like, and how konami will do this"

If you are a reader of blogs, you know that there are two moments at year where they can write at least an easy post about banlist. It's even one of the most awaited post for the blog's followers, they enjoy reading some strange banlist, even if whitin few days they will know the real banlist. I'll try writing a banlist, too.

You all know how a banlist should look like, but you even know how konami will do this. They won't hit money card if possible, and they won't do really strange but possible moves. To me a banned list is purely a list of card that need to be limited or banned to simplify the game and stops tier 0 decks, but if you look at the actual banlist, you'll notice (or you won't if you ask someone why a card is banned) that some cards can be revived back. To name some cards, BLS, DH and even reborn where the ones that konami noticed too, and took them back to the meta. Other cards are:

Cyberstein, there are a lot of reason of why he should (or he can) be back, even on the limited list if needed. Comparing him to Venus (the agent, I mean, but I think that everyone got that) you notice that he need a lot of lp to have his effect works, and this mean even that you can't use his effect ever again in the same game. If you get veiler'd, you can just admit defeat, because you have a little thing with 700 ATK in ATK position, -5000 lp and no other advantages. Another bad side of cyberstein is how simply can he and his fusion be killed, a simple mirror force, dimensional prison or similars will kill you.
Venus, on the other side, needs only 500 lp for each ball, and you can go into a Defense position gachi and have your venus boosted. Even if they mirror or D-Prison you, they will only kill your venus. If venus get hit by Veiler, you will lose 1000 lp and have a dead defense ball, but a 1600 ATK venus with no effect, surely better than Cyberstein on this side.

Tsukuyomi has no more potential in this meta, she was good on the slow Goat-Abuse and Thousand-Eyes Restrict meta, no more good in this fast meta. Gale is way better. Now no more cards that loops with her are legal, so she can easily get unbanned (and I mean at 3)

Magician of Faith, a good card, retrieving is good, but she can get killed easily via random attacks or via nobleman. This card can come back at 1, but not if Tsukuyomi come back too.

Thousand-Eyes Restrict, is good, but not THAT good. You must fusion summon him, no more Metamorphosis abuse. I admit that I won't be happy if they free him, because it locks the field and slows the game, meaning the game will be annoying.

Goyo Guardian. He's good, but it's no more Synchro Meta, and we need a good lv6 synchro monster other than Brionac. Being this the XYZ meta, you must think at this too: if you kill an XYZ, his material won't be with him when you SS the XYZ back.

Giant Trunade. Can come back, nothing more to say. Of course it will need to ban again storm, and this will improve the White Dragon Lock, not that good in this meta, but if you have trunade back, it will definitely kill the deck.

Royal Oppression. I loved this card when it was limited. This will stop some nasty cards or decks, and help random meta deck, even the ones that this card can stop.

Said this, I think that Konami's Banlist will be something like this:


Monster Reborn (just a feeling, nothing more)

Limited to 1

Rekindling (I love lavals, in TCG they're not doing nothing of course, but in OCG they are good, a lot. Undecided if put this in limited or semilimited, I choose limited)

Rescue Rabbit (it's doing something in OCG, and a lot more in TCG)

Ultimate Offering (Gadget Hate)


Emergency Teleport (no more Tele-DAD meta)

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (boost BWs without help their antimeta side)


Nothing (don't know, lol)

How it should look like (but for sure won't be)





Tsukuyomi (at 1, after a meta test, maybe it may go at 3, but it won't for sure)


Royal Oppression

Thousand-Eyes Restrict

Goyo Guardian




Emergency Teleport

However, the real banlist will be out tomorrow I think, or at least in a couple of days.

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