
Back In Action///YGOPro

Let's say something about my absence in these days. If you were thinking it was because I was preparing for Maya's prediction, well, you were wrong.
My PC crashed for the last time, my internet connection disappeared for two weeks or so.
I had to change my pc (Christmas present, thank you guys!) and I've now got a notebook with Win7, and then I waited for the connection to be back.
Since I've got this new computer with Win7 (to those who don't know, I used Ubuntu, a Linux distro, on my late PC, because it was kinda old and slow), I figured I could install, along with the standard applications, even YGOPro. This post is basically a review for YGOPro, and a message to you all saying that I'm still alive.

Since this is the main thing that didn't let me install it on my previous pc, I figured I could have started the review with this. It is Mac and Windows compatible, with Wine a decent PC could use it even on Linux. DN is better on this front, though.

Deck Building and Cards Updates
The deck building has pretty much the needed options, but it lacks some. I still prefer DN to search cards that serves me some particular purposes. The Deck Edit option has one little more issue that could annoy anyone, even though it is really little: you can't search a card immediately after having put one in your deck or having touched anywhere else. On DN you could search, let's say, Thunder King, add him, then type Doomcaliber and add him. On YGOPro you have to type Thunder King, add him, then go with the cursor on there and erase "Thunder King", then write Doomcaliber and add him. That can be pretty annoying when trying to build the fastest possible.
About cards updates, DN does it faster and updates everything as soon as someone who has to power to edit has the time to do it, while on YGOPro (dunno if it is because of the translator, Percival, but he's doing a great work himself, so it's ok) right now the cards from ABYR are still considered OCG. There are lots of Anime cards, though, for those who don't mind playing cards that won't ever exist.

I'm still learning to use it, but I still can't activate Threatening roar the moment we enter the BP, I have to activate it when leaving the MP1 (not knowing if we're going into BP or EP). After some problems like those, the gameplay is awesome. It is automated, and you won't have n00b issues like on DN for rulings and such. No rate means that less people will shark you or cheat (even because it is automated and thus cheating is far harder and sharking is impossible), and you can enjoy the game more, when trying to relax like I do when playing.
It even has a Tag Duel option, I tried it, it is pretty good, but it doesn't let you private chat with the team mate or see the cards in his hand (if I don't remember wrong it is possible in official 2 on 2 duels).
The possibility to filter the opponent's deck for TCG only, OCG only, Anime and Turbo duels (yup, there are even turbo, I should try them out sometime) is simply great, if it wasn't for some slow updates, but, well, it's ok.

The users aren't bad. There are less n00bs than on DN, or, since it all is automated, it could be that I didn't notice them, even because it is only one day I'm using it.
There's less communication than on DN, because there are no registered nicks and no chats. This could be a good thing when you want to test something without having to be blocked from some friend of yours.
ìì, but generally it isn't that good.

Duel Puzzles
Good, some are harder than others, but not that hard.
The good thing about this is that you can create your owns. Basically you can just set them with avenger, archfiend and necromancer in grave, mirage in hand, some cards in deck, some in your extra and try your comboes. Same with Wind-Ups or any other combo deck.

Like for the duel puzzles, other things in the game are customizable as well, like sleeves and background. That's pretty awesome, I'd say.

If you want to download YGOPro in english go on Percival's blog, it is a great blog, not only for YGOPro, follow him, too.

Should be all for my first-day review.
Stay Tuned, tomorrow (or even today itself) there'll be another post.


  1. been wondering , how do you make your own duel puzzle ?

    1. Still learning (studying, since I found no guides, even if I didn't search enough, probably)them, but essentially you go in the folder "single" where there are all the puzzles in .lua format, (copy to not damage anything) open one of them with wordpad and there are pretty easy strings of text. Using some as examples you can learn how to create your own.
