
Madolche Hootcake and Madolche Nights, Thoughts on them and Madolches

When this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by effect) and sent to your Graveyard: Shuffle this card into the Deck. You can target 1 monster in your Graveyard; banish that target, then Special Summon 1 "Madolche" monster from your Deck, except "Madolche Hootcake". You can only use this effect of "Madolche Hootcake" once per turn.
When a monster effect is activated, if you have no monsters in your Graveyard: Negate the activation, then, if you control a face-up "Madolche Puddingcess", shuffle 1 random card in your opponent's hand into the Deck.

I tried not to make a big fuss for this, however I noticed it wasn't like me not to talk at all about those supports (from LTGY) for madolches, being a madolches-addicted, that made me write this post. Lots of people, too, asked me for advices and opinions on those two cards, so this is a review addressed to all of those who asked me.
Let's start it:
First of all, Madolche Nights, cute card. Adds control factor to our build, being searchable and valid target for Tiaramisu. However, I don't like it. It doesn't destroy the monster, but, mainly, it requires a monsterless grave. For this exact reason, I'd recommend none, Puddingcess Builds aside.
Hootcake, however, is another thing. Leaving the artwork aside, that I as for one don't like, it has got a great effect. Banish a monster (not only madolche, any monster is ok), SS a Madolche from the deck (no matter the level, so, yeah, it's great even for Puddingcess builds, since it empties the grave for both Pudding and Nights). If it is Gelato, congratulations, you just got a search. Searching Chateau like this will mean that you'll have two beatsticks, 2000 and 2100 respectively. However, what's the great fact of this card? It is the first, in the main deck, that can bring a monster on the table directly, so this generates +1s and comboes at the same time. Think of the old Mew+Gelato+Warwolf combo, now switch Gelato with Hoot. Do you see what's happening there?
Mew, SS Hoot, SS Warwolf. Warwolf+Mew=Invoker, eff Invoker, detach Mew, bring one Gelato, get to search Chateau, banish Mew for Hoot's effect and Summon Gelato, getting another search. If you've got a target in the grave for Tiara's effect, search Ticket, if you haven't, search another Chateau and activate it in top of the previous one to gain a target.
This combo is really flexible and has lots of different endings, similarly to Wind-Ups. You can even do something with just mew and hoot or hoot and warwolf if you've got a monster in your grave, and this is what I aim for. Basically, the 3-cards setup we needed before just turned into a 2-cards setup+1 in the grave to work. I think that this one is lot more solid, and gives us the chance to enter the meta. Why's that? Not only it's easier to combo and we have more ways to do that, but mainly because this gives us the ability to play Soul Drain and more Hand Traps in the main deck.
Soul Drain is the first thing I thought while reading Hoot, it stops lots of the cards in the actual meta and lets some of our monsters stay in the grave, so that we can use them for Tiara or Hootcake. Other than that, mained, you can use it to stop searchers or other grave reliant monsters (sangan). In the worst case scenario (you face someone who doesn't matter soul drain being on the field) you can side 'em out.
For the Hand Traps, you could have slots issues and cut them out, but with Hootcake, that's just awesome. Veiler and Maxx are awesome Hootcake's effect fodder, and they can stop what soul drain doesn't. Basically, if you face something that fears Soul Drain, play more of them siding out Veilers and Maxx. If you face something that fears Veilers and Maxx, side more of them and side out Soul Drains. However, the most of the times, no matter what of the two sidings you did, you'll have monsters in the grave, and that's just awesome.
Remember that, even though it probably will be the best action in lots of possibilities, SSing Gelato via Hoot isn't the only thing to do. Bringing another beast could make you able to go into Leviair to SS what you just banished, could it be another Madolche, or whatever really. It gives us our first way to recycle some used non-madolche monsters, so I can finally play the T.G. Engine (even though Soul Drain locks their effects in the grave, but that doesn't matter) and be able to use Striker more than just once.
I won't build anything 'till they'll be out on Dueling Network, but I'll test quite some lots of things with those.
That's All Folks!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Really! I like the idea a lot!! Hope you can post a nice build :D hoot is just awesome :D
