
Dolce Delizia: Actual Build of Madolches #1

Monsters: [15]
2 Effect Veiler
1 Madolche Butlerusk
1 Madolche Cruffsant
3 Madolche Magileine
3 Madolche Messengelato
3 Madolche Mew-feuille
2 Snowman Eater

Spells: [13]
1 Dark Hole
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Heavy Storm
3 Madolche Chateau
1 Madolche Ticket
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Duality

Traps: [12]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Dark Bribe
1 Dimensional Prison
2 Madolchepalooza (Ex-Madolche Festa)
1 Mirror Force
2 Starlight Road
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Ultimate Offering

This should be the first time where my extra deck is kinda reliable...I'm astonished.
Let's talk for a moment about the post itself before going on the deck. You probably noticed the "#1" in the title. That's because I think I'll continue updating my actual list and thoughts on the deck on more posts as my main deck. Hope you like the deck, because you'll read alot about this one. If you don't like it, I'll make you like it with those posts, so there's actually no difference.
About the deck itself, I radically changed my mindset on this one. Before it was "plus off magileine, ticket and eventually butlerusk, and as game-setter (something that basically decides the game, even if it wins you the game in that turn or some turns after) mew-gelato", then it changed to "plus off magileine, ticket, mew-gelato, and eventually butlerusk, then with mew-gelato again as a game-setter". This justified the presence of double tragoedia. I, gradually, changed way to think about this deck, thus I dropped one copy of tragoedia because I put on the field the most of the things I had in hand. I found myself not drawing often into trago, winning the game before drawing into it, and when I, rarely, summoned it, I found it being just a random wall from an attack. I decided to drop it completely and added a veiler. Just for not having that random veiler at 1 copy, I dropped one fiendish for another veiler, and, being satisfied with this I continued playing. Without having tragoedia in my deck I never cared about my hand size, so I didn't notice what I did notice later. However, playing and playing, I met a deck that randomly dropped one trago and had quite a good hand size, 4 cards+1 from the draw of the next turn. Seeing that, I randomly wondered how my hand size was if I dropped tragoedia, and noticed I had just one card in hand. I thought "that's just a coincidence". I won that game and played with another opponent. In this game I noticed that, except for the first turns, I never had a good hand size, even though I did play 2 hand traps. This went on and on and I noticed that I radically changed my mindset on the deck. It had now become "Search those Mew-Gelato combo pieces using magi and ticket, all the rest is for filling slots and controlling the opponent". Basically I did play for Mew-Gelato into Invoker-Tiara.
It's not like I don't like the deck anymore as it plays, it is just that I feel bad for the other cards not being used, LOL. Just think that I was actually thinking of building a random one with just 3 mew, 3 gelato, 3 magi, 2 ticket and 3 chateau along with some lots of good LV3s.
Let's explain some choices in this build:
2 Veilers, even though I don't like 'em, I decided to fit them in. Why's that? Because I'm trying to make this the most competitive possible.
1 Cruffsant, good card, but as said, I'm aiming to Mew-Gelato, and Cruff isn't a piece of those comboes. However, if I happen to combo having this one, he's quite generic, so it's good.
2 Snowman Eater, die TK, die. Improving Rabbit Match-up, killing nasty TKs and hitting random cards to -1 your opponent. Of course the main reason is being the LV3 piece of the Mew-Gelato combo.
2 Lance, saving everything, killing opponent's monsters, and Tiara's best friend. 'Nuff Said.
1 Ticket, I already explained in another post about madolches why just one. More than 1 aren't needed, even though it wouldn't be a totally bad thing, maybe in place of an Ultimate Offering (I'll explain this later).
1 Bribe, judgment substitute, great card for your comboes.
2 Festa, oh, well, not sure about this one, I'd drop one of these for the next thing I want to play. Basically, even though it is a great card and target for tiara, in this build that aims to Mew-Gelato with just 1 madolche beast that's not mew.
1 Offering, not sure anymore about this card. Going for the Mew-Gelato thing, this card is occasional, since you'll need this, setted, tons of lps, magi just to loop a little bit, risking that a simple mst kills your combo leaving you with nothing. I'd rather keep it, but for slots I'd take this out before anything else.

Yeah, ya know? The deck's great. I'm actually aiming to make it become a meta deck, I think I'm not that far away from it. Next time that I'm talking about madolches I'll talk about side, counter-siding, countering your opponent side without heavy counter-siding.

Usual trivia about the name: "Dolce Delizia" means "Sweet Delight". Why's that? For the obvious reason "Madolches are made off sweets".

Stay Tuned, I'll post something in these days, I should have some spare time.


  1. Little Update, I'm actually playing this with 1 less Festa/Palooza, and one more Snowman, it works wonders because of the new mindset.
