Monsters: [20]
1 Alector, Sovereign of Birds
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1 Dark Simorgh
1 Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
3 Jurrac Guaiba
2 Karakuri NINJA mdl 339 "Sazank"
1 Mist Valley Falcon
3 Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo
3 Red Dragon Ninja
1 Silver Senior Ninja
2 Upstart Golden Ninja
1 White Dragon Ninja
Spells: [7]
1 Dark Hole
1 Magic Planter
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Swallow's Nest
Traps: [13]
1 Dark Bribe
1 Fake Trap
2 Ninjitsu Art of Duplication
1 Ninjitsu Art of Shadow Sealing
1 Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation
2 Ninjitsu Art of Transformation
1 Return from the Different Dimension
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Starlight Road
The extra is the worst I've ever built, just try not to even see it. Still, I don't use it a lot, so it's ok, I should add more xyz options, indeed.
About the main, let's start saying I've got the idea from Beau Butler from the TCGPlayer Blog (
here's the article). To be honest, I didn't read it all, since I usually get tired from reading articles talking about a single cards in a single deck, but all I read (till the end of AssuREDly Good) gave me so many ideas that I shifted that page to DN to build it fastly, so even if I could read it all, I wanted to build it so badly that I couldn't have continued reading it however.
Back to deck itself, this is just a prototype, what I built in about 4 minutes, extra included. I've got so many doubts about this, that it could radically change.
Basically, the deck is based on Red Dragon Ninja and the -1s it can provide to the opponent. Getting that huge thing on the field isn't hard, and it can kill all of the backrows and even the set monsters like ryko, snowman eater, Gravekeeper's Spy, Geargiarmor, and so on. Being able to either put that card to bottom or top can not only do a -1 to your opponent, but even "stopping" his next draw making him draw the same card you spun. The mind set is: if that card can't kill you or your key cards, spin it. If it is a trap card or a flip monster and you can summon Simorgh, spin it. Otherwise, just put it back to the bottom of the deck and -1 the opponent.
That card really lets abuses everywhere, I happened to face an antimeta that set a pachy and 1 forbidden lance, 1 compulsory and 1 starlight road. I've first used mst, hitting compulsory, then I summoned red dragon to put back to the bottom his pachy, then used duplication to bring another red and spun his starlight road, then used swallow's nest and put to the bottom lance, then summoned simorgh banishing a dead hanzo and falcon. No need to say that the opponent just felt the need to ragequit.
Let's talk about the single cards:
Alector, great card, can be easily bringed to the field from the handto use swallow's nest on him to bring Red Dragon Ninja. Mainly Transformation target.
BLS, not sure about this card, however, in the few test I did, I didn't draw into him once, so I can't tell.
Dark Simorgh, great card, if backupped with some traps can be a great starting.
Galaxy, newly added, not sure, just 1 test with this one. If I drew into Hanzo or Super-Transformation, this card would have won the game for me. I won via Red Dragon in the end, though.
Guaiba, why be original? Let's be mainstream. Every deck with Hanzos and Super-Transformation plays those, so why not? Not sure about this one, I don't play lances, but this card rides over common cards, so it's ok. It won me games, but it's one of the prime candidates to be dropped along with BLS and another one.
Sazank, one of the main reason I built this deck. I thought "it should be trolling enough to exchange a red dragon in the opponent's end phase with two of these with Duplication and minusing the opponent by two, other than having 2 monsters that can attack directly and valid Ninjitsu's tribute fodder.
Falcon, great card, recycles dead ninjitsu's in an awesome way. Good card, I found myself in a situation like red dragon, falcon, double transformation already activated. I think it is needed in more than 1 copy, though, even if you can bring it with transformation.
Hanzo, awesome.
Red Dragon, centerpiece.
Silver, well, trollish card. In the few games I played (about 10), I could pull off his effect only once, and that felt great. Double Sazank and double Red Dragon, u mad? I think that 1 copy is enough.
Upstart, not sure about this card, but it is one of the best ninjas out there to be played here, I would run out of Ninjitsu's tribute fodders, but I'd like to drop this.
White, good card, but I'm thinking of dropping this one, too. Galaxy-Eyes has basically the same use (beater that doesn't fear its ninjitsu being destroyed), while being able to kill nasty XYZs easily.
No Heavy Storm, I've got lots of S/T hate, and this would have backfired on me, probably.
Planter, draw card.
Swallow's nest, comboes with Red Dragon. I did OTK with this and a couple of set cards with hanzo (opponent's field was clear). Attack with Hanzo, then Transformation, bring Red Dragon, attack with him, then transformation, bring another Red Dragon, attack, then Swallow's nest.
Bribe, good negation card.
Fake Trap, here, I like it more than Starlight, and that's a rare thing. Seeing your opponent being killed by his own heavy while we don't take any damages to our S/Ts is just awesome. What's more, can't be negated via Warning.
Duplication, great card, can both do some swarms with Sazanks, and do Red Dragon again, or Senior Silver Ninja.
Sealing, testing this one. Actually, I don't like how it minuses you without any direct pluses, but this card is perfect against nasty combo decks and zenmaines/chronoaut.
Super-transformation. Why one? Because I don't really need this one, but it's awesome to break apart your opponent's comboes and bringing a big beater to the field, or guaiba.
Transformation, great card. I was thinking of playing 3 of those.
Return from the Different Dimension, didn't draw this card, not even once. Still it is theorically awesome, I've seen with my own eyes how much I can banish with red dragon.
Starlight, backrow protection.
So, the cards I think I'll drop are:
Upstart Golden Ninja
White Dragon Ninja
Guaiba (not sure about this one, I think that in the end I'll keep it because laggia and dolkka are amazing)
The cards I'd like to fit in are:
one more sazank (upstart substitute, since I'd run low on the number of ninjas)
one more Transformation
I'll try to fix this one, if you've got some ideas, just write them under here in the comments. I think that by next Saturday at least you'll be able to see the new decklist.
Usual Trivia: "Rosso Sangue" means "Crimson". That's referring to the card that Red Dragon Ninja is based off, Crimson Ninja.
That's All Folks!