

I believe that, if not all, most of you have heard of Sixth Sense being printed in TCG in Joey's World and being emergency limited, right?
I don't have anything against the emergency banlist for it, aside from it being at 1 instead of being banned. Ya know, a totally lucksack card that could be a +4 or +5, or that at the cost of a -1 mills from 1 to 4 cards.
Decks that can use this: ALL
Decks that can abuse this: everything that likes to mill, ED, LS, Zombie, DAD decks, Roids, Meda-Bat...
Basically, everything.

Yeah, I know, maybe this is too much hate for a card that will be gone on december, but still...
Oh well, good side is that, unless your opponent plays cards to retrieve exodia pieces from grave, this card isn't THAT good in Exodia (it needs you to take a not so indifferent risk). However, a variant that uses Swift Scarecrows and a Piper engine may easily use some cards to recycle monsters, too. Alongside Where arf thou? and stuff, this may be the strongest non-FTK Exodia deck available.

Oh, well, I'll be playing this card somewhere, somehow, just to be able to finally use it after 10 years of wait, and then will be more than happy to ditch it for the banlist.


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