
Koa'ki Meirus

Who are koa'ki meirus? Koa'ki meirus are an archetype i always loved, even if i can never get it work, but i was young and newbie, if not noob. They have powerful effects (looks like an advertise from konami) but difficult to mantain, because they need either to show a monster with the same type (usually, but sometime even a trap or spell card) or discard an Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru in the end phase to stay on the field, which makes them weak because that'll slow your deck (because re-add iron core from grave will cost you your draw phase) and instable. A lot instable. We saw them played only in Rock Antimeta (only few of them), Hopeless (only Drago) and in Gallis FTK (even if only doom gets played in there)
If they suck, why am I writing about them, then? Because XYZs power-up everything.
An XYZ summon will take the koa'ki meirus off the field before they must pay their maintenation cost in the end phase.
Let's see them and focus on the needed cards.

Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru. I hate this card, but it's needed in 3x in every koa'ki build. The effect it's simple, you can add back this card from the grave by simply skipping your draw in the draw phase. This is pretty good, because maintenaince cost of koa'ki meirus discard this card from your hand and then you can add back in draw phase this card. The best way to have this card in your hand is sending it to the grave and then re-add with it's own effect, but if you're lucky this is not needed, lol. This card is needed to let work alot of koa'ki meirus effect, like urnight's.

Koa'ki Meiru Urnight. Love this card, said all. This swarms the field pretty easily and permits easy XYZ summons or just simple card advantage. It is Beast-warrior, so it works with Horn of the Phantom Beast nad make him a 2800 ATK beater which let you draw a card when you destroy an opponent monster and which summons a free monster every turn. Just too god (notice how it is god instead of good) to be not played. He needs a Beast-warrior monster to rest on the field, and crusaider is a Beast-warrior, he's the next to be reviewed.

Koa'ki Meiru Crusader. Another too-good-to-be-not-played card. It works with Horn of the Phantom Beast (and became a 2700 atk beater) like Urnight, he's LV4 like Urnight, he can be summoned via Urnight, he can reveal urnight from your hand to pay the maintenance cost and can be revealed for urnight to let him survive. If this is not good enough, he recycle from the grave and gets his effect working when destroy a monster. Does this remember something to you? Horn, it's simple. It adds Koa'ki Meiru CARD from the grave, so you can retrieve even Iron Core and reveal him to use urnight's effect.

Koa'ki Meiru Doom. Anti-light/dark here we go. It negates light and dark monster, so a lot of decks, if not them all, of the actual metagame. You can summon this via Urnight if you have monster to reaveal for him and then you have no need to speed up things xyz summoning urnight and the summoned monster. This is a good card, but not alot of koa'ki meiru beatdown can use it because you usually have no fiend monster in your koa'ki meiru deck, except this, this makes this card a bit useless but it has a lot of power still. You can summon this when you have your field set-upped (urnight with horn or a beater, some backrow or other monsters) and you don't want your opponent to swarm and kill you. This card stops a lot of cards in today's meta like all dark worlds monster, BLS (yeah, this, if you have utopia and doom on the field, your opponent will not be able to save himself by summoning a Black Luster Soldier because his banishing effect won't work and double-attack will be useless with utopia), agents, even inzectors and wind-up (hunter won't work).

Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak. Probably you won't have nothing to pay his cost, and this makes him a meh card, but you can summon him via urnight, attack you opponent's monster 'til death, and then xyz to prevent their distruction, or you can discard the iron core you revealed. Bad side is that if you draw this card, it'll be a dead draw for sure.

Koa'ki Meiru Boulder. A good searcher, probably the only one you can play in here, but it is still good. You can add either an iron core for your urnight or simple random manteinance cost, or add a koa'ki monster, probably an urnight. He has good stats, but for a searcher they aren't that good. In this deck,if you have no card for manteinance cost, you'll probably going to set monster as wall if you're going to lose. Koa'ki meirus have low DEF stats, so your opponent will not hesitate to attack with a sangan if needed, and that won't get your monster's effect work, and that's no good.

Those were good cards and the engine of the deck, now koa'ki meiru support cards, i won't write alot for sure.

Core Transport Unit. One of the best searcher for the iron core, as it thins your deck easily. Sometime if you want only random thin, you can even discard your iron core to add another one from teh deck and then retrieve the one you discarded via crusaider or even it's own effect.

Koa'ki Meiru Initialize!. I don't know how to describe this card. Dunno if good or meh. You can sacrifice your koa'ki meirus which you don't have a card for their maintenance cost and add an iron core. Being rapid is a good thing, you can chain to your opponent's gemini spark, grapha et similia to add an always needed Iron Core.

And another little space for random supports

Beast King Barbaros, 1900 if normal summoned, fodder for urnight and crusader, works with horn and if you want to try a skill version, or if your opponent is playing a deck with skill, it is a free 3000 atk beater.

Reborn Tengu, being played in everywhere, why not in there? same for barbaros, and it works under skill, just like him.

Neo-spacian Grand Mole. Yeah, i know, i talked about big beaters all the time, so why am i saying "play this"? because there are some monster you can't take care about if you don't play forbidden lance or forbidden chalice (i'll explain these two later) AND you draw a monster which works with horn other then drawing horn. Those monsters are 2850+ atk (because you can suicide into 2800 if you want) like power-upped grapha, power-upped hyperion, BLS, some synchros, acid golem and so on.

Forbidden Lance. Another rapid spell you can use to save your monster from spell and traps, or even help them lowing the monster they are battling.

Forbidden Chalice. Works good (really good) with barbaros (raising him to 3400 atk for the turn and 3000 for the rest of the duel is not bad) and with urnight (we suppose that in battle phase you have used yet his effect, so you don't have any problem in negating it and have a 2400 atk to get over cydras and similar (with horn he became a 3200 atk monster, so you can beat even yet mentioned grapha, BLS and hyperion)

That's all, folks (I love Looney Tunes, lol). I'm going to build a Koa'ki Meiru deck one of those days, i'll post it for sure when i had build it and have a review (maybe).

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