Sorry for that, but I'm having quite some problem logging in recently. I wouldn't say I'm losing interest in the game, I still do some games on YGOPro from time to time and follow new packs and cards as I always did, but still, I'm not into the game that much. First of all comes the usual problems with my internet connection, it has worsened recently. Second, I've got lots of things to do for school and eventual works, other than other hobbies like animes and reading. Last but not least, those few times I play on DN or YGOPro, I realize that the meta is more and more monotonous I believe that in 10 games I did in the last week I met something like 6 Elemental Dragons and 2 Spellbooks with 2 other random/fun/noob decks (random means another meta deck, then 4funs and then random 54-cards decks with random stuff in it).
I'll Be Back